Community > Posts By > Untamed

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Tue 01/22/08 06:02 PM

God is the ultimate and fair judge; that is why he says "Vengeance is MINE",

Man said that... 'God' doesn't talk... laugh

I understand that the deaf cannot hear.
He who has ears let him listen.
He who has eyes, let him see.

no photo
Tue 01/22/08 06:00 PM

Heres an easy blood clot solution for you and remember I am no scientist.

Long ago before blood coagulated. There were 1 million mice. As you will even agree these 1 million mice are not all exactly the same. (That would be ridiculous.) Now all 1 million mice get cut all at once by some bizarre angry mice cutting beast. The 10 or 12 mice that just happen to bleed a little slower have a much better chance at staying alive and passing on that gene. The ones that bleed like a fountain die in seconds and do not pass on their genes. Now let that happen over a few million generations and Ta-da Coagulation.

There you go easy as that I proved that wrong in 15 seconds of thinking.

So in your concept you're assuming that the mice were able to evolve to rondent form without being attacked ever and only when they were WARM BLOODED ANIMALS did the mutation of blood clotting form?

Im no scientist either but I think I beat your personal-best of 15 seconds there.

and about the Jesus thing;

You had a post which stated :"Im waiting for my apology"
in which my reply included debunking your half-assed attempt at debunking Jesus.

THEN, after you saw this, you wen back and edited you post to a


and proceeded to hide from the fact that your claim was obliterated.

You're right, I just might go over and re-open that thread so that everyone can see.

You didn't ask me to explain how all things evolved to that point you gave a very specific task of Blood not being able to coagulate. I started with an animal full of blood and showed you how it comes to coagulate. Simple problem simple solution, to late to change the parameters now.

You concept is insane!
do you not see the flaws in it?
its alll goood if you make assumptions like THAT but you have to be REALISTIC - which you are not.

no photo
Tue 01/22/08 05:55 PM

So let's see...I've destroyed all of your strawmen, shown time and again that science and logic support my position and now you guys are forced to do childish name calling. Yep, you guys win again. laugh

Dr. SpiderCMB! laugh You guys really showed me! No evidence + childish name calling = your MO. Great job guys, you have finally put me in my place. laugh

What are the mods doing? Isn't this attacking the messenger and not the message? Oh yeah, there's a moderator defending your postion. laugh This place has turned into a complete zoo.


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Tue 01/22/08 05:52 PM

A bit like 'evolution' and 'creationism', no common grounds!!!

I have to take issue with that, scripture says God created but not how he created;^]

If you believe in scripture, than you believe in the Flood and if you believe in the flood there is enough evidence there to provoke re-thinking of evolution as Gods way of creation.

no photo
Tue 01/22/08 05:43 PM

No no no no,

"Bone of Contention - Is Evolution True?" by Sylvia Baker M.Sc.

Very true, my mistake!!!
However, I think you should have kept it hush!!!

Lubenow's version of 'Bones of Contention's was at least coined the 'best of the bad'. You should have kept it there!

With Sylvia Baker, we're truly going down to fanatical, anything goes, fundamentalist hell!!!

Here is a statement she made on the Trinity Christian School 'website', where she was head teacher, in April 2007,

"The world and everything in it was created by God and did not arise by chance and through evolution." Moreover, "The Bible is, throughout, the Word of God. It is therefore to be believed as true and obeyed unquestioningly."

You truly think this kind of pervasive and categorical mindset leaves room for the minimum level of essential 'objectivity' science is founded upon???

Unscrupulous people will misuse science to support their religious agendi. But it is utter stupidity to then turn around and claim that this misused and difformed science, is credible, much less 'fact'!!!

So much for Ms Baker's motives!!!

As for her practices, not unlike most fundamentalists, they are deceiptful to say the least, as you can read below::

It is reported that Ms Baker was a co-signer and full participant of the 'Estelle Morris letter'.

