Edited by
Mon 02/11/08 02:13 AM
Who is Sherry Shriner and what dose she talk about ???
Is America on it's last legs and if so, How did this happen ??? Did you know that satan winns by default ??? If to you there is NO GOD and you are ignostic, then you belong to satan even though you do NOT BELIEVE IN GODS... What you believe dose not really matter, it is all very CUT AND DRY... Either you belong to The Lord Thy GOD, or you belong to satan... So tell me who is Sherry Shriner and what dose she talk about ??? |
The Forum being the writen words of all members,we can see that Fanta can Wrestle with the best of them,he can flt through the air with the greatest of ease,and he is a most adept gymnist... But here on justsayhi, Fanta in known for his quick wit and well thought out posting's, this man is one of many that make this web-site Great,so I enter this post for him... So did Fanta Die and fall off the edge of The Planet or what??? Yep, I uess FANTA done froze to death in one of the Blizzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzards... |
The Forum being the writen words of all members,we can see that Fanta can Wrestle with the best of them,he can flt through the air with the greatest of ease,and he is a most adept gymnist... But here on justsayhi, Fanta in known for his quick wit and well thought out posting's, this man is one of many that make this web-site Great,so I enter this post for him... So did Fanta Die and fall off the edge of The Planet or what??? |
Fanta????? what chew doing now??? Hello Gypsy, t'aint seen Fanta around of late,so I thought this thread might just draw him out of his lair... |
Fanta????? what chew doing now??? Hello Gypsy, t'aint seen Fanta around of late,so I thought this thread might just draw him out of his lair... |
The Forum being the writen words of all members,we can see that Fanta can Wrestle with the best of them,he can flt through the air with the greatest of ease,and he is a most adept gymnist...
But here on justsayhi, Fanta in known for his quick wit and well thought out posting's, this man is one of many that make this web-site Great,so I enter this post for him... |
Born Again
Edited by
Tue 01/29/08 12:40 PM
This is so interesting the actual idea of how you will experience heaven. I can say for myself I feel heaven when I am singing , and if I am doing that with a small group of other's maybe 4 people singing harmony. I feel God then. Like being lifted up from the inside. I think I might not be that disappointed if all I got in the after life was the ability to make and hear music. Actually there ae a Few More Steps that you might want to take... Accepting Emanual as Your Lord and master are just a stepping stone to much greater things... You must also ask The Holey Spirit into your life To Lead and Guide your every step... Also you must ask Yawa to reveal unto you your mission,our job is not to just stand around and LOOK GOOD... We are The Warriors Of The Lord,we do not fight against our fellow man... We are spiritual Warriors, we cast out demons,heal the sick and set the captives FREE!!! Do not look for The Lord,He is within you... You have only to ask and He will show all unto you... Cosmo was here... To each his own,Sir... |
Born Again
This is so interesting the actual idea of how you will experience heaven. I can say for myself I feel heaven when I am singing , and if I am doing that with a small group of other's maybe 4 people singing harmony. I feel God then. Like being lifted up from the inside. I think I might not be that disappointed if all I got in the after life was the ability to make and hear music. Actually there ae a Few More Steps that you might want to take... Accepting Emanual as Your Lord and master are just a stepping stone to much greater things... You must also ask The Holey Spirit into your life To Lead and Guide your every step... Also you must ask Yawa to reveal unto you your mission,our job is not to just stand around and LOOK GOOD... We are The Warriors Of The Lord,we do not fight against our fellow man... We are spiritual Warriors, we cast out demons,heal the sick and set the captives FREE!!! Do not look for The Lord,He is within you... You have only to ask and He will show all unto you... Cosmo was here... |
