Community > Posts By > RockaRolla
I drink, but always in moderation. I've actually gotten into loud arguments with one of my mates for refusing a third beer. Here's my assessment of the matter. No matter what your reason for not drinking, if the people around you are drinking for any of the wrong reasons, then your refusal is going to make them feel insecure. I wouldn't go so far as to say that you're hanging with the wrong crowd. College, by and large, is a very insecure place full of people who want to pretend that they have their ****e together. In the long run, it will be better for you AND for the people for whom you are modeling a healthier decision-making model if you hold to your convictions. If you want to forestall some of the random offers to get you a drink, get a glass of soda as soon as you arrive and just nurse that. You might still get a few people offering to top you off with a shot of Captain Morgan, but people who are just trying to be hospitable won't approach you as much. and I really don't think there is a way to say it so that people will understand without taking offense. Drinkers don't want to deal with the realities of the consequences of their drinking. I figure that's their problem. I quit all drugs and alcohol at 22, and I will never touch either again. I don't date people who use alcohol or drugs, and I don't go to bars. People who know me, know my position on this; and if it's someone who doesn't know me, and the subject comes up, I tell them to do some research on what alcohol does to brain cells. I've seen it happen to enough people in my life -- I've lost more than a few to alcohol, and I'm not about to let that happen again. More than once, I have explained to people that I have no interest in dealing with anyone who is intent upon killing himself/herself -- "Do what you want, but don't do it around me." And more than once, I have said, "If you're that determined to kill yourself, a gun is a lot faster." It's harsh; it pisses people off. But that's OK -- maybe someday one or two of them will come out of their drunken stupors long enough to really think about what they're doing to themselves. If not -- well, it's no skin off my nose. I don't want to have anything to do with those people anyway. good stuff guys, I sometimes feel like saying straight away if they insist "Im a recovering alcoholic." kills the conversation quick and makes the feel like they've just kicked someone when they were down. |
Sounds to me like you hang with the wrong crowd. Why would you even want to spend time with peple that are going to put you down because of who you are? Then again...I think you may be exaggerating no these people arent my friends, they are acquaintances; classmates etc. some of my classmates I can say are friends but they have kind-of accepted my stance even though every know and then they try to encourage me to drink- you can tell that they feel uneasy about my stance because they know its right (they're muslim lol- not alcohol is a big-no-no yet Im protestant - which it is only 'illegal' to be drunk but not to drink. |
Im a college student, living on the campus.
Its a party-hard, booze-life style. I HATE going to parties and social events alike because I ALWAYS get this conversation: X ="Get yourself a drink./Why arent you drinking?/let me get you a drink." me ="no thanks, really." X ="why not?" me ="I dont drink anymore" X ="why not?/how come?" me ="long story" - and it is. then I get the facial expression that either says "wuss" or the expression that is as if I said something condescending or uppity. or I get the subtle "probably cant handle it" / "yeah. SURE. long story. Riiiiight." This happens OVER and OVER. even within the same party/gathering. it makes me an outsider and I get excluded and then when I say NO to a invitation because of being an outsider I get judged AGAIN as if Im being anti-social or "on my high horse" I take a lot of care to make sure that my tone, facial expressiona dn body language isnt something that can mislead someone to come to these conclusions, yet still. how can I say "I dont drink" in a way that leaves the person with a positive impression? WITHOUT LYING. The long story short of why I dont is because I dont like the affects of alcohol (mentally). - this is judged as being wussy (its normally other guys that start this whole conversation) If I say that I dont drink because its counter productive to my diet (trying to gain somme muscle) - this is judged as if Im saying "alcohol is unhealthy for you."....condescending and a 'party-pooper'. If I just say "religious beliefs" makes me look like im on my 'high-horse.' as if not drinking because of religious reasons automatically makes me 'better' or 'more holy' or whatever BS. |
"online" status bug
When doing a search, I've noticed that in the gallery/results window (before clicking a profile) the "online now" in red may be present but when you actually check the profile the "online now" message next to the persons location is not on; indicating that (I think) when someone logs out, its updated for the profile but not on the outside/brief view ie: gallery has to time out before actually being insync.
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What CAN it MEAN?
Yea I guess its a fish-till-blocked game.
