Let's see. I read your post, I'm writing an answer.... I must be a Genius.
Now, let's not get into the realms of fantasy here. I don't care if you can say horse in seven different languages. If you still ride a cow you get ignored.
More bucolic wisdom? ![]() Learned it from the best shill on the planet |
And what world famous genius uttered this hoo hah
One that can read & write. Let's see. I read your post, I'm writing an answer.... I must be a Genius. I don't care if you can say horse in seven different languages. If you still ride a cow you get ignored. |
""4. Presenting an argument in video format is much more emotionally satisfying than presenting an argument in any other way. Motion pictures have been used for propaganda purposes since the technology was invented. The phenomenal success of movies to make a political, social or racial statement was demonstrated first with D.W. Griffith’s 1915 film The Birth of a Nation, and the extraordinary power of movies to persuade people continues today. Packaging an argument in a video format, especially if it has interesting visuals and a good soundtrack, will carry your argument further and faster than it would travel by any other means. Conspiracy theorists are always recruiting, and using video is one of their most powerful tools. Consequently, it makes sense that their weapon of choice would be YouTube. To a large extent, conspiracy theorists probably don’t even realize the immense power of the medium that they seem to choose (unconsciously, perhaps) as their preferred means of communication. 5. Conspiracy theorists often exhibit an anti-intellectual bias, and because of their positions are forced to attack, ignore or explain away the legitimacy of expertise. YouTube plays into these biases perfectly. Here is the real meat of this blog: conspiracy theorists are usually anti-intellectual. They have no patience for the opinions of experts—usually because those experts do not support conspiracy theories—and they’re often contemptuous of credentialed experts in the first place. Consequently, conspiracy theorists invest a tremendous amount of thought and effort into denigrating or explaining away the views of those who know more about the subjects they’re talking about than they do. Conspiracy theorists hate experts and intellectuals mainly because they are forced to. Few if any real experts in anything—engineering, economics, metallurgy, political science, or history—agree with conspiracy theories, and conspiracy theorists know that this is a major obstacle in their attempts to gain mainstream acceptance. Honestly, if one structural engineer with questionable credentials says that the World Trade Center towers were dynamited and 99 real structural engineers say that theory is ********, which side are most people going to believe? Consequently, conspiracy theorists have to tear down experts. They do this mainly by denigrating the real value or relevance of expert opinion, which usually means casting aspersions on expert status in the first place. This has two effects: first, they think it blunts the attacks of experts on their theories, and second, it elevates non-expert opinion into the same realm as expert knowledge."" ""Conclusion Conspiracy theorists suffer from a number of profound misconceptions regarding how the world works, how knowledge is gathered and verified, and what constitutes proof and evidence. If they did not suffer from these misconceptions, they would not be conspiracy theorists, because the fantastic and unsupportable nature of their theories would be self-evident upon careful review of the real evidence. YouTube, being open-sourced user-generated content with no editorial or “gatekeeping” function, has become conspiracy theorists’ prime source of information preciselybecause it’s open-sourced with none of the gatekeeping functions, such as peer review or editorial processes, that make other sources of information reliable. This coupled with an inability to tell good sources from bad ones plays directly into conspiracy theorists’ conceits that they have “special” knowledge, that expert opinion is overrated or irrelevant, and that they can “change the world” simply by spreading a couple of YouTube links and “opening people’s eyes.” But conspiracy theorists’ reliance on YouTube is yet another illustration of why their worldview is intellectually bankrupt and incapable of attracting serious mainstream attention. When your “evidence” regarding something is a YouTube video from Prison Planet or Infowars, you’re telegraphing to the world that you’ve got nothing better to support your position. Don’t be surprised when people don’t take you seriously."" Conclusion Conspiracy theorists suffer from a number of profound misconceptions regarding how the world works, how knowledge is gathered and verified, and what constitutes proof and evidence. If they did not suffer from these misconceptions, they would not be conspiracy theorists, because the fantastic and unsupportable nature of their theories would be self-evident upon careful review of the real evidence. YouTube, being open-sourced user-generated content with no editorial or “gatekeeping” function, has become conspiracy theorists’ prime source of information preciselybecause it’s open-sourced with none of the gatekeeping functions, such as peer review or editorial processes, that make other sources of information reliable. This coupled with an inability to tell good sources from bad ones plays directly into conspiracy theorists’ conceits that they have “special” knowledge, that expert opinion is overrated or irrelevant, and that they can “change the world” simply by spreading a couple of YouTube links and “opening people’s eyes.” But conspiracy theorists’ reliance on YouTube is yet another illustration of why their worldview is intellectually bankrupt and incapable of attracting serious mainstream attention. When your “evidence” regarding something is a YouTube video from Prison Planet or Infowars, you’re telegraphing to the world that you’ve got nothing better to support your position. Don’t be surprised when people don’t take you seriously."" Conclusion Conspiracy theorists suffer from a number of profound misconceptions regarding how the world works, how knowledge is gathered and verified, and what constitutes proof and evidence. If they did not suffer from these misconceptions, they would not be conspiracy theorists, because the fantastic and unsupportable nature of their theories would be self-evident upon careful review of the real evidence. YouTube, being open-sourced user-generated content with no editorial or “gatekeeping” function, has become conspiracy theorists’ prime source of information preciselybecause it’s open-sourced with none of the gatekeeping functions, such as peer review or editorial processes, that make other sources of information reliable. This coupled with an inability to tell good sources from bad ones plays directly into conspiracy theorists’ conceits that they have “special” knowledge, that expert opinion is overrated or irrelevant, and that they can “change the world” simply by spreading a couple of YouTube links and “opening people’s eyes.” But conspiracy theorists’ reliance on YouTube is yet another illustration of why their worldview is intellectually bankrupt and incapable of attracting serious mainstream attention. When your “evidence” regarding something is a YouTube video from Prison Planet or Infowars, you’re telegraphing to the world that you’ve got nothing better to support your position. Don’t be surprised when people don’t take you seriously."" And what world famous genius uttered this hoo hah |
Women emancipation
BULLCHIT!!!!!!!!!! |
I don't remember where I got it. I did a search and came up with this website. I don't know how a person can verify this information short of reading the health care bill itself. Is that possible for the common citizen or are they keeping it a secret until after it is passed? Google H.R.3590.AS Everything you don't want to know is right there |
Trust me on this, there is a plan. It has been in the works since 1979. This is not a change in government or an overthrow of government. It is simply the arrest of corrupt politicians (and the elite bankers) who have been plundering and stealing our wealth since the Federal Reserve Act took away our gold backed currency. This is not a new idea. It will happen. So your'e saying that there is a group that has a plan to get rid of all of all our corrupt politicians and bury the federal reserve(as it should be) and fix everything. Who is this group and why has it taken 33 years to make a move. |
Lets not overlook section 5210, This establishes a ready reserve corps.This Corps will be the same size as our current military and as well equipped. Why?....National Security? We all ready have the finest fighting force in the world. If we need defending I'm sure what we have will be plenty. Or just maybe someone feels the need to enforce this bill by any means. And by the way, this force is only answerable To the president and Congress. Makes me feel safer all ready. |
Happy birthday, Bill Cosby!
