Topic: poem: the falls
tb74's photo
Wed 02/04/09 09:12 AM
the falls
have a charge and the rush
of water that flows headlong
across the lip of stone
slick with mossy algae wet
and glistening as the ripples
wash over the edge and pour
as relief into the freefall
ecstasy of motion over
and to the white foam of torrent
that bustle of motion
drops and spray floating
in the charged air
that is fresh and heady
and here - here betwixt the boulders
i lean precarious sublime and gaze
across the waters across
beyond the certain edge
beyond the falling flow
and see the surfacing sheet
where bubbles rise and support
bubbles filled with joy
bouncing in the rays
with odd colors to and true
the whole effect is enveloping
pertains so intent that belief
for humble for grace for all modesty
transcends events transform
a bud with leaf a bud to see
that in the warming air would rise
would swell and grow each petal silk
unfurled shows the beauty - oh the rose

pkh's photo
Wed 02/04/09 05:57 PM
wow almost thought I was there lookimg good write