Community > Posts By > kolhauszer

kolhauszer's photo
Sun 03/02/08 11:47 AM
you mean like a mouthful of world famous quebec maple sugar??:heart: :heart:

kolhauszer's photo
Sun 03/02/08 11:44 AM
the man they call...HUNTER..
sounds like a tv cop show..

whats up

SOMETHING TO..oops..something to do with his hunter name??

just a thought

kolhauszer's photo
Sun 03/02/08 11:38 AM the kiddies say now
i was unorganized here for a minute...
hi miss bad....of course youre fine..why change now..:heart: :heart:

hey death...

hows the man today??..

yeah miss p...damn it.
to be so alive and have something 1 billionth the size of a human being be responsible for her miserys....

i hope that she'll be well soon

kolhauszer's photo
Sun 03/02/08 11:17 AM
hello all....

how is your sunday in your corners of the globe..

kolhauszer's photo
Sun 03/02/08 01:02 AM
and i guess on this happy note's time for me to crash as well..........have yourselves a great morning everyone....

goodnight miss p...pleasent dreamsflowerforyou flowerforyou

kolhauszer's photo
Sun 03/02/08 12:59 AM

Good to hear Kol, do know that feeling alone is also controlled by you. If your happy and content in yourself life is grand...

Gotta get back to bed for a bit, got a big day...Sleep tight everyone!!!

thanks for the advice pal..i will take it with me....have a great night jimbo...give your sweetybug a big kiss huh

kolhauszer's photo
Sun 03/02/08 12:54 AM

I hope my bungholio doesn't get polio.

Would you like a spatula for your bunghole.

Are you threating me.


HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.....laugh laugh what in gods name is this all about???

kolhauszer's photo
Sun 03/02/08 12:51 AM

well my friday night after work was met with me comming home and wondering if there was more to life then just this you know???..

so the gang knew that i was a bit they came by to raid the some pool games..etcetc..

no worries pal..i'm an old hound at this game...i temper my consumption with...ahhhhhhh..more??laugh laugh

THats always the answer noway

Kol, your a great guy, but if you continue to beat yourself up for the way life is, it will never change...Take action sir and life get's better happy

To drown in alcohol doesnt fix a thing this what this is about??...thanks bro's.i mean that...but seriously the last time i drank was at the challet..
oooooooo..nononono bad example...ok forget that one..

but can not live the life that i do without taking things a bit to much in the realms of the real...
thanks for the consern though...i mean that...

I have experienced some pretty bad things in my life, things that I will share with no one, but I pick myself up, dust it off and keep going..

I have a friend right now that is going through a tremendous amount. Quite honestly the things he has recently suffered I am not sure I could survive too, and the fact that he is still with us is a blessing, In other words, no matter who you are and what you have gone through, it can always be fixed my friend. It's how you handle it...Hope it all works out for you

and there inlies a great difference between us my friend..
you see..for the most part...hell 95%of my life was met with so many wonderful times..i mean that..
i was 17 years old the first time that i hitch-hicked across canada..simply because i could..hardships in my life was and is so ...non existant..
im sorry for the things that you have gone through jimbo..and i know that to have a life such as mine always was is very rare..

this is what happens when you come from the loins of a priveladged father...

i swear it bro...with everything that i know and love...that there really is no real reason for me to pick myself up from hell..because frankly i have never been there...

it's just been awhile since i have been alone i guess..
and listening to the friends at work talk about their families got to me thats all...

trust in this...i am absolutely fine...

all the love jimbo

kolhauszer's photo
Sun 03/02/08 12:42 AM
im fine miss p...
in a small way ..this is how i like to lose my inhabitions..
not that i really have any of course...just more or less a way to reward myself for the week past and the week ahead...

i believe in this whole heartedly..

one must always reward oneself for jobs well done...

yes ok..friday caused me to look at my life with different eyes then i usually do..perhaps.
but then i look at what i have...and i get happy again..

and for the road...flowerforyou flowerforyou

kolhauszer's photo
Sun 03/02/08 12:33 AM

well my friday night after work was met with me comming home and wondering if there was more to life then just this you know???..

so the gang knew that i was a bit they came by to raid the some pool games..etcetc..