OK so it might not be quite 900 feet tall, but a few hundred for sure... So I figure that some of you may know about The GIANT JESUS Over looking Rio Dajanero... Tijuana seem's to have wanter some of That Glory,only The Mexican Jesus is Looking Out To Sea, not a all The Sufferage of Tijuana... Also like all Plastic Jesus's,they only look to Him For Crop Failure after soine a few wild seed's... Of which brings me bake to The Fable of JESUS... His name was Emanual and He was not into Pagen Images, let alone A Plastic JESUS 900 Feet Tall!!! EVEN ROME did not build a Statue That Big of ANYONE!!! The Bible, did that not come from ROME??? The only TRUE word of GOD can be found in The Dead Sea Scrolls and they are classified as TOP SECRET by The Moassed,the Israeli Secret Police... So exsactly what do you have other that a ROCK SOLID FAITH IN A PLASTIC JESUS 900 FEET TALL ??? This is actually one of my all time favorite threads... |
Boredom. Ah, do I detect just a bit of Honesty there ??? (" Boredom ") Now tat is the most honest answer that I have seen in a very long time... I guess Discovery Channel has something on he has already Mastered.... Oh damn sweetie... :laphing: How to Beat Boredom forever, Quite watching TV, go to 100% Internet, there is always something GOOD ON!!! and most things are interactive Like (JustSayHi.com) I haven't watched TV since 9/11/2001 the day the good life ended... :wow: |
Boredom. Ah, do I detect just a bit of Honesty there ??? (" Boredom ") Now tat is the most honest answer that I have seen in a very long time... |
No that was NO TYPO, I really did say,( Single or Snot ??? ) People come to these datig sites for all sorts of reason's, some are married,some Single and there are those more eclectic situations that might look fun, but I just don't think so... So whats your trip and why are you here ??? Glad to see y'all,it's nice to see that we have all the different strokes here,and yes there are more than quite a few Great Ladies on This Site... |
No that was NO TYPO, I really did say,( Single or Snot ??? )
People come to these datig sites for all sorts of reason's, some are married,some Single and there are those more eclectic situations that might look fun, but I just don't think so... So whats your trip and why are you here ??? |
As an atheist and a skeptic, I try to limit my magical thinking to occasional moments of vanity and revenge. But lately I’ve found myself wishing that if the Rapture is on the level, it would happen soon . . . I mean real soon. The Rapture is the name given to a future event in which Jesus descends from heaven and gathers up all Christian fundamentalists [a.k.a. Christian Right] and swooshes them up bodily to heaven, but not before they’ve jettisoned their clothes and jewelry and all forms of prostheses, including pompadour hairpieces and inflatable bouffant support bladders. Before I get too far into this, I want it understood that I’m not wishing these folks ill. On the contrary, I’m wishing them what they’ve always wanted—an eternity of enjoying the unchallenged moral certitude they were never quite able to fully enjoy here on Earth, but which nonetheless caused the rest of us no end of misery. The signs for finally seeing the backside of the Christian Right are encouraging. According to raptureready.com, the Rapture Index (omens portending the Rapture) stands at 163, the highest it’s been since September 11, 2001 when it peaked at its all-time high of 182. I don’t know what the numbers mean either. But I’m not making this up. It appears Jesus is getting his transition team in place, what with the recent raptures—albeit by conventional means—of the Rev. D. James Kennedy, godfather of the American Dominionist [a.k.a. theofascist] movement and hater of our secular constitution, and the Rev. Jerry Falwell, founder of the Moral Majority and hater of all people he could think of to hate. I do wish the Lord would get his jesters assembled and move on this. Think what the Rapture will mean to those of us left behind. Twenty-three percent of the 208 million adults in America identify themselves as either Pentecostal or Charismatic Christians [a.k.a. Rapture-ready]. In the event of the Rapture up to 50 million workers will be leaving their jobs without clocking out. The number of positions vacated will be five times as many needed to wipe out the country’s unemployment, leaving the rest of us in a workers’ paradise. Affirmative action be damned! It’s “trickle up” economics at work here. Not only will our career paths be enhanced, but we’ll have a chance at longer, healthier lives by taking the untold billons of dollars President Bush is currently funneling into the Christian Right’s faith-based coffers to save “Americans one soul at a time" and reallocating them to stem cell research and universal health care, which will save considerably more of an American than just his or her ethereal soul. Along with vocational upgrades and improved