Have you ever...
Your mom was right, but those people only exist where you were born. She chopped off your potatoes so you didn't look wierd in front of the party guests! :) Howdy neighbor |
Have you ever...
My mom used to tell us if we didn't take a bath and clean our ears we would get potatoes growing out of them.
Listening to Audioslave
For Goodness Sake Ladies
What is wrong with my profile? Am I that unattractive? Just wondering.. Looks like you gots lots of friends |
Laxatives won't cure what???
ROFL good one honey... Thank you was one I found and memorized...had to post it. thanks non and woni..glad you liked it. You have to clean the coke off my monitor screen now |
Laxatives won't cure what???
Oh my word that was funny
TODAY'S QUOTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Edited by
Mon 01/28/08 05:23 AM
I learned my new word for today
SUBLIMATE: Main Entry: 1sub·li·mate \ˈsə-blə-ˌmāt\ Function: transitive verb Inflected Form(s): sub·li·mat·ed; sub·li·mat·ing Etymology: Middle English, from Medieval Latin sublimatus, past participle of sublimare Date: 15th century 1 a: sublime 1 barchaic : to improve or refine as if by subliming2: to divert the expression of (an instinctual desire or impulse) from its unacceptable form to one that is considered more socially or culturally acceptable — sub·li·ma·tion Listen to the pronunciation of sublimation \ˌsə-blə-ˈmā-shən\ noun |
you american`s
and alike have to have the best sense of humour ever!! you really are funny, witty and great fun on here.the forums wouldnt be any fun without you guys.its all in good fun!! Take me Chunnel hopping sometime |
flirting and compliments?
Over reaction all the way on her part. Keep the compliments coming.
old tree
Shores of My Soul
A Forum of None
A Forum of None All by itself it sprouted Without a tender it grew “Look at me tall and regal” it shouted If only it knew No stranger to satisfaction Colors flirting white into pink A subtle hint, minor attraction A taste of insight it did drink Hidden behind the tall hedges Lightly kissed by the morning sun Wanting space it wedges For now it has a forum of none Never lose sight of the sun |
Welcome. As I like to say..the tour is pretty simple: To your left is the crazy section, and to your right is the insane section. Choose carefully. But honestly, just browse the profiles and hang around the forums and throw in your two cents when you feel the'll get the hang of it in no time! And I am stuck in the middle with you. |
The need to procreate is stronger than man's common sense
Valentine's Day
I would take da Teddy and buy the other two and say it was from him.
OneLine...this should be fun
I won the lottery~!
Condom Game
Shower curtain