If anyones intrested in part two msg me so i'll write it here
The author of Quran makes 2 bold claims which we would go over in the following and then try to see if he manages to prove them true:
1.He has created us and all that surrounds us 2.He has done so that we would, living on earth,develop different characters fitting for predefined jobs on another planet much like earth (explicitly mentioned in Ya-sin 55, Qashia 3) Now these jobs,much our every day jobs, come with different benefits (heaven) or lack thereof (hell) and it's a characters "wisdom" level that dictates their jobs benefits."wisdom" being the what distinguishes man from beast : the ability to move towards what benefits one and avoid harm without actually seeing one or the other. Before we move unto proving these claims it's worth noting that should the mentioned claims be true there would be no intervention from any man on the day of judgement,just as an illiterate cannot be employed as a teacher no matter how much anyone of any statues would plea the manager to hire him, the wicked will never enter heaven unless the camel passes the eye of the needle. Proof: The claims above are ture should two conditions be met: 1.the existance of things,in a statistical sense,necessarily need an architecture (To check this on must see if the chance that something has come to be without a designer is almost zero) 2.if the whole of the universe is designed for development of wisdom every part of it, without exception, must be aimed towards that goal and nothing else In the following we shall divide the world around us into man,sky and earth and check the mentioned conditions for each: 1.man:to check the first condition one must answer the question how statisticaly possible it is for evolution to lead to mankind like us? As we all know the logic behind evolution is natural selection,meaning if a change makes a being fitter than his kind for survival it is likely that he will live and multiply.thus should there be an easy way of satisfying a vital need,the chance for a being to survive a change forcing unto him a harder alternative is low. Now there are many such evolutionary changes that has led to mankind: For one they,as opposed to most mammals,cannot digest one or two types of food to get all they require! A second example would be their inability to naturally cope with temprature changes and need for clothing and housing! Take note that as these changes occured befor development of humans in the way that is today rendering the argument "men survived bc of their brain" invalid Tbc pt 2 |