And in reguards to SECTION 5210...Of the Health Care Reform...
The Ready Militia is to put the people who dont conform into the already established military death camps in the U.S. These camps are are in quite a few states, have thousands of plastic coffins an yes..gas chambers. We the people are suppose to think these are in place for a pandemic...but...well you get the idea. |
Any one ever look into the N.W.O.? Seems that this is exactly their adjenda. A select few will reighn. The border will come down, there will be a universal monetary system, you will have the rfd chip in your lisence and passport if not in your arm. The American people are being undermined and are turning blind to it. We have been condititioned to accept what polititions do. ANY one who cares..look into the NWO or as far back as Free Masons, they are all connected. I have been reading , its scary. Most say Conspirasy theories...I say look again...With eyes open to what your reading and what you know now. This Health Care Bill is just their means to our end. Ya also may want to buy guns an ammo there is a push for the gov't to buy out large ammo companies. Hmmm, guess the guns dont work if ya cant buy bullets.
And since my tax dollars run this country..I'm not payin no more ! The job their doing, for me, an american by birth, is not for the good of me or the people. UNCLE SAM ................YOUR FIRED!! |
Leaving the rat race
well spoken and absorbed ...I guess going away as a group is much tougher than goin it alone as always. I was actually in a deep conversation last nite, w/ a friend from India..His Folks still live there..I will say WOW...what a beautiful country once ya get away from the cities. Not that its perfect time to move there. We have lots of time to look, no rush to leave tomorrow.
Leaving the rat race
all very good points..Thanx..Most of the mentioned items are truthfully takin care of...altho the ides of staying in the states is nice...[how about a house boat in the louisianna swamp?...HEEEY??!?!?...oh sorry..eaisily distracted tonite....]really ..lookin in other places is very much an option . ..Another idea.. Maybe buying a ghost town? I know I said no land purchases..but it was an idea a friend had thrown out...I heard of one that some one bought..they fixed it now it thrives on the abundant people playing on bikes, 4 wheelers,etc. I dont really want that part..but the idea is cool.. a gone green ghost town...hmmm... The feeling of wanting out for most of the group started when young and stayed w/ ya as ya grew you never belonged here at this time. After experiencing other cultures, religions, etc..becomming self aware,reading and learning by doing the primitive life style events for finally knows what "home" feels like when they get there.....this life aint right. This alone makes me wanna take that long walk home...
Leaving the rat race
There is no 'Wilderness' anymore. All but about 1% of Texas is privately owned..and I'd be willing to bet the State Parks wouldn't let you homestead. When I lived in far West Texas, there was a lady that left the rat race. She rode a donkey everywhere..slept on the side of the roads and highways. The Mexicans were afraid of her, thought she was crazy. She kept to herself had few friends..I got to know her as well as anyone, but she never talked of personal things. Wouldn't even let you give her a match to light her cigarette ..paid you a nickel for it. She did this for years, roaming up and down the Rio Grande to Van Horn and up into New Mexico...One winter, someone found her dead beside the road. She had froze to death. She was 56 yrs old. Yet she was happy..fed..and had money to lite her smokes..freezing to death was unfortunate..but she went they way she wanted, I applaud her. But sorry for your loss if she was your friend. I have no intentions of being exposed to the elements..teepees can get pretty warm in winter...a cave will do. |
Leaving the rat race
oh yea..if i buy land in the middle of no were...then again I am a citizen...responcible for taxes an the thanks..out is out. Yes I am a woman in answer to that question. I dont want to attract people w/ money..will be leaving my banking to the they can direct deposit my retirement till I am dead,or I come back when I am old or I can will it to my family.Money is not an issue...I will however be scouring the "I know you" list for a few more couples w boys. Prefer to know them first, for a while, see if they fit in.
Thanx for all the info an stuff...keep up the great ideas... |
Leaving the rat race
I dont wanna spend my life alone, so yes, my long time friends an I have been planning the "out" for a while. I dont belive that a group of established couples constitutes being in a rat race.