"... The 2002 Estelle Morris letter, from 27 creationists to the then Secretary of State for Education, was clearly an attempy to push for the teaching of creationism in science lessons.

None of the 27 signatories declared that they were creationists and none disclosed that they were activist members of creationist organisations (most of them were).


It appears that the letter followed another from a much larger and more distinguished group of academics and scientists arguing the opposite case. This letter, which was addressed to the Prime Minister, appears to have been entirely ignored..."

On Sylvia Baker:

On the BHA letter :

On the Estelle Morris letter:

A PIG dressed-up in a 'tuxedo', IS STILL A PIG!!!

Religious dogma, dressed-up with scientific tid-bits which conveniently 'fit' pre-suppositionist arguments, will never be anything other than MORALLY AND ETHICALLY 'DECEIPTFUL', ... NOT SCIENTIFIC, NOT FACTUAL, NOT REAL!!

(my emphasis in bold)
every real Christian believes the same.
if they didnt, they wouldnt be Christian
And to boot, THAT isnt fundamentalism!
Christian fundamentalism is insane statements such as

"Men are not allowed to have long hair!"

"Women arent allowed to wear pants!"

"You MUST be baptised to be saved!!!"

and like I said before, if anyone from any religion writes ANYTHING that is counter-theory of evolution - you all will scream and shout:

"ahhh! hidden religious agenda!! fundamentalist!!!"

whereas if the SAME writings were made by one that wasnt religious he would just be


noway huh

no photo
Tue 01/22/08 05:37 PM

Heres an easy blood clot solution for you and remember I am no scientist.

Long ago before blood coagulated. There were 1 million mice. As you will even agree these 1 million mice are not all exactly the same. (That would be ridiculous.) Now all 1 million mice get cut all at once by some bizarre angry mice cutting beast. The 10 or 12 mice that just happen to bleed a little slower have a much better chance at staying alive and passing on that gene. The ones that bleed like a fountain die in seconds and do not pass on their genes. Now let that happen over a few million generations and Ta-da Coagulation.

There you go easy as that I proved that wrong in 15 seconds of thinking.

So in your concept you're assuming that the mice were able to evolve to rondent form without being attacked ever and only when they were WARM BLOODED ANIMALS did the mutation of blood clotting form?

Im no scientist either but I think I beat your personal-best of 15 seconds there.

and about the Jesus thing;

You had a post which stated :"Im waiting for my apology"
in which my reply included debunking your half-assed attempt at debunking Jesus.

THEN, after you saw this, you wen back and edited you post to a


and proceeded to hide from the fact that your claim was obliterated.

You're right, I just might go over and re-open that thread so that everyone can see.

no photo
Tue 01/22/08 05:30 PM

The whole idea of evolution is attractive because it will then mean that there are no consequences for what one does!

This is clearly not true. Evolution isn’t a religion. That’s your fallacy. Evolution doesn’t say any thing at all about the spiritual nature of the universe. It merely shows how it unfolded.

laugh Abra, Abra, Abra....You are the only one here that is referring to evolution as a religion!
I said it requires MASSIVE FAITH.
If it were a religion, who is its God?

Also, what if there is no consequences for our actions? So what? I know many atheists who don’t believe in a God or any kind of afterlife yet they are extremely upstanding moral people.

What if there are consequences Abra?
You have two options Abra, either you live a life thinking that there are no consequences and then you die, finding out either 1) nothing because you're dead and thats that. or 2) you're dead and.... uh-oh consequences.


You live a life believing that there are consequences and honestly try to live righteously by Jesus; you die and either : 1) nothing, because you're dead and thats that. or 2) you're dead and you are rewarded.

I think the SCARIEST thing in the world is being atheist on a death bed, moments from passing .....

Is the idea of a God who will spank you the only thing that keeps you in line? If that’s the case then praise the Lord and pass the biscuits! flowerforyou

I dont live in fear of consequences Abra.
That is misconception of TRUE Christianity.

What keep me "in line" is that I know by experience that by living by Gods Word - the Bible - I am rewarded now, tomorrow and forever.

