probly do, we both do.
I joined last month and have messaged about 14 women with only a couple of responses...I need to know if I'm throwing off a negative vibe, or have my preferences to narrow, something like that. Thanks
Comments were pretty much all cool, thanks. I'm the originator of this topic and I worded it badly. If I ask, of course I pay. I was really asking "if a female contacts me is it always assumed the guy still picks up the tab". There are some "haters" out there, some great people out there and smartasses out there. I hope I have success on my little trip. Peace.
thanks for the friendly welcome to the site
I'm new to the site but I've also had this question, in general, for years. I've also been out of the loop since a lot of my adulthood was spent in a relationship. Now I've been divorced for 3 years and I'm stepping out there again. The question: is it assumed the man pays for in, I contact someone, or they contact me for a coffee-shop visit. Should each person pay for their own coffee, or is it assumed the man simply allways pays for everything. I'm a male, but I don't pay my male friends bill when we get together as friends...but what are the rules for female friends? I'm on this site looking for a female friend with the "possibly" of a LTR. This may be a dumb question, I know, but I don't have any casual female friends to get input from. What do people think?