I do however like the idea of the oil rig nation of our own... |
Leaving the rat race
Ha ha lol..only other suggestion for me to stay would be that EVERYONE stop payin taxes..dont vote at the existing rehire 1 person from each state as a rep, no more over seas aid for ten yrs for ANYONE..ANYONE! No more immigration[not against it,we as a country need to take an overcrouding break] for ten yrs either..I am not into politics an that stuff..but I can see what is causing this country to they dont have it here for 13 mil unemployed..stop sendin it elsewere.
Leaving the rat race
Lots of interesting stuff bein said. Animals are easy, and do have experience..raised my kid in the 1840's fur trapper fasion, know tracking, know how to build and sustain,sew,smoke,skin, etc. I belive there to be expances of mountains and such that we could get lost in...was just wonderin if anyone had any favorite spots they would care to share. I have on board 2 builders,5 hunters[ exp. w/bows, guns an atlatles], an electrician [that sounds funny but he can build wind mills an such even if only for movin water], a hortoculture specialist,a nurse practicioner,and a wild game cook. One of my probs is that all the families have I need a few more peeps w boy kids or my tribe will die. An yes..we are willing to die in the woods...better than payin for a funeral. Like I mentioned earlier..we are serious...and experienced...we wanna do this befor the world goes to ****[an its goin fast]. We have just become a policed nation since they took away more of our rites as more are we free when the armies of our own country can arrest us w/o cause,throw us in prison,an loose the key..with no trial.Time to go
Leaving the rat race
I am seriously thinking of selling my house, driving off to the s.w. area, buying a horse an other needed items,then leavin into the wilderness. I have made plans w/ several other families{we are up to ten people now} to do the same. The money ya get from the sale of the homes would pay for travel expences and supplies to leave with. It would also leave quite a bit in the bank for the old years if we didnt die in the wilderness. this has been heavily discussed,an planned rite down to the last piece of dried corn. But am looking for potencial location...want to see seasons...but not have 20 degree below zero winters...any suggestions???
The dogs in my mobile home park went nuts today just befor the quake hit here. My cat will always hide under the bed if lightning is gonna he has not been wrong yet!!
a matter of weed
Well, I am one of the "pot heads". Been smokin it since I was 15, am now 43. I do not concider myself an addict as I can go without for a good period of time an not feel the effects of with drawl. I have had a complete medical work up, my slate is very clean I assure you,even heart an lungs. Alcohol kills more people every day than any other drug. I never heard of anyone causing an accident because they were on pot. No one goes into the psych ward cause they smoked a joint. My other half has "Brain Disease" caused by an accident. The drugs they put him on are BAD..take forever to work, have nasty side effects. I told him to smoke..He has cut out 3 of the 5 meds they gave him,an sleeps sooo much better. Dr. said " GOOD FOR YOU, do what works" as your scripts are over $900.00 per month.One will NEVER convince me that pot is addictive or dangerous. Tripping on pot? Never heard of it, ever. Paranoia is caused when yer brain knows you did wrong and people may notice..its in yer head.{ do i look stoned..are my eyes red?..etc.} Fear of getting caught. The feeling is natural, just enhanced. This however changes when the smoke is "treated" with some thing else { enbalming fluid..Raid, or yer smokin that stuff called "wet"}. This is just my opinion, my veiw..not meant to make any enemies. Live as you is short.
I am trying to combine these 3 into one big back piece just havent figured out how to do it yet. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
What tasts good cold?
1sm. pac of cherry jello, 1 med. tub o cool whip, 1 lg container o cottage cheeze and add fruit cocktail....chill an consume ! Flavors of jello and kinds of fruit may be changed to suit yer taste.
Edited by
Tue 06/28/11 07:08 PM
My better half has bipolar 1,social anxiety,severe recurenr major depressive disorder and post traumatic stress disorder. Recently they put him on depakote after a trial on lithium. The depakote takes a couple weeks to get its levels up in yer blood stream. He is a new person ... they added an antihistimine called visteril, for the anxiety...after 1 week we were out and happy for 4 days in a still goin!!! Hang in there!!