I think it’s truly sad if that is indeed the case for you. I would hate to think that your true ambition is to run around doing immoral things and the only reason you don’t do them is because you think you’ll have to answer for it. That’s genuinely a pathetic situation.

Dont worry Abra, I do what I do because I know that it is right and I dont do what it says I should not do because I understand why it is wrong to do it -not because of 'consequences'.
eg: the bible says dont be a drunkard.
because the context in which it says that (galations) is because its talking about living in the flesh (giving in to temptation) and living in Spirit.
It says 'dont be a drunkard' because when you're drunk, you lose self control and hence are MORE likely to do some you'll regret.

The whole point of it is NOT what you MIGHT do if drunk, but it says

"I know that if I get drunk, I will lose some self control and be more likely to sin"

So in other words; to GOD you are WILLINGLY SUBJECTING your self to a situation where you will sin.

Moreover I’m not sure I’d want to share a heaven with a bunch of people who have a sincere desire to do immoral things but are only restraining themselves out of fear of punishment or the desire to earn a reward. How grossly self-centered would that be?

God knows the heart, I dont believe God rewards those that do things because they want rewards; 'man who thinks himself to be something deceives himself', God rewards those for resisting sin that comes from the heart that loves Jesus; If you love me, you will keep my commandments.

That goes for good deeds too; if it is done because one seeks a reward: it is not done from a righteous heart.

... I would automatically be eligible for the biblical heaven just by being who I naturally am even if I never heard of the Bible.

I believe so too; God is fair and it would not be fair of Him to condemn a man/civilization that had never heard of him before.

its a case of mens rea.

But you have heard.
But ultimately, no-one on this earth can judge the fate of someone. That is Gods job.

In fact, according to Jesus we will be judged by the same measure we judge others. If Jesus spoke the truth, then there won’t be any judgment for me at all. The gates of heaven would just automatically open as I approached with no questions asked because I don’t judge others. Therefore if Jesus can be taken at his word then no judgment will be passed on me at all. And I’m not even trying to get into heaven. I’m just being my natural self.

wow, you have no idea what Christianity is!
Gods Judgment isnt JUST based on how people judge each other.
By your understanding of Christianity, it seems that you believe that you can be a murderer a liar etc..but if you didnt JUDGE others, you are scot-free??

Are you saying that you have never judged?
That will be a lie.

God is the ultimate and fair judge; that is why he says "Vengeance is MINE", because He will take level of judgment someone used in the life to judge their ENTIRE life.
That is, if you've never asked for forgiveness for your judging ways.

So your idea that evolution is attractive because it represents no consequences for my actions only suggests to me that you are one sick puppy.

I never said evolution is attractive to me
you are quoting me out of context - on purpose? I dont know, I get the feeling from the way you reply that you are actually emotionally affected by my rebuttals and hence misunderstand what I say.

My context in the statement was towards people that are "on the fence" in terms of what they believe - they see all these religions with "rules" etc and what they cant/shouldnt do ...then they see the theory of evolution - which can make sense (esp. if you are naive to what it entails) and they jump to it because there are no "rules".

its attractive.

I don’t want to change your personal beliefs. That was never my intent to begin with. drinker

But I want to see you and many others when I get to the other side.
Thats what Christians* want.

*real ones

no photo
Tue 01/22/08 04:51 PM

Untamed, there are certain terms you are using which are incorrect in regards to what evolution is, and we need to clear them up before we can begin to discuss your larger arguments.

"no experience = no call to evolve into a superior species right?"

Using the word superior here is not proper, the function of evolution allows organism to become a better functioning organism in its particular ecosystem. To say that any organism is "superior" to another is inaccurate. Also, "experience" is not the driving force behind evolution as you describe it. In a sense, it is randomness paired with situations that favor particular arrangements of randomness. There is one more important point to remember in regards to evolution, it acts on populations, not individuals.