health, we’ll no longer have to wonder, “is our kids learning?” High school grads having trouble gaining admission to one of our over-crowded universities will have immediate access to the vacant desks—and possibly iPods—left by the tens of thousands of Rapture-ready students attending America’s 102 “Christ-centered” colleges, which will be under new management and begging for warm bodies. And guys, speaking of warm bodies, the universities will be flush with coeds since far fewer teenage girls will be home taking care of their babies—there were 435,000 teen mothers last year. The hundreds of millions of federal dollars spent annually on abstinence-only sex education [a.k.a. religious dogma] in our public high schools will now fund comprehensive sex education programs that promote safe and effective birth control methods. Let’s face it. It was only the Christian Right who thought hormone-pumped primates would ever stop “doing it.” By the way, do I even need to mention that with the Rapture-ready blissfully ensconced behind the pearly gates the rest of us will be left in peace to enjoy our bedrooms and our most personal intimate relationships on our own terms? Unarguably though, the highlight of the Rapture will be finding out which of the “born-again” politicians are left on the ground. Unless someone has been lying to the American people—perish the thought—we stand to lose 48 Senators, 186 Representatives, four Supreme Court justices, seven presidential hopefuls, and one hopeless president. If it turns out—highly unlikely though it is— that the 2008 presidential frontrunners of both parties are missing on Rapture-plus-one, we’ll enjoy the remaining election season with candidates who’ve always been willing to talk about more substantive issues than their most recent meet and greet with the Lord. The God-talk will be in heaven where it belongs. Consider this . . . with a smile. If the Democrats with Dennis Kucinich and Al Gore—we can talk him into it—or the Greens with Cynthia McKinney and Ralph Nader can’t defeat the unraptured and unrepentant Ron Paul and Rudy Giuliani on their own merits, we’ll now own the Supreme Court. There is a downside. We know damn-good-and-well who’ll be sitting at his Oval Office desk with a “fooled you again” smirk on his mug on Rapture-plus-one. But keep in mind, we’ll still have Section 4 of Article II of the Constitution and we’ll have the votes and we’ll have the prison. Keep in mind also, gods mostly help those who help themselves. Having imagined all the above, my thinking is not so magical as to believe there won’t be a few post-Rapture problems. After all, according to Revelations this will be the time of the Great Tribulation and we’ll still have Satan [a.k.a. your choice] to wrestle with. But with the Christian Right enjoying eternity . . . well . . . who cares where, we’ll have only one Devil in the ring at a time. And he’ll be the one carrying a pitchfork not a Bible. Author’s note: Hopefully Jesus is a not a strict sectarian and swooshes up Jewish and Muslim fundamentalists as well. WHAT? I have the right to hope. _______ About author Robert Weitzel lives in Middleton, WI. His essays regularly appear in The Capital Times in Madison, WI. He has also been published in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Skeptic Magazine, Freethought Today and on the web sites, smirkingchimp.com and commondreams.org. He can be contacted at: rweitz@tds.net. As an Athiest, You must believe in something,If there is no GOD then you are thinking there is NO DEVIL... Unfortunatly for you, there is error in your thinking... People are being Raptured even now, But first will come 6 Anti Christ's, one is here now... You know him as George W Bushco, if you knew anything about Scull&Bones , than you would know that they worship The Devil... Had you been reding The News/Spews, you would know that GWB is a Tallmud toting Hebron & Lucifarian by Faith... So just reverse you thinking and know that Wrong is Right and Their Truth is 100% Diception... First HELL ON EARTH WILL COME, Then JESUS Will come and destroy Satan and his Legions and who ever has survived all of that and is faithful unto The Lord,will be welcomed into Heaven to rule and rein with Jesus for 1000 years... But Sir, You say there is NO GOD... If you are not with The Lord, then you stand against Him... So your future is in The Pit, with Satan and I'm afraid that even your Hard Hat may melt down there... GOOD LUCK!!! As you say, What ever floats your Boat, Bt is your boat floating, or stranded on dry land... What will you do when Anti Christ comes and expects you to Bow Down unto him ??? Check out NESARA find out what your government has signed you up for, You simply going to LOVE IT!!! You in reality have NO RIGHTS, Do you know about the 6,500 FEMA CAMPS and exactly what they will be used for ??? All Christians, Muslems ans Jews are to be Exterminated, in the exact same ways as the WW2 Consentration Camps, Just think you could become a guard and be in on all the action,but they will kill you to weather you take the MARK of not,because you are not Illuminatti... |
