Call your Dr. Many times you can just go in and have a test done wihout having a doctor's visit. PG tests are also sold at grocery stores too.
The Crow:City of Angels
The original was the best. My all time favorite movie. I have seen it more than 100 times. (Yeah I need a hobby)
"Mr. Burgundy! You have a massive erection!" Anchorman
"I ate a red candle" Anchorman "I told you, I was at my cousin's hunting Wolverines!" Napoleon Dynamite |
The Crow
"I feel like a little worm on a bug f*ckin'hook!" Ocean's Eleven "Smash and Grab huh?" "slightly more complicated than that." "Well, yeah..." |
Raven honey, I recently went through the very same situation with my ex husband. The best thing I ever did was to stop talking to him. After a few months I was able to step back and see him for what he was. Though it was not my fault for our seperation, he was verbally abusive to myself and my young son, he made me feel as though it was my fault. I had such low self worth that I allwoed him to continue hurting me. I finally found solace in those I could trust, my friends and family and I am happy to say I feel more and more like myself every day. It will take time. The first step it to stop seeing and talking to him. One day at a time.