Community > Posts By > tb74

tb74's photo
Wed 02/04/09 09:12 AM
the falls
have a charge and the rush
of water that flows headlong
across the lip of stone
slick with mossy algae wet
and glistening as the ripples
wash over the edge and pour
as relief into the freefall
ecstasy of motion over
and to the white foam of torrent
that bustle of motion
drops and spray floating
in the charged air
that is fresh and heady
and here - here betwixt the boulders
i lean precarious sublime and gaze
across the waters across
beyond the certain edge
beyond the falling flow
and see the surfacing sheet
where bubbles rise and support
bubbles filled with joy
bouncing in the rays
with odd colors to and true
the whole effect is enveloping
pertains so intent that belief
for humble for grace for all modesty
transcends events transform
a bud with leaf a bud to see
that in the warming air would rise
would swell and grow each petal silk
unfurled shows the beauty - oh the rose

tb74's photo
Sat 01/31/09 08:05 PM
mirrors of the soul
the windows meet
that dew drops sweet
of intent
far from long days
for sunsets
tinged with purple
a knob knurled the tree
that leans against the clime
that pushes from west to east
every morning the boughs upsticking
catch shafts of sunlight across
the sky is a vast work so vast
my hands cannot cover the complexity
of orbits of bodies of celestial color
that doom grey dust of lunar sand
that quiet cold without escape
and when the solar rays light
the surface is warmed beyond life
supremely abject calm passing calm
then dark then night speckled
with salt grained totality
even passing once this eternity
and passed again the revolve
of motions complex and capering
that guide the way
and so the stars have yet
small motions to begin
for everything moves slower
and slower and slow

tb74's photo
Thu 01/29/09 04:32 PM
this morning
the coldness was like a quiet
that the silent night exhaled
in a breath of relief
into a quaint cup
steeped in the steam
of heady vapors that spun
the sensual charge of bodies
seeking warmth
shared for a moment so brief
that dark cold light is sudden
and small black rectangles of metal
cold in the weather pulsed to fill
the shaky walls of sensation
that thread of words woven
as fabrics flung again and again
draped twirled and spun mixing
so that language was now a dance
and the dance was life itself
that reveled to show that reveling
and i too can wake from foggy dreams
in the oh so cold morn

tb74's photo
Sat 01/24/09 02:28 PM
a dream antique
the silver seen
a figure rapt
a pause then this soliloquy
life's pain i feel
the pain i show
just upon the corners of my eyes
a glint a sheen the latent tear
there amongst the smile it is dear
and brushed aside or whisking clothe
my thoughts in time will drifting hide
but there amongst a rapid tide
the pools of meaning are
seafresh warm emotions well
i blot them with a kerchief
that holds so many memories
that rose from deep from deep inside
and fill my hands close to shower
the dangerous thought of this hour
that says too much too much to cry
emotions thought i long inside
would never seek the sun again
yet i find they are here my friend

tb74's photo
Thu 01/22/09 06:54 PM
at such an angle
with such a time
the shadow dances
the shadow moves
for change is come
for the eastern sea
and the rolling waves
are rolling amongst the free
so the shadow dances
not ashamed not at all
we were there we were all
so proud of strutting
cha-ching with hands out
these stones foundation
won't budge never
except maybe
it's a bigger capsule
that will open soon
and treasures
that had meaning once
or fleeting must
be reinterpreted
as the head wear of a special unit
tasked with defense
of the status quo
as it curtails it out of town
lonely shades
that poured across plastic features
and each in a right mind
comes over to the dark

tb74's photo
Tue 01/20/09 06:24 PM
if i went back
to a long shot dust road
red in the afternoon sun
the engine of the car purrs
doors open forgotten
the dress you wore
printed but faded
you left it once
in the sun to dry
a few weeks
took a toll
it's not easy
to realize that
even now
baking in the sun
we stand under
forgotten stars
stand in awe suddenly
having remembered
what had slipped away
events crystallized
in memory
returning with a force
to shock our bones

tb74's photo
Fri 01/09/09 09:40 AM
never a feared
that mystery of ways
hidden so that dark of day
and frightened thoughts vanished dots
that below the clouds are left to lay
and soaring then and soaring friend
into the bliss into the nigh
where dreams are floating floating high
and aether though a briefest shroud
could not hold or pull or crowd
for all this open and open free
into the air and night and free
to fly and soar to finally see
the dawn cusp bright and a dawning day
that welcome rush of tidal sway
and pounding surf or inland bay
that feels the pulse and constant wash
of white salty motions in the waves
as they flow upon the sands
and mix betwixt the feet and hands
of reclining forms in a warm tangle
the nights energies and motions slow
to watch the day that soon is rose
and night is gone and morn is why
we watch the beach and waves and sky

tb74's photo
Tue 01/06/09 06:30 PM
with flight my soul shall sing
soft whispers in the air
that lilt and sway
of ancient day
somersault into the unknown
and fly
as the air is charged
with edges on the electric wing
and soar
as song fills my soul
and i am flight
and spirit
and light

tb74's photo
Sat 01/03/09 12:39 PM
rose marie rose
for the day for the dusk
for the endless hush
and darkness folds
with specks of light
and into the dim there is a blush
that scents the air
with a fragrant true
soft as silk and light as dew
that floating i upon the sea of late
and it is late where the dark is quaint
that antique thought that rolling to
this is the night and it calls to you
oh for rose for rose for marie
this is the night and it is true