(my emphasis)
So basically what your saying is that the chances of evolution are more probable than me winning the Lotta Jackpot in every single country , every week, for the rest of my life.
See how much faith is required to believe in this?

"So if we "evolved" to get more and more complex. . ."

Complexity is a byproduct and by no means necessary or required. No organism "evolves" to become more complex simply for complexity's sake.

(my emphasis)

noway noway
I cant believe what Im reading here!
Evolution is the idea that we started out simple and got more and more complex (by "advantageous mutations"), yet here we have a contradiction?

Evolution can be as "simple" as antibiotic resistance.

Once I was told that genetic inheritances are mutations of in other words MALE PATTERN BALDNESS is evolution.
To claim that antibiotic resistance is evolution is utterly insane as that statement.

"But what use is a hole in the front of the eye to allow light to pass through, if there are no cells at the back of the eye to recieve light?"

I agree with this statement, if it were true. Here you are assuming that the lens was developed prior to light sensitive cells, and if you look at various "simpler" organisms (flip through an intro zoology text) you will find various organisms that possess structures (albeit rudimentary) similar to our own eye. Development of a lens to focus light onto these specialized photo-sensitive cells is not as farfetched as you make it sound.

You've missed the target here. My statement there is taken from Bone of Contention, is evolution true? -by Sylvia Baker M.Sc-
and besides this, you've failed to the complexity of the eyes function in relation to HOW this could have formed by evolution.

"but if you dont have a blood clot system and you get cut, you bleed to death"

This is mostly true, although the clotting cascade that is the dominant source of repair to our circulatory system, it is by no means the only part of it. Also, there are various other organisms that do not really have any means of hemostasis, however, they still thrive. Again, a population need not "experience" blood loss to develop blood clotting. During the evolution of particular species, there are individuals with preexisting genetic variation that is "beneficial" or provides a phenotypic advantage among the various selective pressures applied to the population.

Massive, massive faith!
and again the chances of "randomness" in hand with appropriate "situations" dont need to be a statistician to see the improbability of something developing an amazing system like blood clotting.

"Preexisting genetic variation" - how could it be preexisting?
are you suggesting that it never needed to evolve to get to this genetic variation? it just WAS, since whenever?

". . .FLAWED dating system known as radio active dating. . ."

It is really only flawed if the person conducting the test does not know what they are doing. What you are saying is tantamount to bashing heart surgery if you let your dog perform the operation.

With uranium dating you have to make assumptions where there are NO grounds to suppose such a thing!
If you found a rock that was 6.25% uranium and the rest lead, the age you conclude to is totally dependent on your assumptions!

How do you know that the rock had NO lead initially?

it is said that uraniums halflife is 4500 millions and we know that uranium decays through various steps until it forms lead.

fact is that lead can be lost from the rock in other ways besides radioactive decay
Uranium is often in a form that is readily soluble in weak acid. Tests have shown that up to 90% of the total radioactive elements in some granites could be removed fro the surface by leaching the rock with weak acid.

One test in colorado used a dating method which concluded the age of the rock was 725 millions years old.
Later it was realised that 95% of the lead in the rock had probably been there from the start!
huh huh huh huh
it was TOO high by oh what? 700 miiiiillion years!?

Another study in Sweden concluded ages 380mil years, 440mil years and 800mil years!
Therefore, the specimen tested according to these figures is anywhere between 380 and 800mil years old.

Then you have K/Ar dating which has its own problems.

Meanwhile, if you look at the earths magnetic field, meteoritic dust, atmospheric helium, salt in the sea as well as evidence pointing towards Noahs flood; all point an age of the earth which unfortunately to evolutionists, is too short a lifespan to accommodate evolution!

Just Flood evidence ALONE is astounding.

no photo
Tue 01/22/08 04:03 PM

Ok, here it is, this is the debate of your life
Is the all God /Goddess, one?