no worries pal..i'm an old hound at this game...i temper my consumption with...ahhhhhhh..more??laugh laugh

THats always the answer noway

Kol, your a great guy, but if you continue to beat yourself up for the way life is, it will never change...Take action sir and life get's better happy

To drown in alcohol doesnt fix a thing this what this is about??...thanks bro's.i mean that...but seriously the last time i drank was at the challet..
oooooooo..nononono bad example...ok forget that one..

but can not live the life that i do without taking things a bit to much in the realms of the real...
thanks for the consern though...i mean that...

kolhauszer's photo
Sun 03/02/08 12:29 AM
it is a blessing for these eyes to behold such incomperable beauty that can only belong to you princess....flowerforyou

ooooo..did you get the request for more comfort??..
fire the staff damn it...

and replace them all with germans...a little on the nutty side..but damn loyal:smile: :smile:

kolhauszer's photo
Sun 03/02/08 12:25 AM
well my friday night after work was met with me comming home and wondering if there was more to life then just this you know???..

so the gang knew that i was a bit they came by to raid the some pool games..etcetc..

no worries pal..i'm an old hound at this game...i temper my consumption with...ahhhhhhh..more??laugh laugh

kolhauszer's photo
Sun 03/02/08 12:18 AM

ooooooo no worries pal...

the gang came by at about 6ish???..left around..what 11ish??..and i've been debauchering myself all night longlaugh

here's to debauchery people...

but this is indeed fitting though..i didnt realy realize it until now...but the word tawntien originated from france...after a battle.the surviving soldiers..even the wounded would raise a glass to the queen of france...

i guess that to raise a tawntien to miss princess is very fitting...

Ok, that makes sense, but just to let you know...It's honor, not honer

That's something a stoner writes my friend

ohhh is that how i spelled it????...hey what do you want from me...i've been drinking for 9 hours almost now...laugh laugh laugh
of course many people here know that if there is one thing that i do know is vocabulary,,but the evils of spirits makes eyes a little blurry...het speaking of spirits...i think i see my grandpa..laugh laugh laugh

kolhauszer's photo
Sun 03/02/08 12:15 AM thweet of you to thay that:heart: laugh

kolhauszer's photo
Sun 03/02/08 12:12 AM
well ok miss busting out herelaugh laugh
ok...seeing that im having some southerncomfort as we would great to have...more..i'm almost out..

TO THE QUEENflowerforyou flowerforyou

kolhauszer's photo
Sun 03/02/08 12:09 AM
ooooooo no worries pal...

the gang came by at about 6ish???..left around..what 11ish??..and i've been debauchering myself all night longlaugh

here's to debauchery people...

but this is indeed fitting though..i didnt realy realize it until now...but the word tawntien originated from france...after a battle.the surviving soldiers..even the wounded would raise a glass to the queen of france...

i guess that to raise a tawntien to miss princess is very fitting...

kolhauszer's photo
Sun 03/02/08 12:02 AM
hey means a pledge..
im afraid that as far as certain aspects of masculinity goes...
i wouldn't know a fan strap from a jock

kolhauszer's photo
Sat 03/01/08 11:59 PM
i hope that i'm not the only one who is having a wee bout with the creature tonight?...

it is saturday after all:smile:

kolhauszer's photo
Sat 03/01/08 11:53 PM
as i pour a new ounce of comfort into my glass,pincess..
i raise it to you in a toast..a tawntien if you will,in your honer..

gentlemen,,,here'e to the lovely miss princessflowerforyou

kolhauszer's photo
Sat 03/01/08 10:38 PM
Edited by kolhauszer on Sat 03/01/08 10:40 PM
death, i mean that everyone here on jsh has there own little ways where thier skits are conserned..but they stop from time to time...

not just your name..but even your pics have something to do with death...
you show great artistry to your your alter ego..
and it hardly ever stops...even the new name that you gave me..

everything has something to do with the darker side of human nature..

THATS IT EXACTLY..those were the words that i was always trying to come up with about your alter a darker side that resides in all of may not know this..but you do know that it is the darker side to our personalities that people achieve great strenght from right??..

a human being would never be able to live without his or her dark isnt really evil..

but then again i am
but i still think that its cool