Finding matches
Hey y'all iv'e changed a few things around on my preferences & the only
matches that came up were for places around rthe Northeast aka: Phila., Pa . How do i find any matches for Melbourne, Fl. ???????????????????? Why bother if you can't find any matches or results ???????????????????? |
If i was in your shoes, i'd tell her to hike & get lost
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Obvoiusly, he wasn't worried about you when he left you, so why should you give a damn about him ????????????????????????????? I went out w/a girl in high school that cheated on me behind my back. When i found out, i told her to screw herself & kiss my ass goodbye !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It only took 2 seconds to make that decision, talk about a no brainer. That's what i would do i were you. Best of luck to ya , hopefully you'll find somebody 10 times better than that jackass !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
I had an engagement broken off by finding a dear john letter w/her ring
in the box, while i was inside where i worked , using the men's room. Worst of it was, we'd been engaged for 7-8 months & Had known each other for 20 yrs., we practically grew up together & had been through alot together !!!!!!!!!!!!! Best part was i got the ring back & was able to pawn it for beer money. If she ever came back looking for a second chance, boy , would she get her payback !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
Well, if it were for a couple of important items, we would've been off
to a good start. First, we both wanted different types of relationships , her casual dating, me somebody for the long haul. Second, we are at least a two hour drive apart distance wise & that's a little far too to drive for somebody who is only looking for casual dating.Other than that, like i said , we would've been off to a good start & more than likely, had a relationship started. |
well after a good start, it's back to the drawing board aka square one.
Turns out what we want for the future are two different things . Is there happiness anywhere to be found ??????????????/ |
Well here i am & i must thank 'yall for your support. I may have found
the one i was looking for. It's still real early but judging from the email we've sent already, things are off to a good start.Once again "thanks 'yall " appreciate it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If alll goes well , i'll be more thankful for your advice. And yes i am a redneck & darn proud of it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Reckon even a redneck needs some good advice sometimes. Ps will keep 'yall tuned in on hoew it all goes. |
If i could have a pet, trust me , i'd have gotten one after coming here
to Florida. However, if i am able to get my own place, that'll be the first new addition. Rotweilers are my favorite dog & given the chance that'll be the dog for me. Had one for 10 yrs. & can say we never had one problem w/ him. God rest his soul , max was a great dog & is missed everyday. |
Well, here i am , moved to Florida about 5 months ago & still haven't
found anyone to help my broken heart. In my last relationship we knew one another for at least 20 years & after being engaged for about 7-8 mnoths she broke off the engagement!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's been a long recovery but i'm finally able to start dating again if i can find the right lady that can reknidle a smoldering ember. |