tb74's photo
Fri 12/26/08 09:04 AM
i remember the first time
you played for me
your hands danced
as though upon that tiny stage
melodious and mighty
the phrasing sings wordless
toneful and soul lifting.
am i a vagrant heart
thread worn bone chilled
where winds take and release
carry me upon that note
as i stood upon the pier
alone until you touched my hand
fingers warm from dancing
they pulled sparks
the sea is vast and we can compass
any direction but not everyone
messengers amiss tardy though
the word is stopped than go
full of powerful insight
a glance into the heart
refracted in a coloured hue
where doors open silent
red underfoot from cathay
the bales piled high and heady
lost not for orient found
not for trying not for chance
snake eyes fixed bet for the inverse
folding lengthwise the bill would tell
hungry pockets gain
for departing for the old rain
fell in the evening dim
roads still and with sheen
hooves dance upon the cobbles
oil lantern swaying to the time
kept in haste these getaways

tb74's photo
Thu 12/25/08 10:40 AM
stampeded hooves
pounding the gulch
where is the rain
with so much thunder
near the coursing
the current
falling for danger flows
don't dare don't
every hand watches
the rampaging brands
a scar a stamp that firey
dark beneath the sheltering sky
that would not open with relief
the dust rise choking
till these currents mix
of flesh and dust and a deadly rush
that pulsing is cacophonous
and dizzy as the the pulling waves
crash against the faded days

tb74's photo
Tue 12/23/08 08:43 AM
a brew a new
the hotly pot
was perking early
was perking when
tipsy tissle weee
water ought to be strewn
oils of bergamot
take it away and put it back
chocolate was not changed
not even that
and lay out the silver
tink on the plate
bone white bone
set with the cup

tb74's photo
Sat 12/20/08 07:07 AM
spires and towers too high
above the world of bustle
the invisible trails strong
encouraging and persuasive
signifying abject
snuffing the stars
as they rotated from you
rotating into another view
work for an entire year
splendid terror
just then appear
a wake a wave and end
the songbird as flown
coast of tranquility
gliding across the face
salt and fear and tears
gone and gone and gone

tb74's photo
Fri 12/19/08 02:07 PM
pray do tell
the quirks and feebles
that make you your heartbeat
alive inside willing
to dance the jig
heels up and down
pounding the floor
there is no tomorrow
then that dawn will be
no emptier than begun
or full of life inside
creeping sunlight
fell across the hills
touching the dew
set in the night alight
and gleams crystal strand
upon the webs upon the door sill
where e'en sprites fell
in a mirthful dance
upon the threshold of a doorway
where light bounding fell outside
and the fire in was sparking and warm
take a tipple a sip and shout hoh
chasing dreams in the fading embers

tb74's photo
Tue 12/16/08 11:00 AM
there is a buzzing
in the woven ways
the straw is splayed and played
a circuitous circular
roving oh a go
where in the deep
near certain sleep
the royal seal
on lips is placed
for lidded eyes dream of the rise
of stated ways
for sudden days
and slipping nights
where blue lone is true
and amber kept in keys
golden shone golden toned
gold is almost another world
colors reflecting inside
provisions in store
the mind is one
pulse and breath
and breathe
infuse so suffuse
and feel the stirring of the muse

tb74's photo
Sat 12/13/08 06:07 AM
ruby lips drawn with a thin pen
and pursed they evoke
the timid spirits
that conjured in like garden
grew between the brook and view
of the once mighty tree
even more mighty see and this stalwart
oaken leaves set to tremble
in a wisp of a wind
that blew from pursed lips
kissed by some honeyed dew
and whispered as only they were true
the sun is whisked
whisked from our view
and we couch our terms in fitting time
that throws a glance
a look unto that verse or phrase
or fancy rhyme
that speaks in volumes of what we find
when reaching
grasping we pluck at strings
and find our hands are full of many things
this banquet this noble feast
for sup as once we sup for peace

tb74's photo
Fri 12/12/08 08:15 AM
there is a pulse in the room
in betwixt the strains
weaving a new refrain
spooky shades cannot hide the eyes
music is not why
it travels a weft that listeners hold
and touches strings inside
a jangle now a sudden strum
the long note drawn and run
into a cascade of brass
frettless and taut
low though they filled the room
even with a haunt noisesome
rain filled rained upon streets
far from owns to complete
cleft in some unearthly pall
saving for an edge
that glows and wraps and then
past the towering night
into the open wide

tb74's photo
Wed 12/10/08 04:40 PM
remember when the fresh sea air
traipsed up and down the beach
like a drunken dancer
groovin but movin
a time with time in time
that bump and rush
beware the coconuts
tumbling from the leafy tower
and falling thunk upon the sand
we pealed the husk and tapped a chugging
glug glug a glug of that sweet creamy
sip it trace the lips with white glossiness
and top the cup with icy chunks
douse with milk and stir
until the tingling round glass is chill
and the stirrer frothy wipe
upon your tongue and and taste the raw
sweet sugar from a cane plantation
that we raided in the dim dark moon absent night
and with arms full to sigh we carried them away
our supply our ready bar
our sweet satisfaction
that surprise when both hands touched
and there amongst the sudden
on rush and heady wave
we saw the sunlight peeking up
and there was a gift of new days

tb74's photo
Tue 12/09/08 10:57 AM
dark wing
of midnights cloaked
and sung as crystal eyes
lilting to the sudden rise
where fingers wrap
and pull the moon
to morn she sleeps
and gone so soon
that dawn is reddened ready how
the mists are burnt and skipping flee
across the pounded surf of middle bay
with cold hard and tall rocks and pools
that hid the sheltered world new
in each pulse the world sleeps
and dreams the world has
as dreams it keeps

tb74's photo
Thu 12/04/08 08:55 AM
thank you for your enthusiasm!