Community > Posts By > James1234567

James1234567's photo
Wed 02/11/09 07:03 PM

Dis iz a sekret.

I tellz you I haz tew killz you.

laugh Heh heh hehlaugh

the secret is that pic is not you..

If you cant be nice, LEAVE ME ALONE.

i am nice, people wont let me..

James1234567's photo
Wed 02/11/09 07:01 PM
goodnight peccy and everyone else asleep asleep asleep asleep asleep asleep asleep asleep

James1234567's photo
Wed 02/11/09 07:00 PM

only when being realistic, most people dont like to hear the truth

James1234567's photo
Wed 02/11/09 06:56 PM

Dis iz a sekret.

I tellz you I haz tew killz you.

laugh Heh heh hehlaugh

the secret is that pic is not you..

James1234567's photo
Wed 02/11/09 06:55 PM

whatever, your missing sleep over this.....huh slaphead surprised asleep what offtopic

James1234567's photo
Wed 02/11/09 06:52 PM
mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad frustrated frustrated frustrated frustrated frustrated frustrated frustrated frustrated frustrated frustrated frustrated frustrated frustrated frustrated frustrated frustrated frustrated frustrated

James1234567's photo
Wed 02/11/09 06:45 PM

yeah thats the most honest answer

James1234567's photo
Wed 02/11/09 06:44 PM

why they dont care...?

James1234567's photo
Wed 02/11/09 06:38 PM
avoid contact, so she wont hate me worse than she already ....blah blah bla whatever...frustrated frustrated drinker drinker drinker drinker slaphead spock

James1234567's photo
Wed 02/11/09 06:33 PM
obama bin laden chia pet?

James1234567's photo
Wed 02/11/09 05:03 PM

it is like you are at peace & all is right with the world...

Well stated! smitten

I can't wait to find out who my 'world' will be ... flowerforyou

Melody :heart:

you havent found a dealer yet? smokin smokin smokin

James1234567's photo
Wed 02/11/09 05:00 PM


until they get tired of you, or use you and dump you like trash, isnt that wonderful?

James1234567's photo
Wed 02/11/09 04:49 PM
just take two drinks of grannies white lighting and youll forget your cold drinker

James1234567's photo
Wed 02/11/09 04:33 PM
hi echo, hows it going? :smile: drinker glasses

James1234567's photo
Wed 02/11/09 04:31 PM
cashing my refund check, as soon as i do I know it will be gone

James1234567's photo
Mon 02/09/09 05:32 PM
waterloodrinker drinker drinker

James1234567's photo
Mon 02/09/09 05:22 PM

well..ummmmmm..can i say the "butt"laugh :tongue: laugh

yes you can drinker

James1234567's photo
Mon 02/09/09 05:20 PM

James1234567's photo
Sat 02/07/09 04:33 PM

hi and welcome

James1234567's photo
Wed 01/28/09 06:36 PM

hey, come scratch my belly

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