I will be completely honest: I am nearing the status of habitual marijuana smoker. Moving on... I am amazed to see that there are people out there who will not date anyone who smokes weed, even though they enjoy to go out to the bar and drink themselves stupid. What's the deal? So, I can not smoke marijuana just every once in a while but you can go out and drink alcohol all night? I don't see any logic in this. I will not get into the health hazards of both substances (that is a subject I've already writen about). But I will ask... why does it serve you justice to not allow someone who smokes marijuana (heavily or not)to ever date you or be your friend? It almost seems that if you smoke marijuana, a lot of people think very low of you. I can't see why. I've been smoking for 5 years. My grades have always been good, I've always searched for more knowledge, I've tried my best at being a good person, and I am just trying to enojy life. Marijuana has not affected me on a huge level. Sure, my lungs may suck since it has been 5 years (no thanks to the cigarettes), but I am no less of an individual. So, I ask you, why do people do this? people associate certain images with weed smokers, different to that of a ciggi smoker or a drinker. weed has a more negative frame. |
What CAN it MEAN?
Welcome to JSH...Have a good time and go around the forum rooms..Most people on here are pretty KEWL. Thanks rara |
What CAN it MEAN?
Edited by
Tue 01/01/08 03:43 PM
![]() ![]() Every person you view is going to ask them selves why you did not bother to message them or are just looking. Do not be so quick to judge this well lead to only pure confusion lol. So get everybody in line and say there is a ten minute wait on this ride and you also have to be a certain height there is no eating drinking or jumping or standing on the ride. Try to use this as example as what people are also doing to you. Every day on my job people go to another ride before they come to my ride and i think the same thing happens in people there picky lol. Sometimes though i get people who come to my ride first and say you have the best ride in the whole con tire park. no no, Im not saying that if you're browzing, and you look at someones profile you MUST email them! lol. Im talking about them looking at your profle after reading the message you sent... I've browzed SO much with out emailing, If something sparks interest I email..then I go through this stupid fishing until blocked game. fun fun fun! |
What CAN it MEAN?
The approach I take to it is keep emailing until I get a response, even if its a "DONT YOU GET IT!?? **** OFF!" but hey, if I go fishing and I can see the fish from the warf, but they arent biting, Im gona keep fishing there until one of those fish jump up and tell me to Get Lost! only way to know for SURE. ![]() ![]() If they block you- back off... Hope you catch a good fish! LOL yea a block is a fair hint! |
What CAN it MEAN?
The approach I take to it is keep emailing until I get a response, even if its a "DONT YOU GET IT!?? **** OFF!"
but hey, if I go fishing and I can see the fish from the warf, but they arent biting, Im gona keep fishing there until one of those fish jump up and tell me to Get Lost! only way to know for SURE. |
What CAN it MEAN?
Thanks MsTeddybear, its good to hear that there are straight forward people here. I always reply, straight forward, since it is unfair to leave someone in the state of: "...does that mean she's not interested? does she want me to chase for a bit??" ![]() ![]() but you have to take in consideration the person might be online and unable to respond rigth away...take me i have kids therfor im back and fourth when jay is its not cuz i dont want to or am playin..i simply just cant at the moment Yes of course, we all live in a nano-second culture, I dont expect ASAP RESPONSE after opening my mail lol, I guess maybe theres also the possibility that she put off answering because she wants time to think HOW to respond. But does that REALLY take DAYS? |
What CAN it MEAN?
Thanks MsTeddybear, its good to hear that there are straight forward people here. I always reply, straight forward, since it is unfair to leave someone in the state of:
"...does that mean she's not interested? does she want me to chase for a bit??" ![]() ![]() |
What CAN it MEAN?
Edited by
Tue 01/01/08 03:01 PM
Hi everyone,
I'm not new to this dating thing, but I've just signed up here and I'm not sure whether I'm going to do my profile fully yet, prob look around 1st. This seems to have A LOT of forum members so i figured why not ask here. but I have a question for the ladies insight: I know some women like to play hard to get, but how can a guy tell if she IS playing hard to get? I could send a message, that she reads, doesn't reply back, and doesn't look at my profile - there have been some times where I persisted and she came around SO and I right to say: Just because a woman opens a guys message, without looking at his profile (or even if she does look) and no message back either way; does NOT mean necessarily mean that she is NOT interested? Do women do this often? Or is it just a NOT INTERESTED response? To me I think this is insanity unless she says that no response=no interest, but men know about the whole challenge thing but we're kinda high and dry in these scenarios. How many women are straight forward with a reply of "Sorry, not interested."?? Im sure that most men would appreciate that better than a blank stare! |