No I dont believe that, purely because of contradictions there are between faiths.
How can the God of Christianity say "love your neighbou & turn the other cheek" where the God of Islam instructs to slay all infidels if they dont convert??
Theres even more examples in the book; The Divinity Code. (a counter to Dawkins God Delusion

Do you think Jesus is the only savor?

Without a doubt yes.

Do you believe you will go to Hell if you sin?
Lets seegrumble

We are not perfect. We are all sinners.

We all deserve to go to hell.
even mother Teresa
even pope john paul 2 (even though the catholic church used to claim that the pope was infallible [incapable of error])

But the thing is, 2000 years ago +/-, Jesus took the burden of all mankinds sin - so that we MAY be saved -.

The concept of salvation is not something that can be explained in a forum post!
I have a short ebook that nails the subject if anyone is interested!

no photo
Tue 01/22/08 03:38 PM
From an email...

Why is it that people say they "slept like a baby" when babies wake up every two hours?

Why do we press harder on a remote control when we know the batteries are flat?

Why do banks charge a fee on "insufficient funds" when they know there is not enough?

Why does someone believe you when you say there are four billion stars, but check when you say the paint is wet?

Why do they use sterilized needles for death by lethal injection?

Why doesn't Tarzan have a beard?

Why does Superman stop bullets with his chest, but ducks when you throw a revolver at him?

Why do Kamikaze pilots wear helmets?

Whose idea was it to put an "S" in the word "lisp"?

What is the speed of darkness?

If the temperature is zero outside today and it's going to be twice as cold tomorrow, how cold will it be?

If it's true that we are here to help others, what are the others doing here?

Do married people live longer than single ones or does it only seem longer?

Do you cry under water?

How is it that we put man on the moon before we figured out it would be a good idea to put wheels on luggage?

Why do people pay to go up tall buildings and then put money in binoculars to look at things on the ground?

Did you ever stop and wonder......

Who was the first person to look at a cow and say, "I think I'll squeeze
these pink dangly things here, and drink whatever comes out?"

Who was the first person to say, "See that chicken there... I'm gonna eat the next thing that comes outta it's bum."

Why do toasters always have a setting so high that could burn the toast to a horrible crisp, which no decent human being would eat?

Why is there a light in the fridge and not in the freezer?

Why do people point to their wrist when asking for the time, but don't point to their bum when they ask where the bathroom is?

Why does Goofy stand erect while Pluto remains on all fours? They're both dogs!

If quizzes are quizzical, what are tests?

If corn oil is made from corn, and vegetable oil is made from vegetables, then what is baby oil made from?

If electricity comes from electrons, does morality come from morons ?

Why do the Alphabet song and Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star have the same tune?

Stop singing and read on . . . . . . . . .

Do illiterate people get the full effect of Alphabet Soup?

Did you ever notice that when you blow in a dog's face, he gets mad at
you, but when you take him on a car ride, he sticks his head out the window?

Does pushing the elevator button more than once make it arrive faster?

Do you ever wonder why you gave me your e-mail address in the first place?

no photo
Tue 01/22/08 03:14 AM

no photo
Mon 01/21/08 10:04 PM
Edited by Untamed on Mon 01/21/08 10:08 PM


whats wrong yzrabbit1?
did something happen to your post?
omg! I hope is ok!

I didn't need it cause you finally came to your senses.

So you wont even admit your error?
not to mention trying to cover up the bs with that last line!

What error are you talking about this time? You haven't found one yet.

laugh laugh laugh
Oh, only the post where you said "Im waiting for my apology" where I followed up and debunked your pitiful attempt to debunk Christ is all!

no photo
Mon 01/21/08 09:59 PM

No no no no,

"Bone of Contention - Is Evolution True?" by Syliva Baker M.Sc.

Well, I just read reviews on that one too, and here's what they said,...

Please don't be fooled by this book! I never cease to be astounded by the degree of misdirection used by Creationists to justify Creationism. Creationists and creation "scientists" provide their (largely) scientifically-illiterate audience of believers with false arguments that are based on poor science, or no science at all. This book is no exception. Every single point in the book is easily refuted by anyone having any familiarity with the concept of evolution.

