Community > Posts By > Lindyy

Lindyy's photo
Sat 11/15/08 01:43 PM


LIBBY,I have no problem with you posting anything.

I should hope not......or you would be contradicting yourself.....

And I have every right to state MY opinion...


Lindyy's photo
Sat 11/15/08 12:09 PM
Edited by Lindyy on Sat 11/15/08 12:09 PM

Obama said that he is personally not for abortion. He doesn't want to take other's choices away. He is big on education and prevention of pregnancy.

That tells me a lot about an individual.

HERE are some verses that describe children from GOD'S perspective:

Children are a gift from God (Genesis 4:1; Genesis 33:5). Children are a heritage from the Lord (Psalm 127:3-5). Children are a blessing from God (Luke 1:42). Children are a crown to the aged (Proverbs 17:6). God blesses barren women with children (Psalm 113:9; Genesis 21:1-3; 25:21-22; 30:1-2; 1 Samuel 1:6-8; Luke 1:7, 24-25). God forms children in the womb (Psalm 139:13-16). God knows children before their birth (Jeremiah 1:5; Galatians 1:15).

THIS TELLS ME A LOT ABOUT OBAMA ".....I don't want my daughters PUNISHED with a baby.....
Straight from his own DISGRACEFUL mouth:

Voted against banning partial birth abortion....
Obama's record in Illinois represents that of a pragmatic progressive, who pushed for moderate reforms and opposed right-wing legislation. In the IL legislature, voting "present" is the equivalent of voting "no" because a majority of "yes" votes are required for passage. Many IL legislators use the "present" vote as an evasion on an unpopular choice, so that they can avoid being targeted for voting "no." During the 2004 Democratic primary, an opponent mocked Obama's "present" vote on abortion bills with flyers portraying a rubber duck and the words, "He ducked!".
In 1997, Obama voted against SB 230, which would have turned doctors into felons by banning so-called partial-birth abortion, & against a 2000 bill banning state funding. Although these bills included an exception to save the life of the mother, they didn't include anything about abortions necessary to protect the health of the mother. The legislation defined a fetus as a person, & could have criminalized virtually all abortion.

Source: The Improbable Quest, by John K. Wilson, p.147-148 Oct 30, 2007

AS you all know....obama is very big on abortion.


PARTIAL BIRTH ABORTION (Which obama supports):

Under the Intact D&X method, the largest part of the fetus (the head) is reduced in diameter to allow vaginal passage. According to the American Medical Association, this procedure has four main elements.[8] First, the cervix is dilated. Second, the fetus is positioned for a footling breech. Third, the fetus is partially pulled out, starting with the feet, as far as the neck. Fourth, the brain and material inside the skull is evacuated, so that a dead but otherwise intact fetus can be delivered via the vagina.

Usually, preliminary procedures are performed over a period of two to three days, to gradually dilate the cervix using laminaria tents (sticks of seaweed which absorb fluid and swell). Sometimes drugs such as synthetic pitocin are used to induce labor. Once the cervix is sufficiently dilated, the doctor uses an ultrasound and forceps to grasp the fetus' leg. The fetus is turned to a breech position, if necessary, and the doctor pulls one or both legs out of the birth canal, causing what is referred to by some people as the 'partial birth' of the fetus. The doctor subsequently extracts the rest of the fetus, usually without the aid of forceps, leaving only the head still inside the birth canal. An incision is made at the base of the skull, scissors are inserted into the incision and opened to widen the opening,[9] and then a suction catheter is inserted into the opening. The brain is suctioned out, which causes the skull to collapse and allows the fetus to pass more easily through the birth canal. The placenta is removed and the uterine wall is vacuum aspirated using a cannula.[10]

NOT VERY NICE.........

OH and mrs. obama:
By Jill Stanek @ Americans United For Life

May 20, 2008
Michelle Obama's partial birth abortion fundraising letter:

In February 2004, Michelle Obama wrote a fundraising letter during her husband's 2004 US Senate campaign claiming the partial birth abortion ban "is clearly unconstitutional" and "a flawed law."

I'd like to ask Michelle to explain her legal opinion about this law the Supremes went on to declare constitutional. I'd like to ask Michelle how in the world she could in good conscience raise money from fear-mongering about this barbaric abortion procedure.

But Barack, bristling at a TN GOP ad taking Michelle to task for her "for the first time in my adult lifetime, I am really proud of my country" line, has issued a warning to "lay off my wife." As a commenter on another blog wrote, "'Free speech for me but not for thee'" - A typical leftwing position. Don't get in the ring if you don't intend to fight."


Lindyy's photo
Sat 11/15/08 10:38 AM

Yeppers, some people blindly follow those candidates who say they are pro-life to get your vote but who, despite having a firm grip for six years on political power in Washington did nothing for the pro-lifers.

Sure they used the partial birth abortion issue and Terri Shivo to incite their voter base and keep the us versus them issue in the news but really what did those pro-life family values republicans do for you when they had the chance.

You are being milked for your vote haha

Gotta love one issue blind obedience in a flock as you lead them to slaughter.

