Community > Posts By > 1andOnlyN0rd
Creation vs. Evolution.
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Sun 05/06/12 03:20 AM
It contradicts certain religious beliefs, but it also goes hand in hand with what Buddhists teach... Hell, even the different universes/dimensions/etc theories go with Buddhist beliefs. But who knows... I guess that's what the current theory of evolution is, an unproven belief held by many based on faith alone. It could easily be equated with a religion in the manner in which it was so easily embraced and even on TV its referred to as fact. Well, it's not EXACTLY a theory, there is evolution happening all around us. Just look at nature for examples: They are seeing new behaviours in animals that they have never exhibited before (Monkeys learning to swim so they can eat seeds that have fallen to the bottom of a body of water, and using hot springs for warmth) There's also physical changes still happening - just use google if you want proof. here, I even did it for you |
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Sun 05/06/12 03:18 AM
1andonlyNord. That explains everything, lol. ![]() hm, can't tell ya... Well, I have a theory on that too actually... Scientists believe that plants and animals all have a connected conciousness. If that belief is one day found to be true, it could be that your brains are so in sync one of you projected the images unto the other... Side story (but along the same lines): My friends and I were driving one night... Long story short, we all three saw the exact same figure standing behind my truck... It looked like a rotting corpse, but standing... A zombie I guess... Moral of that story, don't drive down creepy roads with slaughter houses and especially not one where murders have happened, and then decide to turn off your lights :] |
My mom told me i look handsome and hot, is that true please be sincere with ur answer. If your mother says you're "hot", that's creepy... |
1andonlyNord. That explains everything, lol. ![]() lol, or it could be that they had done acid in the past and are just having flashbacks. Mysteries of the universe I suppose... |
4am and can't sleep...
Dude, I'm an insomniac MYSELF. If I knew of anything that could help me sleep easier, I'd have put it in this thread. lol. Do you ever get quite a dry throat with it, too? Just wondered :) Only if I burn one before I try to sleep... I don't think that's what you're talking about though :p |
I don't use em, but I've had a friend use this one and I laughed so hard I almost peed myself.
Is that a mirror in your pocket, 'cause I can totally see myself in your pants. |
4am and can't sleep...
Why don't old people have sex? Shoot Have you ever tried to open a grilled cheese sandwich? (This joke turned me off from grilled cheese for like a month) |
Creation vs. Evolution.
WHAT IF: we were created with the ability to evolve...? that would make the debate totally unnecessary and pointless ,, yes? Not really msharmony. I believe in some evolution, we were created with that ability to evolve yet retain the same basic gene shape and size, the way evolutionists describe evolution contradicts the bible. Which is ok if they have evidence for their extreme DNA lengthening theories, but they do not. It contradicts certain religious beliefs, but it also goes hand in hand with what Buddhists teach... Hell, even the different universes/dimensions/etc theories go with Buddhist beliefs. But who knows... |
Cinco de crappo......
Speaking of infomercials... Someone order me a Schticky! No, just use some duck tape, works just as well and it's a lot cheaper. I don't like your logic...I rather have the schticky. ![]() That's such a weird name for it though... I thought it said "Schitky" like **** Key? Idk, I'm out of it and loopy, sorry. |
4am and can't sleep...
Why don't old people have sex?
An open vision is like watching a scene unfold that is outside of yourself. It is not a picture in your head. I know people that have had had them and they are far from schizophrenic Where do you think they originate from? ![]() I've had them, to me they are similar to a DMT trip, and since DMT is produced naturally in the brain, my best GUESS, is probably some chemical imbalance in the brain. Either DMT or some other chemical(s)... Just my two cents. |
4am and can't sleep...
Lets take it back to grandma... Warm milk and a nice....punch to the back of the head. See, trying to freaking kill me. Lol, oh, the grandma thing, reminds me of a joke though, wanna hear it? |
Cinco de crappo......
Speaking of infomercials... Someone order me a Schticky! No, just use some duck tape, works just as well and it's a lot cheaper. |
4am and can't sleep...
Pretty much... Sex..drugs..skating.. Ahhh the good life. Oh thanks. and yeah, I can't complain too much. except this damn insomnia, srsly, I've eaten like 8 freaking melatonin tablets, and I'm still WIRED. fml |
4am and can't sleep...
papers ? Put 50 down on a woman if you know where to find them in your area. Probation. And, uh, I'd rather not... I don't want my junk to fall off because of some weird disease. Besides, I have someone for that stuff. LoL! I like the "i have someone for that" ... kinda like... I have a connect for that. I have a fwb, we have a very mutual understanding that it's just until either of us finds someone to be in a real relationship with... She calls me, I call her... I guess it is like a connect, haha. God I sound like a terrible person right now. |
Kids Say The Darndest Things
My nephew gets to play COD Modern Warfare when he's with his dad...
So getting to hear all the language and such from the other players, he picks things up... The other day, he was playing with one of the neighbor kids, and she took one of his toys. He looks at her with this angry face and just says "Gimmie! Or I will f#%kin kill you!" ... yeah, great parenting. oh, and for a second, I thought this said "Kids say the dumbest things" idk if there's a smiley for it, but - /facepalm |
4am and can't sleep...
papers ? Put 50 down on a woman if you know where to find them in your area. Probation. And, uh, I'd rather not... I don't want my junk to fall off because of some weird disease. Besides, I have someone for that stuff. |
4am and can't sleep...
I got it!!! Go FISHING!! No way, I'm too out of it to be near water... Now you're just trying to kill me off. Wait........ I wanna go fishing ![]() You definitely live in the right state to do it... |
So fruity sex might help? No way, sex with a nice, warm bowl of oatmeal is where it's at. Get TONS of fiber and a bowljob all at once. But not too hot or you'll burn yourself. |
4am and can't sleep...
Ive had a similar experiences honestly best way to fall asleep when you have such a problem ive found is to wear yourself out. Excercise till you have trouble standing, hot shower, party are all good. Never found benadryl to work for me. benadryl doesn't do chrap for me either, unless I eat like a sheet of it, but then I'm delirious AND exhausted, so that's probably worse... And did you not see the part of being out skating for ours? Dude, I can barely move, idk how I'm still up, but I am. Can't party, I'm on papers, and hot showers wake me up, not relax. Jack it....a nice thrilling "moment" with yourself..oooor if you have a playmate always does that job. Been there, done that... I've gone as far as cleaning my house, cooking, went out for a run... I'm reading computer documentation now, THAT'S how bored I am. |