Community > Posts By > anthsm22

anthsm22's photo
Wed 08/26/09 09:53 PM
1. dont lie to yourself about anything.
2. dont disillussion yourself in to anything.
3. Have great friends around you who are accountable, responsible, and carring kinds of people. They will be compassionet, but not let you off the hook.
4. counciling is great!!!!! even if your not depressed, its great to go anyway.
5. Realize you are stressed, confussed, hurt, angry or what ever. Own your feelings and then deal with each of them 1 at a time.
6. believe in yourself
7. believe in yourself
8. believe in yourself

anthsm22's photo
Wed 08/26/09 09:47 PM
shoot, I have to still deal with hurricane season till the end of december

anthsm22's photo
Wed 08/26/09 09:43 PM
Hang in there brother.....communication is everything and sucks when your not getting it, but dont assume anything!!!! just wait till tomarrow and youve time to cool off

anthsm22's photo
Wed 08/26/09 07:52 PM

as if it happened only yesterday

try remembering for me too then.LOL

anthsm22's photo
Wed 08/26/09 06:41 PM
I did when I was tallerlaugh drinker

anthsm22's photo
Wed 08/26/09 09:42 AM
Welcome from Florida...Fasten your seat belt and remain in the ride at all times.....LOL

anthsm22's photo
Wed 08/26/09 09:30 AM
Hi and welcome from Florida

anthsm22's photo
Wed 08/26/09 08:45 AM
Prayers from florida

anthsm22's photo
Wed 08/26/09 06:48 AM

its what me and Calleigh12 or any woman always complains about these horrible one line message we get sent from really..helmet special..guys..

"hello how r u u r very sexy would u like to chat if so i m me"

Well, would you? LOL

anthsm22's photo
Tue 08/25/09 06:33 PM
Communication builds trust. Without those 2 things, nothing can or will work, and counciling will help the 2 of you learn to re connect. Good luck my friend. All my best to you and your wife!!!

anthsm22's photo
Tue 08/25/09 05:35 PM

For guys in order not to be cheated on you gonna need 2 things.

1. Lot's of money
2. Good sex skills.

You got both of those, you are all set. Missing either or both, well good luck.

For women to have the guys not to cheat on them.

1. Don't let them close to other hot women. Basically poke his eyes out and shut him in a dungeon.

For men to keep their women INTERESTED in only them....

1. Be emotionally responsive.
2. Be sexually confident and bold.
3. Have a job.
4. Be PRESENT...engaged, and truly INTO your woman.


OMG......That has got to be one of the funniest things I have ever read/seen......That cracks me up!!! LMAO

anthsm22's photo
Tue 08/25/09 01:26 PM
because they want to.

anthsm22's photo
Tue 08/25/09 11:29 AM

anthsm22's photo
Tue 08/25/09 10:52 AM
I guess alot depends on the reasons you all split up, how the break up was handled. Not a high percentage of success, but there are those that work out.

anthsm22's photo
Tue 08/25/09 10:36 AM

Not a problem, I swear... just SHOCKED! LOL

feel lucky it wasnt the same person looking at your profile 47 times in a row.....LOL

anthsm22's photo
Tue 08/25/09 09:40 AM

What really sucks is it seems that eh only time people want to talk to me is when they need something from me.

That's precisely my scenario in real life. They need to be "rescued," they come to me. I "rescue" them, they disappear until such time as they need "rescuing" again.

And I've been here since the end of '06 and haven't met anybody....the writing, as they say, is on the wall (whatever isn't in my profile, anyway).

Try being the one that needs rescued....who knows.LOL.....

anthsm22's photo
Tue 08/25/09 09:36 AM

with diamonds :wink:

LOL Fran

anthsm22's photo
Tue 08/25/09 09:34 AM

Well, I'm sorry but you have to talk to people to ask them out.
What are your mails like? Why are they lukewarm?

I just got one that said I was the most beautiful woman he'd ever seem. My reply? MmmmK.

I was going to send you an email after I read your profile, but am still on the oxygen machine trying to catch my breath from reading it....LOL...Anyway....

anthsm22's photo
Tue 08/25/09 09:26 AM
no probs here. sorta.... i met one lady....TOTAL PSYCHO!!!!!!! the other one I am getting to know....we'll see how that goes. Ive only been back on mingle for a week and a half now. I think it has to do with what your willing to invest initially........but who knows

anthsm22's photo
Tue 08/25/09 07:20 AM

so one says no and the other says yeslaugh drinker

you need atmoshere to resonate

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