Oh, brother...........sick

Lindyy's photo
Sat 11/15/08 09:53 AM

Religion and religous institutions have no place in dictating to the masses who they should or should not put into power. Last time i checked America was a democratic republic and not a theocracy. Those who choose to let their morals, virtues and personal convictions guide their choices earn my respect not those who throw sense and reason out the window. Those who have eyes should use them rather then choosing to blindly follow the edicts of those who claim to be close to the divine and therefore percieve themselves to always be in the right.smokin

Individuals have the right to believe in and follow whatever doctrine thy so chose.....


I believe that is what i stated in my previous post Lindyy. I just pray for those individuals sakes that their "belief in doctrine" does not become the shackles of their minds and spirits.:tongue:

I do not think it can reduced to the word "doctrine".....but the primary beliefs in God's word contained in the Christians' "Holy Bible."

The Bible (as far as relating to Christians) states that Christians are to adhere to God's Holy Word.......for the spiritual leaders of any Christian denomination NOT to do so would be in GREAT CONTEMPT of God.....

The Catholic Church, as I understand, was speaking to members of the Catholic Church worldwide.....

Personally.....if a candidate is NOT PRO-LIFE....he/she does not get the time of day with me.......if one cannot respect the unborn child....that tells ME ALL I need to know about that individual...


Lindyy's photo
Sat 11/15/08 09:34 AM

It is their community a few years they may have deep to wait & see IF he does anything worthy of such recognition......which I doubt will take place.....


Lindyy's photo
Sat 11/15/08 01:48 AM

Lucky man survives after being run over by train
5 hours ago

HUNTSVILLE, Ala. (AP) — Talk about being lucky — a north Alabama man is alive after being run over by a train on Thursday afternoon. Huntsville Fire and Rescue officials said a train engineer spotted 61-year-old Arnold Romine lying across railroad ties. Witnesses said the conductor sounded the horn and tried to stop the train.

Firefighters said by the time the coal train was stopped, 8 rail cars had passed over Romine's body.

Miraculously, he suffered what appeared to be minor injuries. He was later treated and released at Huntsville Hospital.

Its unclear why Romine was lying on the tracks

YEP - a miracle in its finest form!


Lindyy's photo
Sat 11/15/08 01:46 AM

Religion and religous institutions have no place in dictating to the masses who they should or should not put into power. Last time i checked America was a democratic republic and not a theocracy. Those who choose to let their morals, virtues and personal convictions guide their choices earn my respect not those who throw sense and reason out the window. Those who have eyes should use them rather then choosing to blindly follow the edicts of those who claim to be close to the divine and therefore percieve themselves to always be in the right.smokin

Individuals have the right to believe in and follow whatever doctrine thy so chose.....


Lindyy's photo
Sat 11/15/08 01:43 AM

Yeah, the Catholic Chruch does not support abortion. This is news to you?

And if you believe in what the Church teaches, then you cannot support a candidate that supports abortion. And if you voted for one, then you have taken a direct action against Church doctrine,against the Church itself.

It's their Church, their rules, just like any other organization. Abide by the rules or leave.

So, they've been sharing/giving communion for years with parishioners who use birth control??

They don't want those members leaving as long as they tithe.

Priests, churches and governments are all institutions of man and are by their nature corrupt.

not everything is corrupt.....good grief.....

AND I suggest "refreshing" up on John 3:16: "For God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in Him shall not perish but have life eternal....."

We are all sinners (let me clarify that...Christians....) and fall short of the Glory of God.......if it were not for Jesus (as far as applying to Christians)none of us would make it to Heaven.......

THIS IS NOT saying things mentioned in prior posts are to be "overlooked".....but to emphasize that we are mere human beings......


Lindyy's photo
Sat 11/15/08 01:31 AM

Yeah, the Catholic Chruch does not support abortion. This is news to you?
And if you believe in what the Church teaches, then you cannot support a candidate that supports abortion. And if you voted for one, then you have taken a direct action against Church doctrine,against the Church itself.
It's their Church, their rules, just like any other organization. Abide by the rules or leave.



Lindyy's photo
Thu 11/13/08 07:11 PM

Vague? The whole church and state policy is vague. Knowledge and understanding is the key!

Vague is what this answer appears to be........and does no surprise me......

Lindyy's photo
Thu 11/13/08 05:40 PM

Please dust off the book and read each gospel and their descriptions of the resurrection.

If it is God's Holy Word which version is true?

Are all versions true?

If so what does that mean?

You didn't answer my question though.

Stop making "assumptions" I read my Bible several times a week:banana:

Keep reading the Bible....maybe you will find the answer yourself:banana:


I believe she didn't say you didn't read your Bible, but your reply still doesn't answer her question at all.

I have TONS of questions about what the Bible says. I've read it right side up, upside down, backwards and forwards, inside and out... and short of quoting every single chapter and verse, I'd say I know it pretty good. I work at a Christian school. I consider myself a Christian. Does that mean I understand the Bible? Does that mean I have no questions?

