Community > Posts By > Song_bird86
I heard that in Georgia the state pays the child support if the father isn't and then when he gets a job they then garnish the wages to pay back what the state has already paid.
I'm in Missouri and the father is in Iowa and we now have an interstate case opened because he stopped paying. They told me that they couldn't do anything unless Iowa wanted to help and thankfully they decided to help. I have to call back in Feb to check on things. He's supposed to pay 344 a month and I never got that much and the last two payments I got were less than 100. I don't care how much it is as long as I get money. I'm a student and not working, I've been looking, so every bit of money I get is helpful. Also, just because you get child support it doesn't mean he can see your child. My sons father has never seen him and he's now 17months old so there's no way the state would let him have visitation. Also, if you have others that can vouch for you in what you say then that'll be enough if the father really is a danger. |
Missouri - part 2
What year did it come out and who's in it? It came out like '06 or '07. It has Lindsey Lohan, other then that I don't know names. |
Missouri - part 2
Yeah, it's good. It's really cute.
Missouri - part 2
Yes i know you are right, the day will come when we find eachother. Then maybe some of her luck will rub off on me ![]() haha that reminds me of that movie "just my luck." it's cute. |
Missouri - part 2
I got fired when I was 17, I'm now 21 you think they'd realize that I'm a grown woman now. I was fired from Celebration City because of issues with an ex and he's the one that should have been fired but nothing happened to him. I've been looking for quite some time now. I didn't even get a call from Toys'R'Us!
Missouri - part 2
my life is always the same, the only thing that changes is my age lol. Seriously, I can't even get a job and I swear it's because I was fired at my first one. I don't see why being fired at one job which was a first job could make such a big deal in the hunt for a job.
Missouri - part 2
lol I think there's a lot of people in lonely town but they're all shut in their homes lol
Missouri - part 2
well I'm lonely. That's why I relate to Eeyore lol. He's like the outsider of his group and I always thought I was too.
Missouri - part 2
yeah Eeyore is the one thing I've consistently liked and collected since I was young. I have a few small collections of turtles, elephants, ducks, and butterflies
Missouri - part 2
lol nice little lymric. And yes, I like Eeyore. I have a huge Eeyore that I sleep with every night but of course it always ends up on the floor from tossing side to side with Matthew. I have 3 Eeyore sweatshirts, 2 pairs of Eeyore slippers, 2 Eeyore t-shirts, 2 pairs of Eeyore pajamas, Eeyore slipper socks, Eeyore alarm clock, Eeyore magnet, Eeyore ticking clock, and a few other things. So yeah, lots of Eeyore in my room.
Missouri - part 2
Hey song bird ... I'm in Springfield too Well that's cool. |
what to do.
I never had an issue with my son teething but for car rides I'd give tylenol just incase. He just chewed on any and everything in site. You can use baby orajel but use it sparingly because it'll toughen the gums and actually make it harder for the teeth to come though. Also you could get Highland teething tablets. You can dilute it in water and let her drink it or just rub it on her gums. Also you could invest in teething rings. You could get the kind that goes in the freezer and one for the fridge. My son loves cold stuff so we just gave him ice in a baggy and let him suck on that and it did the trick. Also like the others mentioned, a cold wet rag.
Missouri - part 2
well that's about 4 hrs from me.
Missouri - part 2
I mean, who is closest to my city?
Missouri - part 2
Hey, you could come to Springfield cause Branson is only an hour away. There's white water, silver dollar city, celebration city, the new landing if you haven't been or heard of it. Also the wax museum, titanic museum thing, go-karts and all that other stuff you mentioned. Also all the shows, and in springfield there's the mall, zoo, movies(the palace is only 2.50 a ticket)and there's the clubs and what not.
need some advice please!
Let me just say this, my son is 17months and is still in my bed sleeping. He started sleeping about 4hrs a night at 2months and by 4months he was sleeping through the night and getting used to his crib. We then had an ice storm and our power was out for 2 weeks so he got used to being in my bed again because we all had to huddle in the living room together. So now he's 17months and won't sleep in his crib. I've been working on it slowly by putting him in at his naps and then I put him in there at night to start with and he'll sleep for 4hrs tops in there and then get in bed with me and sometimes I try to put him back. He's only slept in his crib a full night since he was 4 months maybe 2 times tops. And you lose sleep after a while of them being in bed because you don't get to sprawl out like you normally do. I suggest what lulu said. I think it was lulu, that said about going in and comforting but don't pick him up unless he gets too upset or hysterical.
Should We Smack Or Kids
I hardly ever got spanked and I'm perfectly fine. Sometimes kids do need spankings but not all the time. I say spankings are necessary if they're doing something that could get them hurt, ie running into the street, climbing on things that could fall, and if they don't listen then a spanking would get their attention. I think it depends on the child's personality. A strong personality like my son does need a good swat on the leg from time to time to get his attention or get him to listen. A laid back child won't need spankings. And spankings do not determine how a person will be with they grow up, it's how the parents treat them. If a parent spoils their child and lets them walk all over them, then they will be brats and not respect anyone. A parent that teaches and gives their child respect will have a child that does the same
sex qs
just tell her they come from your belly. Simple as that. Nothing more is needed at such a young age.
Before I say what I'm gonna say I just want it to be known I haven't read every page of this.
I was just curious about this. Do you think the father still has rights even if he left the mother while pregnant without even a notice of anykind and hasn't attempted to even see or speak to his child? My sons father left me when I was 6-7months pregnant even when I asked him to tell me upfront if he wasn't going to stay with me or come be with me (we met in college 5hrs from my home) and he lied straight to my face. May 6,07 was the last I spoke to him because he just changed his number and didn't ever call back. He's supposed to pay child support but lost his job or something and I haven't gotten a payment since my son turned 1 and they were less than $100. My son is now 17months and has never seen his father or spoken to him. If one day his dad decides he wants to come back then do you think I should still give him the opportunity? |
Missouri - part 2
lol thanks Corn. Just so I know, how is closest to me?