I believe this review, especially in light of your arguments in this thread. You’re going on about how could an eye evolve, or how could clotting blood evolve. Those aren’t problematic.

Post the link to that review. I want to judge it source since we are talking about bias and unbiased.
There is a negative review for every book; question is how many people see this book as being nothing less than fantastic.

Just the "Every single point in the book is easily refuted by anyone having any familiarity with the concept of evolution." part proves that whoever "reviewed" it is talking out their arse!
Do you really think someone with "any familiarity with the concept of evolution." will be able to refute the flaws of radiation dating?
How can someone with any familiarity be able to refute the eye problem?

THIS is SOLID GOLD material right here:
You’re going on about how could an eye evolve, or how could clotting blood evolve. Those aren’t problematic.

oh no, they're not problems at all. noooo. it only shows how evolution is IMPOSSIBLE since the influence to mutate (in terms of blood clotting) would kill the animal before it got a chance pass that infomation on.

I find it facinating how you miss this!

Its JUST as bad as if you found some "lost" script of the bible that said: "this is a fairytale story about a superman named Jesus..."; showed it to ME and then I reply:

"that isnt problematic."laugh
You definitely are a lost cause Abra.

Clearly Sylvia Baker is a fundamentalist with an agenda. Not and unbiased scientist.

laugh You wouldnt know fundamentalist if they told you "CONVERT OR DIE INFIDEL!!"

When a truly unbiased scientist writes a book that discounts evolution I might bother to read it. People who are trying to discount evolution because they have religious agendas are wasting their breath.

So why not have a read of Michael Behe's Darwins Black Box?
Or are you gonna jump on Amazon book reviews and go straaaaight to the One star* review to find your comfort zone again?

Science doesn’t have an agenda.

You stated in another thread,… and I’ll quote your words for clarity,…
All this is, is an excuse.
Every anti-creation is just a pitiful attempt to find a REASON why they dont need to abide under Him. (god)

Clearly you’re just a religious fanatic with an agenda. The mere fact that you would say something like proves beyond any shadow of a doubt that you are delusional.

No, delusional is believing in a concept that has no evidence that ISNT based on speculation.
Sure, Science is about truth, but as soon as someone says the words "God" everyone gets upset and defends.
Just like here.

You actually BELIEVE that scientists just made up evolution as a REASON to not be religious? That’s totally absurd. Most scientists I know have extremely high morals. Probably higher than most religions people.

In fact, most atheists I know have higher moral values than most religious people I know.

What have morals got to do with this?
lmao yet again Abra you're letting your emotions throw you.

I never said SCIENTISTS "made up evolution"
and IM delusional you say?

Scientists did not come up with evolution Abra, the concept goes way back before Darwin.
It first came from the Greeks: they taught that men cam from fish, the Empedocles claimed animals came from plants.
And then we had spontaneous generation.

The whole idea of evolution is attractive because it will then mean that there are no consequences for what one does!

I never stated that it was some sort of conspiracy!
that was your delusion of my statement.

So you’re just way off in some kind of delusion that has absolutely nothing to do with reality.

The more I read Abra the more I believe you are delusional.

Trying to make evolution into a religious argument is utterly absurd.

Of course it is isnt it Abra?
Because that would turn your map of reality upside down wouldnt it?

If it's important to your own personal beliefs so be it, but to claim that you, or anyone else has any genuinely unbiased evidence for it is untrue.

There is never an argument where someone resorts to "its bias! its bias!"
When they dont get their way.

If a Islamic extremest believed in evolution and wrote a thesis on it; you wont believe it because he's got "a hidden agenda!"

There is no unbiased evidence against evolution that I know of. The only supposed objections come from people who have religious agendas and are trying to support their beliefs. That's backwards to the way truth is found.

That is down right pathetic man.
If a Christian man debunked evolution, you would deny it with the same excuse "hidden agenda".