As an atheist and a skeptic, I try to limit my magical thinking to occasional moments of vanity and revenge. But lately I’ve found myself wishing that if the Rapture is on the level, it would happen soon . . . I mean real soon. The Rapture is the name given to a future event in which Jesus descends from heaven and gathers up all Christian fundamentalists [a.k.a. Christian Right] and swooshes them up bodily to heaven, but not before they’ve jettisoned their clothes and jewelry and all forms of prostheses, including pompadour hairpieces and inflatable bouffant support bladders. Before I get too far into this, I want it understood that I’m not wishing these folks ill. On the contrary, I’m wishing them what they’ve always wanted—an eternity of enjoying the unchallenged moral certitude they were never quite able to fully enjoy here on Earth, but which nonetheless caused the rest of us no end of misery. The signs for finally seeing the backside of the Christian Right are encouraging. According to raptureready.com, the Rapture Index (omens portending the Rapture) stands at 163, the highest it’s been since September 11, 2001 when it peaked at its all-time high of 182. I don’t know what the numbers mean either. But I’m not making this up. It appears Jesus is getting his transition team in place, what with the recent raptures—albeit by conventional means—of the Rev. D. James Kennedy, godfather of the American Dominionist [a.k.a. theofascist] movement and hater of our secular constitution, and the Rev. Jerry Falwell, founder of the Moral Majority and hater of all people he could think of to hate. I do wish the Lord would get his jesters assembled and move on this. Think what the Rapture will mean to those of us left behind. Twenty-three percent of the 208 million adults in America identify themselves as either Pentecostal or Charismatic Christians [a.k.a. Rapture-ready]. In the event of the Rapture up to 50 million workers will be leaving their jobs without clocking out. The number of positions vacated will be five times as many needed to wipe out the country’s unemployment, leaving the rest of us in a workers’ paradise. Affirmative action be damned! It’s “trickle up” economics at work here. Not only will our career paths be enhanced, but we’ll have a chance at longer, healthier lives by taking the untold billons of dollars President Bush is currently funneling into the Christian Right’s faith-based coffers to save “Americans one soul at a time" and reallocating them to stem cell research and universal health care, which will save considerably more of an American than just his or her ethereal soul. Along with vocational upgrades and improved health, we’ll no longer have to wonder, “is our kids learning?” High school grads having trouble gaining admission to one of our over-crowded universities will have immediate access to the vacant desks—and possibly iPods—left by the tens of thousands of Rapture-ready students attending America’s 102 “Christ-centered” colleges, which will be under new management and begging for warm bodies. And guys, speaking of warm bodies, the universities will be flush with coeds since far fewer teenage girls will be home taking care of their babies—there were 435,000 teen mothers last year. The hundreds of millions of federal dollars spent annually on abstinence-only sex education [a.k.a. religious dogma] in our public high schools will now fund comprehensive sex education programs that promote safe and effective birth control methods. Let’s face it. It was only the Christian Right who thought hormone-pumped primates would ever stop “doing it.” By the way, do I even need to mention that with the Rapture-ready blissfully ensconced behind the pearly gates the rest of us will be left in peace to enjoy our bedrooms and our most personal intimate relationships on our own terms? Unarguably though, the highlight of the Rapture will be finding out which of the “born-again” politicians are left on the ground. Unless someone has been lying to the American people—perish the thought—we stand to lose 48 Senators, 186 