not having a car in ohio
you are one of a kind darlin... but I dont think you'll save the planet on your own... so.. if it makes ya feel better... walk, use public transportation.. whatever.. but you won't even take a small dent out of what is being done so don't feel responsible or inconvenience yourself in the short time you visit this third planet from the sun. The amount you do or don't wont amount to a hill of beans and unfortunately you can't change everyone, even though you think you can. So, my advice is to find something economical to drive so that you can gget to the places you need to be that might make a difference in someones life. And to put aside the thought that one person can save the planet. Unless.. you decide to run for president in '12.. then.. you have a good start if the majority of the electoral votes falls your way.. but being that they are lobbied by the automotive and oil companies... I still dont think you have a snowballs chance in H E double toothpicks. Some times the truth hurts and it isnt what we want to hear.. But... nevertheless... it is the truth.
Hello TX.. I'd love to attend this gathering to meet all you good people but I have a dilemma... My transmission is out of my car.. (literally.. its on the ground as we speak) If we get this repaired before Saturday I could attend but it doesn't look good. If someone is coming from Arlington or points east of here... send me an e-mail and I'd be glad to pay for the gas for a ride!!
if u were stuck
one thing or anything??