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Knowledge is wonderful, I am not arguing with that. If people want to teach their children all about guns and gun safety when the children are little...kudos to them. I am just saying that the nation as a whole does not do that. It's a "woulda, coulda, shoulda" situation. Yes, we as Americans have rights and that is wonderful also. No disputing that fact either. I just think that despite people's rights to own firearms and the desire to teach children not to touch guns...there are way too many innocent little kids and also teenagers getting killed by guns in the household that are not secured properly. That's all. I once went to a Million Moms March in the 90's even though I am not an activist or anything. Someone had just told me about it and it sounded very interesting. I took my eight month old son and we had a great time. Seeing all of those other mothers and other caregivers sharing their stories and talking about gun safety really must have hit home. What other parents do with guns in their homes is their business, yes, but I just hate to see kids die for no reason.
Snowangel, go to the mail section and check the "Sent" mail part. It should show if your guy friend has read your mail or not. I wish you luck! I figured out my mail was just that he hadn't read his mail yet. Now the problem is that he had promised to be online to talk to me YESTERDAY..and now it's been two whole days since I've heard from him or seen him online. Makes me just wanna give up on men! I know it may seem silly, but when are in the beginnings of a relationship (so you think) and one person puts more into it than the's sad. I hope it's nothing, and that I will hear from him soon!
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Jistme, I absolutely love ur wit and insight! It is so true, that children are curious and willful by nature. Safety really is the best precaution against many senseless deaths by firearms. Little kids are not capable of sitting back and rationalizing the dangers of guns. They just think they are cool. If the firearm is loaded and left in an accessible place, we have another life tragically and senselessly lost. children surly are capable of understanding if yer intelagent enough to teach them properly the blanket statement is illogical and unfounded I suppose I am intelligent enough since I know how to SPELL correctly. |
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The idea that small children should be exposed to guns and taught gun safety at such a young age when they should be playing Barbies and with Star Wars figures is just plain ignorant. Kids should be able to retain their innocence for as long as life allows them, right? Children grow up too fast these days as it is, why have them taking "Glock basics 101" at the tender age of four? Let kids be kids. Otherwise people will be raising little adults, and not little children. Guns just need to be out of reach so that they do not kill themselves and each other accidentally... that's all there is to it.
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Jistme, I absolutely love ur wit and insight! It is so true, that children are curious and willful by nature. Safety really is the best precaution against many senseless deaths by firearms. Little kids are not capable of sitting back and rationalizing the dangers of guns. They just think they are cool. If the firearm is loaded and left in an accessible place, we have another life tragically and senselessly lost.
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Yeah I know, joke on me. Putting guns in a safe would make it easier for a perp to get to you, right? I guess I care more about little kids blowing their heads off. All the time we read stories about some kids finding a gun at home or even at babysitter's house and getting curious about the gun. Sorry, but I don't think the agenda in most health classes at school will be "Gun Safety". Best precaution is to just not make guns available to kids and teenagers who might be suicidal. That means putting them in a safe.
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If only there were not so many idiots out there who leave guns in the house( in a shoebox on a closet shelf or in a dresser drawer) for their children and children's friends to find and kill each other with.... If you are going to have a gun in the house for protection or whatnot, PUT IT IN A LOCKED GUN SAFE!! Too many countless children are dying from gunshot wounds because "Mommy and Daddy" thought that their child would KNOW better than to touch the gun. Even though I don't like guns and think that there are way too many ways for humans to die without adding guns to the mix..I realize that guns are probably here to stay. My own father has always had guns...he collects them, and to me it looks like an arsenal....but he is smart and purchased a huge gun safe to keep everyone safe. If you are going to have guns in the house...especially with children or even teenagers in the house...PLEASE LOCK THEM UP!
Think I figured out what it is. He must have just not known the emails were in there. The guy works MAD hours, about 80 hours a week right I guess it's understandable that he doesn't always keep up with mail. The only problem is, I am starting to have feelings for him already...and I hate the fact that I get worked up when he doesn't immediately respond to my mail. Is it possible to tell yourself to just SLOW down when it comes to matters of the heart?
Hi. I have been talking to a man I met here on JSH, about a month and a half ago. I have been sending him emails from here and wondering why I haven't gotten responses to them. Since we IM each other and even talk by phone I had no idea there was a prob with the mail...but he says he hasn't received an email from me on JSH since Valentine's Day....and that can't be right! I have sent several emails since then. Why are my emails not going through then?