Representatives, four Supreme Court justices, seven presidential hopefuls, and one hopeless president. If it turns out—highly unlikely though it is— that the 2008 presidential frontrunners of both parties are missing on Rapture-plus-one, we’ll enjoy the remaining election season with candidates who’ve always been willing to talk about more substantive issues than their most recent meet and greet with the Lord. The God-talk will be in heaven where it belongs. Consider this . . . with a smile. If the Democrats with Dennis Kucinich and Al Gore—we can talk him into it—or the Greens with Cynthia McKinney and Ralph Nader can’t defeat the unraptured and unrepentant Ron Paul and Rudy Giuliani on their own merits, we’ll now own the Supreme Court. There is a downside. We know damn-good-and-well who’ll be sitting at his Oval Office desk with a “fooled you again” smirk on his mug on Rapture-plus-one. But keep in mind, we’ll still have Section 4 of Article II of the Constitution and we’ll have the votes and we’ll have the prison. Keep in mind also, gods mostly help those who help themselves. Having imagined all the above, my thinking is not so magical as to believe there won’t be a few post-Rapture problems. After all, according to Revelations this will be the time of the Great Tribulation and we’ll still have Satan [a.k.a. your choice] to wrestle with. But with the Christian Right enjoying eternity . . . well . . . who cares where, we’ll have only one Devil in the ring at a time. And he’ll be the one carrying a pitchfork not a Bible. Author’s note: Hopefully Jesus is a not a strict sectarian and swooshes up Jewish and Muslim fundamentalists as well. WHAT? I have the right to hope. _______ About author Robert Weitzel lives in Middleton, WI. His essays regularly appear in The Capital Times in Madison, WI. He has also been published in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Skeptic Magazine, Freethought Today and on the web sites, smirkingchimp.com and commondreams.org. He can be contacted at: rweitz@tds.net. As an Athiest, You must believe in something,If there is no GOD then you are thinking there is NO DEVIL... Unfortunatly for you, there is error in your thinking... People are being Raptured even now, But first will come 6 Anti Christ's, one is here now... You know him as George W Bushco, if you knew anything about Scull&Bones , than you would know that they worship The Devil... Had you been reding The News/Spews, you would know that GWB is a Tallmud toting Hebron & Lucifarian by Faith... So just reverse you thinking and know that Wrong is Right and Their Truth is 100% Diception... First HELL ON EARTH WILL COME, Then JESUS Will come and destroy Satan and his Legions and who ever has survived all of that and is faithful unto The Lord,will be welcomed into Heaven to rule and rein with Jesus for 1000 years... But Sir, You say there is NO GOD... If you are not with The Lord, then you stand against Him... So your future is in The Pit, with Satan and I'm afraid that even your Hard Hat may melt down there... GOOD LUCK!!! As you say, What ever floats your Boat, Bt is your boat floating, or stranded on dry land... |
Edited by
Mon 01/21/08 02:29 AM
As an atheist and a skeptic, I try to limit my magical thinking to occasional moments of vanity and revenge. But lately I’ve found myself wishing that if the Rapture is on the level, it would happen soon . . . I mean real soon. The Rapture is the name given to a future event in which Jesus descends from heaven and gathers up all Christian fundamentalists [a.k.a. Christian Right] and swooshes them up bodily to heaven, but not before they’ve jettisoned their clothes and jewelry and all forms of prostheses, including pompadour hairpieces and inflatable bouffant support bladders. Before I get too far into this, I want it understood that I’m not wishing these folks ill. On the contrary, I’m wishing them what they’ve always wanted—an eternity of enjoying the unchallenged moral certitude they were never quite able to fully enjoy here on Earth, but which nonetheless caused the rest of us no end of misery. The signs for finally seeing the backside of the Christian Right are encouraging. According to raptureready.com, the Rapture Index (omens portending the Rapture) stands at 163, the highest it’s been since September 11, 2001 when it peaked at its all-time high of 182. I don’t know what the numbers mean either. But I’m not making this up. It appears Jesus is getting his transition team in place, what with the recent raptures—albeit by conventional means—of the Rev. D. James Kennedy, godfather of the American