You don't claim to know the conclusion first and then try to bend all the data to point to that. You go where the data leads and that's where you find TRUTH

Jeez Abra, not only do you and I NOT have the capacity to understand somrthing that has "always been" but you dont even have the ability to understand this sentence.

I cannot help you further.

no photo
Mon 01/21/08 09:20 PM

As I said, I’ve got homework to do. So I’m doing a cut and paste from another thread and poster. It saves me time and projects the sentiment I have and saves us all the trouble of attempting to TEACH to those who are too lazy or too blind to find knowledge for themselves.

The first step to seeing the evidence is opening the eyes. The second is to read one paper. The third is to read enough to understand. Creationists are still floundering with the first step. The theory of evolution makes very simple claims and predictions. These have been demonstrated over and over and over. Make a few random selections from appropriate journals, hopefully a couple of which might be within the reader's ability to understand. Most biological journals always contain papers containing evidence of evolution. In fact, here are just a few of the relevant journals which publish ONLY evolutionary papers:

Journal of Heredity
Molecular Biology and Evolution
Trends in Ecology and Evolution
Journal of Mammalian Evolution
Open Evolution Journal <===freely available online
Ethology Ecology & Evolution
Infection, Genetics and Evolution
Journal of Human Evolution
Acta Zoologica: Morphology and Evolution - Journal
Semiotics, Evolution, Energy, and Development
Journal of. Paleontology
International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology
Journal of Systematic Palaeontology
Systematic Entomology
Australian Systematic Botany
Systematic and Applied Microbiology
Systematic Biology
Systematic Botany
International Journal of Systematic Bacteriology
Systematic Parasitology
Systematic & Applied Acarology Special Publications
The Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Systematic Zoology
Journal of Systematic Biology at Susquehanna University
Systematic Zoology
Phyloinformatics<===freely available online
Journal of Dinosaur Paleontology
Journal of Biogeography
Journal of Evolutionary Biology
Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research
Development Genes and Evolution
Invertebrate Systematics
Annals of human genetics
Evolutionary ecology
Evolutionary ecology research
Global ecology and biogeography
Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics

There's even a handy-dandy website for the neophyte, which addresses the usual questions, complete with links to many relevant articles:

What's the "proof"? Start reading, or don't bother asking.

Why should anyone in their right mind go through any of that if evolution theory is bust just on blood clotting and the eye?
not even to mention the non-existent 'missing links'.

"all the wisdom of man is foolishness to God"...paraphrasing.

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Mon 01/21/08 09:17 PM

Well the comet theory, I heard was a cult but I suppose you could be right as religions get bizarre in their beliefs sometimes. Creationism may have washed many years ago but we know today that incestuous unions are not good for the genetic pool so we now know this cannot be a factual, viable way of life beginning. So if the comet thing goes through it will be as bizarre as incestuous creationism, right?

lol that your favorite word?
Im not even going to dignify "incestuous creationism" with a response.
and you people say my statements are ludicrous.

The next religion I think is going to be just as (or maybe more) insane than spontaneous generation.
Definitely involving some kind of 'aliens' the 'lizardmen' that apparently live inside the earth....Bush is one of them they say.

no photo
Mon 01/21/08 09:13 PM

You just posted a bunch of crap that I never even said and claim that it's "my logic".
Excuse me, but you aren't even making coherent sense, are you on drugs or something?

You cleary dont see the ignorant mindset that asks the question "How can there be a Being that has always been?"

Thats why I asked those obscure questions; because they cant be answered JUST like this one.

You act as since the question cannot be answered = debunked Christianity.
Do you understand now what I am saying?

You claimed that it makes no sense that the universe just POPPED into existence, and yet you claim that it makes perfect sense to think that God just POPPED into existence.

Where did I claim that "it makes perfect sense to think that God just POPPED into existence." ?
You're getting quite emotional over this arguement, I dont think are emotionally stable to engage in a discussion such as this.
because you reframe my statements to be something I never stated.
i know you're not doing this on purpose so the only reason to be reacting this way is because you feel threatened.
Could be wrong..