No. I have plenty.

ETA: In my experience, most Christians are Republicans. laugh It's easy to be in the majority.

The old saying and the song....."Silence is Golden"

Best to just jump to the next thread/post......


Silence is not golden. Knowledge is...And I think people are seeing that more and more. Its endless. Just a click away. will have people picking apart just exactly WHAT is knowledge......

"Common sense" is a GREAT virtue.....little of which is exhibited in this day and age......

Common sense is just that, common..Changes day to day, year to year..Thats where knowledge comes in and understanding the forces that affects our lives. We have been dummy downed enough, someone always qoutes that!!!!

OK....just exactly, and specifically, down to the dotting of every 'i' and crossing of every 't' the precise meaning of KNOWLEDGE?

Do you realize how vague, overly broad & ambigious the word KNOWLEDGE is?

Lindyy's photo
Thu 11/13/08 04:16 PM

Please dust off the book and read each gospel and their descriptions of the resurrection.

If it is God's Holy Word which version is true?

Are all versions true?

If so what does that mean?

You didn't answer my question though.

Stop making "assumptions" I read my Bible several times a week:banana:

Keep reading the Bible....maybe you will find the answer yourself:banana:


I believe she didn't say you didn't read your Bible, but your reply still doesn't answer her question at all.

I have TONS of questions about what the Bible says. I've read it right side up, upside down, backwards and forwards, inside and out... and short of quoting every single chapter and verse, I'd say I know it pretty good. I work at a Christian school. I consider myself a Christian. Does that mean I understand the Bible? Does that mean I have no questions?

No. I have plenty.

ETA: In my experience, most Christians are Republicans. laugh It's easy to be in the majority.

The old saying and the song....."Silence is Golden"

Best to just jump to the next thread/post......


Silence is not golden. Knowledge is...And I think people are seeing that more and more. Its endless. Just a click away. will have people picking apart just exactly WHAT is knowledge......

"Common sense" is a GREAT virtue.....little of which is exhibited in this day and age......

Lindyy's photo
Thu 11/13/08 04:12 PM

Is it possible for people of TOTAL opposite political views be true Friends.....

If so Why...

If not Why....

There is a difference between "TRUE" friends and "acquaintances" and "People you know & associate with every so often."

I only express my deepest feelings with my "true" friends - who are limited in number......

others I do not converse with regarding what is deep within my heart......

Lindyy's photo
Thu 11/13/08 03:45 PM

Please dust off the book and read each gospel and their descriptions of the resurrection.

If it is God's Holy Word which version is true?

Are all versions true?

If so what does that mean?

You didn't answer my question though.

Stop making "assumptions" I read my Bible several times a week:banana:

Keep reading the Bible....maybe you will find the answer yourself:banana:


I believe she didn't say you didn't read your Bible, but your reply still doesn't answer her question at all.

I have TONS of questions about what the Bible says. I've read it right side up, upside down, backwards and forwards, inside and out... and short of quoting every single chapter and verse, I'd say I know it pretty good. I work at a Christian school. I consider myself a Christian. Does that mean I understand the Bible? Does that mean I have no questions?

No. I have plenty.

ETA: In my experience, most Christians are Republicans. laugh It's easy to be in the majority.

The old saying and the song....."Silence is Golden"

Best to just jump to the next thread/post......


Lindyy's photo
Thu 11/13/08 04:35 AM

I'm an Independent who tends to vote Democrat.

My ma's a Republican who always votes Republican.

I still love my ma, even if we sometimes disagree.

Yes, blood IS thicker than water.

OMG! You are alive & well!!:banana:


Lindyy's photo
Wed 11/12/08 08:12 PM

Is it possible for people of TOTAL opposite political views be true Friends.....

If so Why...

If not Why....

Lindyy's photo
Wed 11/12/08 07:54 PM

<~~~Liberal. Democrat. Christian. (Psst... I teach at a Christian school! winking )

Yes, people. It IS possible.

<----Christian Democrat here too. I have a child in a Christian school.

Christian Republican And......

so is my GOLDEN!!!


Lindyy's photo
Wed 11/12/08 07:45 PM

I think everyone should be like my Golden Retriever.........

Sweet, easy going....loving.....devoted....

(AND conservative:banana: )



Lindyy's photo
Wed 11/12/08 07:30 PM

Please dust off the book and read each gospel and their descriptions of the resurrection.

If it is God's Holy Word which version is true?

Are all versions true?

If so what does that mean?

You didn't answer my question though.

Stop making "assumptions" I read my Bible several times a week:banana:

Keep reading the Bible....maybe you will find the answer yourself:banana:

I think the people should have the same rights of the church!!

what You lost mewhat


Lindyy's photo
Wed 11/12/08 06:57 PM

Please dust off the book and read each gospel and their descriptions of the resurrection.

If it is God's Holy Word which version is true?

Are all versions true?

If so what does that mean?

You didn't answer my question though.

Stop making "assumptions" I read my Bible several times a week:banana:

Keep reading the Bible....maybe you will find the answer yourself:banana:
