Community > Posts By > northrn_yanke
The Democratic Party Club!
how to avoid sexual manipulation charges
especially those who charge $4,000 a session to be sexually manipulated... ![]() |
So Much for the Surge
Pulling out means zero casualties. Also means they would have to solve their own countries problems as should have been from get. The problem is pulling out does not mean zero casualties it means thousands if not tens of thousands of casualties. These casualties on the other hand will be civilan, not military. If we pull out now then one terrorist leader or another will hit not only targets in iraq but america as well and as said before we will be right back over there. there may be no need to go back over there to find them....they may be over here looking for us... |
No Smoking Gun
yeah this report came out a couple years ago now... No, it just came out yesterday. it doesn't disclose the date of the report but only that would not be posted yesterday...there is nothing new in the report that Bush has not admitted to so the only motive to bring it up now is to slight the Republican party..... ![]() |
Us Vs. Them
I've seen a lot of political discussion in these threads and I think the best discussions is when there aren't any accusations or name-calling, just intelligent discourse, pro and con. The next President will have to work with both parties, not just his/her own. Who do you think will be the best person to get things done in a bipartisan manner for the good of America? ![]() it would have to be McCain and he'll only have some of the Democrats to work with...the Democrats are divided between Obama and Clinton and the war that is going on between the two the party will take years to mend the rift...if a Democrat was elected then they would be consumed with mending their party leaving the business of the country to suffer neglect.. |
So Much for the Surge
Why do people here feel justified in an illegally obtained war and mass murder of us and them?
going off on the deep end again huh... ![]() |
So Much for the Surge
I don't think an immediate pullout is a good idea. But there should be some kind of a plan for eventually pulling out some troops and I just don't see any good ideas being proposed by our politicians.
an immediate pullout would never work. There are always contingency plans but to expose them gives the enemy a heads up and as far as plans the only one that has any kind of plan is McCain. The other two have no discernible plan for Iraq... |
So Much for the Surge
Ok, let's say the surge is working, at least in some areas. In that case, why don't we bring the troops home? Because, it might be reasoned, if we do the insurgents will start killing more people again. So, therefore, that means we have to stay in Iraq forever since this will always be a possibility. Do you want the U.S. to stay in Iraq forever? you don't stop once you have them on the don't give them any time to breath don't stop till it's over and only when we say it's over |
I have yet to see one intelligent defense of Bush and his destruction of this country. So bash me if it makes you feel better, bash liberals if it brings you joy, whatever makes your day brighter. Cause with Bush running this country everyone needs whatever bits of joy they can find. ![]() I said you and Hillary have a lot in is that bashing?..oh maybe you think I was bashing you cause your one of them victims... ![]() |
So Much for the Surge
It could be that the insurgents are laying low, waiting for instructions or another chance to resume their attacks
they could be waiting and hoping Obama or Clinton wins the election and then resume after Obama or Clinton cuts and runs.. |
So Much for the Surge
Violence in Iraq drops sharply Iran Cited In Iraq's Decline in Violence Petraeus Cites Violence Decline in Iraq Why the violence has declined in Iraq |
So Much for the Surge
actually that doesn't show the declines in violence that have taken place and the areas of those declines...
knew you were telling tall tales .... or should I say dog tales .... ![]() no it's dog tails... ![]() |
So Much for the Surge
hey madamn.....hillary thinks the surge is working IRAQ SURGE WORKING, BUT TOO LATE: HILLARY CLINTON By GEOFF EARLE August 21, 2007 -- WASHINGTON - Hillary Rodham Clinton told a veterans group yesterday that President Bush's troop surge is working -- but that it is still time to bring U.S. troops home from Iraq. "It's working. We're just years too late in our tactics," she said, referring to the beefed-up U.S. troop presence battling insurgents in Iraq, including war-torn Anbar province. "We can't be fighting the last war. We have to keep preparing to fight the new war. We have to win. "I think the best way of honoring their service is bringing them home," she told the Veterans of Foreign Wars in Kansas City. Clinton's positive assessment of the troop surge puts her in agreement with some high-ranking military officials and scholars, but in direct opposition to many fellow Democrats. Here's the latest news on the surge: Is it working? ![]() that's not the "news"....that's left wing spin ...if it wasn't going well then how come you don't hear anything from Clinton or Obama?... |
^^^...Hillary does the same thing when she is nervous and without an two have a lot in common...
i get 40mpg... i don't want gas to go up too much, but i will be thankful when people stop driving rediculously large vehicles for no reason lol i get 6 mpg in my mustang! and i wonder why im broke? what do you have in your mustang that gives you 6 mph?... ![]() |
So Much for the Surge
hey madamn.....hillary thinks the surge is working
IRAQ SURGE WORKING, BUT TOO LATE: HILLARY CLINTON By GEOFF EARLE August 21, 2007 -- WASHINGTON - Hillary Rodham Clinton told a veterans group yesterday that President Bush's troop surge is working -- but that it is still time to bring U.S. troops home from Iraq. "It's working. We're just years too late in our tactics," she said, referring to the beefed-up U.S. troop presence battling insurgents in Iraq, including war-torn Anbar province. "We can't be fighting the last war. We have to keep preparing to fight the new war. We have to win. "I think the best way of honoring their service is bringing them home," she told the Veterans of Foreign Wars in Kansas City. Clinton's positive assessment of the troop surge puts her in agreement with some high-ranking military officials and scholars, but in direct opposition to many fellow Democrats. |
gee, I wonder who this reminds me of...
"They have no sense of humor ... They manipulate and control ... They do not have a significant number of long-term relationships ... Their eyes have no soul They talk but only to hear themselves; dominate conversations ... They try to give people their opinions ... They love attention ... They are cheap ..." ![]() ![]() |
Underground - Maffia? People running the prostitution rings, all the 'cleaning up' he was supposed to have done? He really is walking on thin ice. Just my observations. Lindyy I'm wondering if he wasn't in bed with just the call girls..was he cleaning up one side of the street so the other side ends up owning both sides?.. ![]() |
when the people do nothing...
....but complain and bash the gov and never acknowledge any accomplishes of the gov they are dismissed as a fanatic who hates their country... Question your government. I don't bash the government, I bash a few select people in that government. Even then I've taken action on the issue. Acknowledge the good? Well I suppose Iraq is somewhat free, right? And... There is always some good that and there is nothing wrong with constructive criticism, it's needed. It is easy to criticize but to do so without offering any suggestions is worthless and constant bashing and posting propaganda to support an agenda is a waste of time and makes them and their opinion worthless... northrn yanke..... I agree with the last paragraph. In fact I have posted responses to that effect to a certain man who constantly copies/pastes/plagarizes. Getting back to what you said, I also feel that the people who constantly bash and post propaganda and never post anything positive or offer any type of constructive criticism are definitely anti-American and most of the time anti-Military. leahmarie...I think a lot has to do with intelligence and the fact that conservatives are self reliant. We don't need to feed off of others to develop our own opinions whereas those who don't have the ability to be self reliant tend to complain when they are not given what they feel they deserve. Those of use who are self reliant don't bother complaining since we have the ability to provide for ourselves what we need regardless on what the gov is or isn't doing. Those who incessantly complain lack the intelligence to rely on themselves and are scared to acknowledge any accomplishments of Bush and the Republicans because then they would have to view themselves as incompetent. They see themselves as the victim and they'll play that role till their bitter end... |
screw'em Im here as a bouncer. Someone in the party needs to have a backbone. ssshhhh, be very very quiet, im huntin' communist, socialist, terrorist, ventrilequist, nudist, and oh yeah DEMOCRATS! ![]() should be hard to find them...any ole hound dog can smell them out... ![]() |