Funches got you nailed to the wall on that one bud. You just avoid the question altogether. I can only assume that you don’t understand the question.

As I said before we as humans dont have the mental capacity (that means intelligence) to understand a concept where a Being as always been.

Thats not avoiding anything.
Thats outlining the ignorance in the mindset that suggests that we ARE able to understand such a thing.

"if you dont like scary answers, dont ask scary questions."
How can Something exist before TIME itself existed???

Just because the Bible doesnt explain certain things doesnt conclude that it is invalid.

"Why do you feel so threatened Abra?"

I already answered that question once. Are you hard of comprehending?

When I speak to someone Abra I dont use quotations when I speak to them unless I am quoting myself from a previous post.

I have no need to feel threatened by anything? Everything I believe in fits together like a glove. My spirituality is in perfect harmony with physical reality.

I am the same, but only one of us is correct.
Because you fail to see the flaws of evolution ___________ (fill in the gaps!)

You’re the one who seems to be in a panic about evolution.

Why are you so threatened by evolution? Clearly you believe that your religion would fall apart if evolution is true. So I can see your desperation there.

rofl, I've already made my rebuttal to this.

It doesn’t need to be that way though. I explained before that there are a lot of Christians who have come to accept evolution and not be threatened by it.

True, there are many many Christians that believe in both; incl Sylvia Baker (the Author of Bone of Contention, Is evolution true? )
But after the arguements that arose about the evolution of the eye within her years at college she realised that (in combination with the abundant evidence of the Great Flood) that it is impossible to believe in both.

I dont need luck, I already know that my ground is solid.

If that’s true then why do you feel so threatened by evolution?

Already replied to this; see previous post on why I LOVE (not being sarcastic) evolution!

I've already told you that there are ways to accept evolution and maintain a belief in Christianity. Many Christians have done this already. You’ll make it through this crisis.

Christianity survived many discoveries of science. It’ll most likely survive the discovery of evolution too. It’s just another bump in the road. Don’t take it so hard. The sooner you accept it the easier it will be to swallow.

(my emphasis)
lol your confidence (or ignorance?) is hilarious!

no photo
Mon 01/21/08 08:41 PM

'... Review: Bones of Contention :
... the book fails badly and will not convince anyone familiar with the details of the literature on human evolution...'

Thank God for reviews.

Amen brother. drinker

Yea too bad its the WRONG book.

no photo
Mon 01/21/08 08:40 PM

Actually I LOVE talking about evolution because I see the full picture of it and how impossible and contradictory it is; I get my 'jollies' by provoking thought.

If that full picture of yours is founded on 'Master Lubenow' book 'Bones of Contention', I would strongly recommend giving your optometrist a call!!!

As for provoking thought, nothing sourced out of 'bible inerrancy' dogma, and militarily defended through redundant 'apologetics' leftovers, can harldly be referred to as thought provoking.

Good luck with that one!

I dont need luck, I already know that my ground is solid.

Again, before you insist we read his book, maybe you should read some reviews. Here is a taste of one :

'... Review: Bones of Contention :
... the book fails badly and will not convince anyone familiar with the details of the literature on human evolution...'

read the whole review :

You were saying: '... I don't need luck, I know my ground is solid ?!?!?...'
To some, moving sands can appear to be 'solid ground', if they have attempted their whole life to walk on ...
... WATER !!!


No no no no,

"Bone of Contention - Is Evolution True?" by Syliva Baker M.Sc.

I havent read Bones of contention.

no photo
Mon 01/21/08 08:38 PM


whats wrong yzrabbit1?
did something happen to your post?
omg! I hope is ok!

I didn't need it cause you finally came to your senses.

So you wont even admit your error?
not to mention trying to cover up the bs with that last line!

no photo
Mon 01/21/08 07:23 PM


whats wrong yzrabbit1?
did something happen to your post?
omg! I hope is ok!