Hey, Hey, Hey! |
Ya just can't fix stupid. |
Men are dogs.
![]() well if you want to feed the dog,, make sure you burn his food to the crisp, where he would have to make his own ![]() ![]() That will keep him under the porch. |
Edited by
Mon 06/25/12 10:01 PM
![]() Note however that Farmer is not talking about negating conclusions such as the existence of Al-Qaeda or the fact that radical Islamists from Al-Qaeda were responsible for the attack. He is only saying that our response was worse than what we let on. And people did not own up to their poor preparedness and weak response to that Al-Qaeda attacks. The conclusions of the report regarding how we were attacked and who attacked us and how the Towers were brought down are not invalidated in any way. So...carry on with the nonsensical reptilian aliens hypotheses. ![]() ![]() He negates the conclusions of the 911 Commission. That makes everything the commission reported suspect. There conclusions were flawed period. But I'm with ya on the reptilian aliens. An honest investigation would throw a lot more light on what really happened |
That's gotta be it |
Duck! |
Logic: "Because the above events may have been labelled 'Conspiracy Theories' in their day, and they later proved to be true, therefore the CT's around 9/11 must be true." ![]() A theory is just a theory until it has been studied and accepted. At that time it is no longer a conspiracy theory but a conspiracy. |
Depoliticize Everything
So ignore the malfunction completely and it's just supposed to fix itself. It will somehow magically all get better? Or maybe stay involved, get active, Find people that are like minded, Want their country to change for the better and support them in their quest to try to make that change. Get more involved at every level. When your representative comes to town for town hall meetings show up and ask the hard questions. Spend a little time letting your politicians know how you want your country to be. ![]() Freeze the SOBs out! Sideline them! Let them know that the Constitution is for the protection of the People from Government! And you can't do that as long as you play their Game! Agree completely on everything but the tactic. Don't see more apathy doing the job for us. |
Depoliticize Everything
So ignore the malfunction completely and it's just supposed to fix itself. It will somehow magically all get better? Or maybe stay involved, get active, Find people that are like minded, Want their country to change for the better and support them in their quest to try to make that change. Get more involved at every level. When your representative comes to town for town hall meetings show up and ask the hard questions. Spend a little time letting your politicians know how you want your country to be. |
Depoliticize Everything
Total apathy? |
Ron Paul SHINES and OUTSHINES both of the war mongers. Unfortunately he does not have enough congressional support to be effective and the other two have been bought out! Worst of all most American voters are not smart enough to see the writing on the wall here. We criticize patriots and vote sell outs in! He'll be on the "ticket" at Tampa Andy.....we'll hope for the best! And you are right! Nobody wants to take care of themselves anymore. They want that gov't money and dole (actual everyone elses't has none unless they steal it from taxpayers or borrow it at interest from the FED...again at a cost to inflation on the taxpayers). These days Patriots are conspiracy theorists and the crooks are the heroes! Obozo getting a "Peace Prize" while killing innocent women and children by drone (in other countries of course), without warrant, is proof of that! What a phucked up world! We need a Ron Paul, but our nation front of the TV! If we can just get him in the White House, HE TALKS TO THE PEOPLE, AND LISTENS TOO! He can inspire the people to stand against Congress, and for fear of losing their jobs (for once) Congress will have to act! That is something people just don't get! WE have the power, NOT CONGRESS, if we stand together! Ron Paul enpowers and unites! NO other candidate has that potential! (I think it has something to do with the lies and rhetoric spewed by the think?) The only ticket the loon Paul will be on is a ticket for trespassing in Tampa since Romney secured the Republican nomination this week! Totally misinformed as usual! Robme won nothing but a few delegates that adds to his list, but not near be the nominee yet! Presumptive nominee...but most delegates haven't even been voted or confirmed yet. Do you need pictures to help you understand? No pictures...... Just write slower. |
No...No. No. No. No!!!! You don't want these things? Are you satisfied with the status quo? |
Let the fingerpointing begin
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Found a look-a-like for you. ![]() If I had a son, he would look like Obama. Wrong end |