Dominionist [a.k.a. theofascist] movement and hater of our secular constitution, and the Rev. Jerry Falwell, founder of the Moral Majority and hater of all people he could think of to hate. I do wish the Lord would get his jesters assembled and move on this. Think what the Rapture will mean to those of us left behind. Twenty-three percent of the 208 million adults in America identify themselves as either Pentecostal or Charismatic Christians [a.k.a. Rapture-ready]. In the event of the Rapture up to 50 million workers will be leaving their jobs without clocking out. The number of positions vacated will be five times as many needed to wipe out the country’s unemployment, leaving the rest of us in a workers’ paradise. Affirmative action be damned! It’s “trickle up” economics at work here. Not only will our career paths be enhanced, but we’ll have a chance at longer, healthier lives by taking the untold billons of dollars President Bush is currently funneling into the Christian Right’s faith-based coffers to save “Americans one soul at a time" and reallocating them to stem cell research and universal health care, which will save considerably more of an American than just his or her ethereal soul. Along with vocational upgrades and improved health, we’ll no longer have to wonder, “is our kids learning?” High school grads having trouble gaining admission to one of our over-crowded universities will have immediate access to the vacant desks—and possibly iPods—left by the tens of thousands of Rapture-ready students attending America’s 102 “Christ-centered” colleges, which will be under new management and begging for warm bodies. And guys, speaking of warm bodies, the universities will be flush with coeds since far fewer teenage girls will be home taking care of their babies—there were 435,000 teen mothers last year. The hundreds of millions of federal dollars spent annually on abstinence-only sex education [a.k.a. religious dogma] in our public high schools will now fund comprehensive sex education programs that promote safe and effective birth control methods. Let’s face it. It was only the Christian Right who thought hormone-pumped primates would ever stop “doing it.” By the way, do I even need to mention that with the Rapture-ready blissfully ensconced behind the pearly gates the rest of us will be left in peace to enjoy our bedrooms and our most personal intimate relationships on our own terms? Unarguably though, the highlight of the Rapture will be finding out which of the “born-again” politicians are left on the ground. Unless someone has been lying to the American people—perish the thought—we stand to lose 48 Senators, 186 Representatives, four Supreme Court justices, seven presidential hopefuls, and one hopeless president. If it turns out—highly unlikely though it is— that the 2008 presidential frontrunners of both parties are missing on Rapture-plus-one, we’ll enjoy the remaining election season with candidates who’ve always been willing to talk about more substantive issues than their most recent meet and greet with the Lord. The God-talk will be in heaven where it belongs. Consider this . . . with a smile. If the Democrats with Dennis Kucinich and Al Gore—we can talk him into it—or the Greens with Cynthia McKinney and Ralph Nader can’t defeat the unraptured and unrepentant Ron Paul and Rudy Giuliani on their own merits, we’ll now own the Supreme Court. There is a downside. We know damn-good-and-well who’ll be sitting at his Oval Office desk with a “fooled you again” smirk on his mug on Rapture-plus-one. But keep in mind, we’ll still have Section 4 of Article II of the Constitution and we’ll have the votes and we’ll have the prison. Keep in mind also, gods mostly help those who help themselves. Having imagined all the above, my thinking is not so magical as to believe there won’t be a few post-Rapture problems. After all, according to Revelations this will be the time of the Great Tribulation and we’ll still have Satan [a.k.a. your choice] to wrestle with. But with the Christian Right enjoying eternity . . . well . . . who cares where, we’ll have only one Devil in the ring at a time. And he’ll be the one carrying a pitchfork not a Bible. Author’s note: Hopefully Jesus is a not a strict sectarian and swooshes up Jewish and Muslim fundamentalists as well. WHAT? I have the right to hope. _______ About author Robert Weitzel lives in Middleton, WI. His essays regularly appear in The Capital Times in Madison, WI. He has also been published in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Skeptic Magazine, Freethought Today and on the