Topic: Who to vote for - what a dilemma! | |
Both of the main parties apparently don't have any ideas.
But I'm not voting for Romney due to what he has said. Ditto on Ron Paul. And I think it is time for change again. Let's face it, with congress we have inept leaders. Pffffft. |
Both of the main parties apparently don't have any ideas. But I'm not voting for Romney due to what he has said. Ditto on Ron Paul. And I think it is time for change again. Let's face it, with congress we have inept leaders. Pffffft. |
I'm looking for someone who will balance the budget by cutting equally all parts of it. As well as put 10% aside to pay on the principal of the national debt.
That way everyone suffers but pays for all the stuff we couldn't afford without leaving it on future generations to suffer. |
I'm looking for someone who will balance the budget by cutting equally all parts of it. As well as put 10% aside to pay on the principal of the national debt. That way everyone suffers but pays for all the stuff we couldn't afford without leaving it on future generations to suffer. I dont see it happening in an us vs them government those whose principle base is the wealthy will protect the wealthy those whose principle base is not the wealthy will not and no president will change that,,,congress must change first,,, |
I'm for term limits and voting those blankety-blanks out.
The only cuts this nation can afford are military its time to sit behind our nuclear arsenal get our house in order and let the world figure out its own problembs.
You got that right, we can't afford to be the "policeman."
I'm for term limits and voting those blankety-blanks out. heck hippie, at this point, just to eliminate the finger pointing once and for all and start fresh Im for the promotion of 'donating' to the government, all citizens, sending in whatever possible just to get caught up on the bills,,,, and then MOVE ON to some other issues,,, |
I just hope that there are no more Zombies...
All I know is I don't want to be owned by China...and we are getting there.
It will continue until it breaks down like it did in Greece and the world tells us how much we have to spend. ![]() ![]() |
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Sat 06/02/12 07:00 PM
It amazes me! Everybody wants a Ron Paul, but they don't want Ron Paul. 38 years proving he walks what he talks, is honest and principaled, and follows the constitution, upholding his oath of office.
In this statement: "those whose principle base is the wealthy will protect the wealthy those whose principle base is not the wealthy will not" well... Ron Pauls principle base is the people. ALL people! Rich, poor, black, white, young, old, sick, EVERYONE, and even refuses to slur his competitors, only pointing out their political views and prior statements, while they slur him with lies, or black him out of the media. Guess the Thomas Jefferson and Samuel Adams types aren't so popular huh? Guess propaganda does work! |
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Sat 06/02/12 07:19 PM
![]() Everybody WANTs to vote for RP...but when they think of him all they can do is vote NO! ![]() |
Blame the media for not giving RP a fair coverage.
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Sat 06/02/12 07:41 PM
Nobody (in their right mind) wants more wars
Nobody wants the IRS Nobody likes the gov't intrusions into their lives Nobody wants bailouts to bankers Nobody wants a worthless currency Nobody wants a corrupt gov't Nobody wants crony capitalism but rather a free market Everyone wants peace Everyone wants more freedom of choice Everyone defends, or says they defend, the constitution Nobody likes the TSA 80% want to rein in or abolish the Federal Reserve But they don't want Ron Paul? THAT'S JUST NUCKING FUTS! ![]() |
No...No. No. No. No!!!!
No...No. No. No. No!!!! You don't want these things? Are you satisfied with the status quo? |
the problem is the "PEOPLE" they do not live up to their responsibility to live in a republic they say those two are both bad so i will not vote i say vote for one of the others running for president (or if another office if you do not like how things are vote for the challenger) do your homework if enough "OTHER" candidates get enough votes win or lose eventually those in office will get the message the wasted vote is the one not cast or the one cast for the lesser of two evils |
RP FTW! ![]() Everybody WANTs to vote for RP...but when they think of him all they can do is vote NO! ![]() I dont want to vote for him. I Want someone who will DO something, not someone bent on preventing things from being done,,, |
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Sun 06/03/12 02:32 AM
OK - I was kind of joking....You see RP is known for always voting
"No" on everything which isn't expressly authorized by the Constitution and "RP" does not appear anywhere explicitly in the Constitution! ![]() From the Wiki: Paul's nickname "Dr. No"[4] reflects both his medical degree and his assertion that he will "never vote for legislation unless the proposed measure is expressly authorized by the Constitution".[5] This position has frequently resulted in Paul casting the sole "no" vote against proposed legislation. The central tenet of Paul's political philosophy is that "the proper role for government in America is to provide national defense, a court system for civil disputes, a criminal justice system for acts of force and fraud, and little else." =-=-= All kidding aside, he wants to get rid of all foreign aid, he wants to eliminate FEMA, five Cabinet-level departments: Energy, HUD, Commerce, Interior, and Education. He has called for elimination of other federal agencies such as the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services,[19] and the Internal Revenue Service,[20] calling them "unnecessary bureaucracies". Paul would severely reduce the role of the Central Intelligence Agency; reducing its functions to intelligence-gathering. He would eliminate operations like overthrowing foreign governments and assassinations. He says this activity is kept secret even from Congress and "leads to trouble".[21] He also commented, "We have every right in the world to know something about intelligence gathering, but we have to have intelligent people interpreting this information." And what is hilarious is he means that the CIA is not the correct agency for the interpretation! ![]() RP is extremely too extreme. Although it is certainly a reasonable goal to reduce the overhead of our wasteful and inefficient US Govt functions, it is ludicrous to propose the kind of slash and burn tactics RP proposes. Most people realize that there are vital needs for every area in which RP demands draconian cuts and since he has been big on the cuts but pretty much silent on how the vital needs would be met then RP is widely discounted as any kind of serious candidacy and is turned into little more than a cartoon candidate. His economic policies are widely believed to ensure a serious recession if followed as proposed - throwing millions of people out of work and eliminating all kinds of important govt support functions. His main contributions to the race are making a case for lower govt spending (which is a no brainer) and comedic relief. On the plus side, he was cosponsor of H.R. 2592, the States' Rights to Medical Marijuana Act. (it IS a very stressful job y'know) ![]() I guess we will all just have to vote for Obama. ![]() |