Community > Posts By > TristanBru
Happy Hump
Hump day humm..... (insert dirty joke here).
kitty kitty kitty
I like cat's, they taste like chicken.
you're a vegetable
Wow ,I see that everones as board as me.
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love makes you stupid
For a while now I was trying to make a long time freind my girlfriend. I made my feelings known to her on many occasions. took her out on fancy dates and bought her many expensive gifts. Knowing full well It might not get me anywhere. After awile she told me that she had been seeing some one else and that things between them had gotten personal. Hearing this I decided to move on. It was clear that she didn't have the feelings I had for her, and It was unhealthly to go on in this way. so I stopped hanging out with her and moved on with my life. Four months went by, I moved closer to work and bought a new car. Then out of the blue I recived a phone call telling how much she missed me and that she would relly like to see me again. With that she started driving up to see me on weekends. We had a wonderful time. We went to nice dinners and went danceing. And spent the night with me. I have to say it cought me by suprize, That this girl that I had had a crush on for so long was suddenly envolved with me. Things were great for a about a month. Thats when she came to me a told me that this whole time she was with me, She was still seeing her old boy friend and that this time she was spending with me was a mistake. With that it was over, I'm confused I should be liveing mad at her yet I'm not. I just feel lost and confused. What did I do wrong? Why do still have feelings for her, When It's pretty clear she was just useing me. I gess love just make you stupid. Don't know why I posting this gess, I just want to get it out of my head.
Even with that all being said i still rather have the girl! ![]() |
What is a Professional?
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La la land I think I'm there right now.
You could always pick up a new hobby, painting helped me alot when I was hurt... or pick up playing an instrument, turn pain into art... Like customing his car with a crow bar!!!! ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Your right. our goverment is to blame as well. There has not been a new refinery built in this country for 20 years despite demand. The rich will be rideing around in their hummers while the rest of us walk. I don't know about the rest of you, but I use less gas now than at anytime in my adult life. I moved closer to work, sold my suv and bought a motorcycle. yet prices contune to rise.
The joke was good but I don't find the subject funny any more.
They failed with 9/1/1. But won in the long run with crude oil prices. Wait, soon there will be shortages of food and consumables. Because trucking companys will no longer to afford gas. Farmers will stop farming and we'll be all riding around bicycles like in inda. Save that tax return, your going to need it. ![]() |
who here likes
The cheesy hashbrown stuff is the best. Kinda hard to find at the store though.
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Ann Landers This week
One of the members of this dateing site told me, that no one comes to this site to find a date. So the real question is why is anyone here?
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Edited by
Mon 03/24/08 02:53 PM
Why not try the date married people link at the top of the page, while your at it. lol.
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Why do most guys...
Aye, but that's exactly it. We don't want to raise someone else's kid. 'Cause then we're just the guy ****ing their mom. Plus, some of us don't want that responsibility yet. We still have a lot of life ahead of us before we even want to procreate. It's my opinion that you should be financially secure before having a child, and most people aren't even that. It doesn't matter if it's the first date... you're asking him to go on another, and give you the opportunity to start a relationship. If you aren't, then all you're really looking for is a ****buddy (which some people are fine with, I'd rather have a meaningful relationship). Even if a relationship blossoms, we'll never be their real father. Also, from my point of view, I don't want to be there for six months and have the kid get attached to me, especially if/when things don't work out. That kind of stuff can be detrimental to a child's psyche. Are those acceptable answers? |
First day of spring
Morning ![]() It's cold outside..but the sun is shining bright,Spring is on it's way! ![]() Spring is here? there talking 7 inches of snow here by friday. ![]() |
In the Market...
The sky and soltace are the same car, just diffrent body parts. The rabbit Is totaly diffrent class of automobiles. You have to decide if you want a sports car or a compact car.
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I just want to rap my car in bubble rap and ram any thing that moves.
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whats everybody
S.t Patricks Keg party!!!!!!! Then off to my buddys son's b-day party. He's turning six.
Under 30
Hi everyone!