web sites, smirkingchimp.com and commondreams.org. He can be contacted at: rweitz@tds.net. As an Athiest, You must believe in something,If there is no GOD then you are thinking there is NO DEVIL... Unfortunatly for you, there is error in your thinking... People are being Raptured even now, But first will come 6 Anti Christ's, one is here now... You know him as George W Bushco, if you knew anything about Scull&Bones , than you would know that they worship The Devil... Had you been reding The News/Spews, you would know that GWB is a Tallmud toting Hebron & Lucifarian by Faith... So just reverse you thinking and know that Wrong is Right and Their Truth is 100% Diception... First HELL ON EARTH WILL COME, Then JESUS Will come and destroy Satan and his Legions and who ever has survived all of that and is faithful unto The Lord,will be welcomed into Heaven to rule and rein with Jesus for 1000 years... But Sir, You say there is NO GOD... If you are not with The Lord, then you stand against Him... So your future is in The Pit, with Satan and I'm afraid that even your Hard Hat may melt down there... GOOD LUCK!!! |
Why people hate Ron Paul
Paul has no chance of winning the nomination; but he certainly has a good chance to enrich the debates. true But I'll Vote for Him anyway Knowing he won't win, why would you even waste your time to vote for him? That mentality is futile. I just pray he does not run as an Independent. OK, come ellection day, America will have a Choice between 10 Lying Sacks of Crud and !0 Snakes that did sell their mother for a 5 cent cegar... Or you can voth for RAN PAUL,,, So who you going to vote for??? |
Daniel my friend I think this would have been better on the joke forum Fanta and I in the Whitehouse, there would be a full fledged war over who was going to get top billing My platform however is: If elected I promise to only steal half as much as the guy before me and if I am re-elected to a second term, I promise to only steal half as much in the second term as I did in the first term. All my time would be spent making forge give the money back! Gypsy, Id send Oprah to Canada to run America II!!! The only thing these 2 have to offer that The Incombents never had and will NEVER gain, is morals although miplaced at times and They Lack the distain of ( " WE The People " ) that all he other contenders currently have... So Fanta would make a most intresting President and GardenForge ma enjoy his Vices... Although you 2 must first be Nominated, At least I have already been Nominated... |
OK so it might not be quite 900 feet tall, but a few hundred for sure... So I figure that some of you may know about The GIANT JESUS Over looking Rio Dajanero... Tijuana seem's to have wanter some of That Glory,only The Mexican Jesus is Looking Out To Sea, not a all The Sufferage of Tijuana... Also like all Plastic Jesus's,they only look to Him For Crop Failure after soine a few wild seed's... Of which brings me bake to The Fable of JESUS... His name was Emanual and He was not into Pagen Images, let alone A Plastic JESUS 900 Feet Tall!!! EVEN ROME did not build a Statue That Big of ANYONE!!! The Bible, did that not come from ROME??? The only TRUE word of GOD can be found in The Dead Sea Scrolls and they are classified as TOP SECRET by The Moassed,the Israeli Secret Police... So exsactly what do you have other that a ROCK SOLID FAITH IN A PLASTIC JESUS 900 FEET TALL ??? I think every town should have a 900 FOOT Plastic JESUS DOLL!!! WASHINGTON DC SHOULD HAVE A 900 FOOT Plastic Jesus Doll sitting on The Capital Dome,just to let everyone know what Jesus really thinks of American Poletics... |
immigrants fair or unfair
Immagration is Fair, LOOTING IS UNFAIR...
You have to see from Both Sides of The Border to understand... On the one hand, Americans are seen as soft and stupid and you must admit that we are... On the other hand,The Bronks that Crash our Borders are not greatly educated,they are here TO GET everything they can... NOW SEE MEXICO AS IT REALLY IS, A ONE WAY VALVE... We Americans are free to go down there and spend our MONEY,The Poor Mexican Bronks are free to come up to The USA and take our money, But The USA is not making any money in Mexico... As I said, IMMAGRATION IS FAIR, BUT LOOTING IS NOT FAIR... Fill out your papers, wait for your Visa,go to The USA apply for a Green Card,Get a Job... Immagration by The Numbers is Fair, running accross the border and Looting all you can and running back is NOT FAIR !!! MEXICAN IMAGRATION LAW IS CLEAR, you crash into Mexico,you go to a mexican JAIL... What part of that did you not understand ??? |