Community > Posts By > SharonM45458

SharonM45458's photo
Fri 11/14/08 10:36 AM
We tell lies when we are afraid... afraid of what we don't know, afraid of what others will think, afraid of what will be found out about us. But every time we tell a lie, the thing that we fear grows stronger. ~Tad Williams

SharonM45458's photo
Fri 11/14/08 10:28 AM
That word "lesbian" sounds like a disease. And straight men know they're sure that they're the cure. ~Denise McCanles noway

The radical right is so homophobic that they're blaming global warming on the AIDS quilt. ~Dennis Millerwhoa

because Jesse Helms and Newt Gingrich were shaking hands congratulating themselves on the introduction of an antigay bill in Congress. If it passes, they won't be able to shake hands, because it will then be illegal for a pr!ck to touch an a$$hole. ~Judy Carteroops

My lesbianism is an act of Christian charity. All those women out there praying for a man, and I'm giving them my share. ~Rita Mae Brownsmokin

You could move. ~Abigail Van Buren, "Dear Abby," in response to a reader who complained that a gay couple was moving in across the street and wanted to know what he could do to improve the quality of the neighborhood :thumbsup: :banana:

I get sick of listening to straight people complain about, "Well, hey, we don't have a heterosexual-pride day, why do you need a gay-pride day?" I remember when I was a kid I'd always ask my mom: "Why don't we have a Kid's Day? We have a Mother's Day and a Father's Day, but why don't we have a Kid's Day?" My mom would always say, "Every day is Kid's Day." To all those heterosexuals that ***** about gay pride, I say the same thing: Every day is heterosexual-pride day! Can't you people enjoy your banquet and not piss on those of us enjoying our crumbs over here in the corner? ~Rob Nashdrinker

:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

SharonM45458's photo
Thu 11/13/08 10:57 PM
frustrated frustrated frustrated smokin drinks slaphead

SharonM45458's photo
Thu 11/13/08 08:02 PM
I'm sorry I responded so defensively to your text message. I tried so hard to defend her, cuz I thought she was someone else. I was pulled in by the lies. You turned out to be right.

SharonM45458's photo
Thu 11/13/08 07:48 PM
I fell for it again, like I always do, because of my caring heart, I just keep getting used.

This is actually to Myself

SharonM45458's photo
Thu 11/13/08 07:46 PM

SharonM45458's photo
Thu 11/13/08 04:40 PM
Nap time 4 me, catch up to ya'll laters waving

SharonM45458's photo
Thu 11/13/08 04:39 PM

Yes, I do, I talked to her this afternoon. Talk to her Sharon, pleaseflowerforyou

No need to be sorry, talk to her honey:heart:
Well I'm sorry but...oh nevermind

Merle, do u know the issue? Talking won't helpfrustrated frustrated frustrated

u got mail

SharonM45458's photo
Thu 11/13/08 04:36 PM

No need to be sorry, talk to her honey:heart:
Well I'm sorry but...oh nevermind

Merle, do u know the issue? Talking won't helpfrustrated frustrated frustrated

SharonM45458's photo
Thu 11/13/08 04:20 PM

Oh honey, I don't think it is idle chit-chat:heart:

Okay, tell her I said hi:heart:

rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl
lol very cute.
Gotta go. Fairy wants to talk

I'm sorry, but I am not having any idle chit-chat with her.

Well I'm sorry but...oh nevermind

SharonM45458's photo
Thu 11/13/08 04:13 PM

Okay, tell her I said hi:heart:

rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl
lol very cute.
Gotta go. Fairy wants to talk

I'm sorry, but I am not having any idle chit-chat with her.

SharonM45458's photo
Thu 11/13/08 03:39 PM

rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl
lol very cute.
Gotta go. Fairy wants to talk

SharonM45458's photo
Thu 11/13/08 03:37 PM

Okay, how about you?

Hows u be doin sweety?

Survivin ((((Merle)))

SharonM45458's photo
Thu 11/13/08 03:37 PM

tears Where did everyone gotears
What am I? chopped liver? laugh :wink:

SharonM45458's photo
Thu 11/13/08 03:36 PM
Hows u be doin sweety?

SharonM45458's photo
Thu 11/13/08 02:56 PM
smokin waving

SharonM45458's photo
Thu 11/13/08 04:19 AM
I need to leave for abit myself. Tell Deb I am on the lookout for her. smooched smooched smooched smooched smooched

SharonM45458's photo
Thu 11/13/08 04:18 AM


What is another name for Marcaine?

Damn girl, u r ready to work in the IV room!!!
U learned aseptic technique? I used to run the IV room at the hospital in Cali.

SharonM45458's photo
Thu 11/13/08 04:14 AM
We're gonna have to change the name of this thread to Come on in / Pharm Tech quiz room, rofl

SharonM45458's photo
Thu 11/13/08 04:13 AM

good morning to everyone

for the ladies flowerforyou flowers :angel: waving

for the guys shades drinks drinker waving
Howdy (((Charles)))