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age differences
My daughters 17 yr. old friend is dating a guy that is 28[ they have promised no sex till she is 18]. Her parents are ok w this because they feel at least he has matured enuf to know what it is like out in the world and does pretty well for himself. And they say he treats her w every respect and is willin to just date for now. My parents had 17 years between them, an only dated for one month. Of course they were older when they met[25 and 42],an had 40 wonderful years together. Wondering your thoughts on this age thing in todays word.... WHAT IN THE HELL DOES A 28 YEAR OLD DUDE,,,NEED IN MY DAUGHTER? SURELY HE would and should WANT to be with a woman closer to his AGE. THIS is NUTS to me as IF,,,THEY DID CROSS THAT LINE,(sex) IN MOST STATES HE COULD GO TO PRISON... MY own daughter at 15 wanted to date this dude 21,,,well I said NO,, My KIDS (three of them) had house rules they couldn't date three years different from their ages... So AS I was only her STEP-DAD,,,her Mother thought it was OK,, SO I said,,,THIS IS YOUR UNDERTAKING THEN,,NOT MINE! And it is YOUR PROBLEM IF ANYTHING HAPPENS... WELL,,My daughter was pushed around,smacked and HE FORCED HER to do MANY things. ALL THIS WAS UN-KNOWN TO US ""THEN",,,WHEN SHE WAS 22 SHE TOLD ME ALL THAT!!! I asked why she never said this at that time to me,,and she said she knew what I would have done to him.. Back when she was with him, they lasted a year together. HE was arrested was the only reason he lift. ANYWAYS,,,IF A DUDE IS OVER 21 AND CAN BE IN CLUBS LEGALLY, THATS THE PLACE THEY GO TO DANCE AND DRINK,,,thats just LIFE. SEE, HE'S FINE to do that,,,SHE'S NOT.. IF one WANTS a GIRL UNDER 18,,,,HE'S F$CKED UP IN HIS THINKING BECAUSE HE'S TO OLD NOW!!! A woman can meet a man fifty years older than her,,and THATS COOL AS LONG AS SHE'S OLD ENOUGH TO KNOW What she'S DOING.. AND EVEN AT SEVENTEEN,,,SHE DOES NOT FULLY KNOW HER YET. And PERSONALLY,,I THINK A MAN OVER 21 NEEDS A LADY AT LEAST 20 for THEM TO work right..but I KNOW MANY DO JUST FINE,IN THE OTHER. I HOPE and PRAY your DAUGHTER is not as unlucky as mine was... At least its my kids friend...but I did talk to my kid about it. She shrugged it off an said the girl has been thru enuf leave her be. And ended w/ she will dump him soon as always Mom. I have some issues with this myself...I think she should at least be outta school. I think if she is "mature" enuf in her parents eyes, and he has been checked out...then maybe. I dunno...guess it depends on each individual....Hi 4u!! |
age differences
Weird...when I brought up the situation in a face to face conversations, I got quite the different answer. Hmmmmm THANX GUYS!!
age differences
My daughters 17 yr. old friend is dating a guy that is 28[ they have promised no sex till she is 18]. Her parents are ok w this because they feel at least he has matured enuf to know what it is like out in the world and does pretty well for himself. And they say he treats her w every respect and is willin to just date for now.
My parents had 17 years between them, an only dated for one month. Of course they were older when they met[25 and 42],an had 40 wonderful years together. Wondering your thoughts on this age thing in todays word.... |
Who likes camping?
I used to camp for extended periods of time, usually in a 3 foot wall tent or a 16 ft teepee. The teepee was great..tons of room but a lil chilly in down rite snowy conditions. I liked the wall tent better for winter campin, you can keep the stove goin an stay toasty!
Breakfast recipe question
Thank you everyone!!! I have researched this and found that pazole is also just another name for the homany..So I guess I will fudge my way thru this breakfast thing. Thanx ever so much for the soup receipe ..thats the one I kept runnin into also....If my breakfast turns out good...will let ya's know and post it up.. Again Thanx.