Hey all hows it hanging? Any who looking for a girl 25-35 to get to know and see what shes about and if something goes well then i hope to go out with her more, also must be in the metro politain area if possiable at all. =80)
HA yeah i still got mine and it still works & still gotta blow into the game for it to work hA! my friend used to put alchole into his games but i think that just ruined them lol i have pro rc am on my gensis emulator i also have game geneie for my games on nintendo ever had that? i also got the gun for duck hunt i also had hogans alley thats a good one shooter game too. i think those were the only two you could play with the gun right? anyways yeah those were the days.
any hot ny girls?
any girls that are single at all 20-35 interested to talk reply to me thanks.
tv shows: family guy,futurama,amercain dad,idol,aqua teen hunger force,simpsons,robot chicken,that 70's show, As movies go: action,adventure,animations,comic book,conedy's.
anyone out there?
anyways thought id say hello and see if anyone would say hi back and tell me what they like & what not so reply and let me know whats up ok. do anyone here ever meet anyone in person at all? or would be up to it if they were interested let me know. must be in the ny/nj metro area.
Hello anyone out there?
Hey whats going on? just thought id post and see if anyone would answer and see if anyone was out there to see if you wanted to chat or something or get to know one another so if your interested reply back thanks.
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