Community > Posts By > ZapsWildflower
Women confused
never ask If i don't feel good in something, i go change yeppiers me too I don't ask it all depends on how I feel in what I wear not what others say. Yep! At this age, who cares what others's what I think Can't please everyone, so I please me me me!!!! |
Women confused
never ask If i don't feel good in something, i go change
every day is great knowing that the neocon nightmare is almost have a great night also and I do hope with all my heart no bs here at all that all the men and women serving in Iraq get home safe and in one piece. we all may disagree on the war but we all agree that loved ones should come home Thank you And yes we do agree! |
Have a great day madisonman
Next you'll say it's a government conspiracy that keeps this link from working. Perception on the laughter is...yes maybe facetious..but certainly not directed over GI's getting crippled or killed for a bunch of BS. He helped protect this country for 8 years.... When his youngest just went to Iraq in November. When his oldest son came home from Iraq over a year ago. When his daughter went to Iraq and made it home safely. When his son-in-law served 2 terms in Iraq...No there is certainly not laughter over any soldier that goes to war... Unfortunately when posting words on a thread...they are simply words...not the whole person... I am proud of his children and what they chose to do...And am thankful that those that came home, came home physically well. And so is he... You stated "Mon 01/14/08 05:42 PM when I was in the military I found most of the Gi's to be luckless in finding gainfull employment its a sad but true fact. Most were economic refugees and were not at all gung hu . I think your the exception as you realy beleive all that dribble " When I was a Seabee I certainly did NOT find this true. I worked with some wonderful men that took great pride in what they did as well as what our country stood for. My brother who was a Seabee as well does very well in civilian life.... My Father served in the Korean war...and can assure you that he had no problems gaining employment in civilian life. My youngest served in the Army...and does quite well thank you. When you talk about GI"s getting possibly hurt or killed on one hand and on the other making them sound that they basically can't get a job in the real world????? Sorry I took this away from the topic of Ron Paul...Do I personally agree with the reasons behind the war...nope...but that's neither here nor there...Because when it's all said and done...all the arguing about it will not change the fact that it is... We all have a right to our own beliefs...We all have a right to express them...Maybe some are expressed eloquently...while others...not so...But isn't that the great thing about "Freedom"? |
i'm proud of my grey hairs... i've earned every damn one... and if someone doesn't like me based solely on my hair color, for cripes sake, they can just keep on walkin' For some of us it's not about what others think....maybe you should get off your high horse and except people for who they are and what they choose to do! I expressed an opinion. Not sure how exactly this put me on a high horse. And I do accept people at face value, and tend to gravitate to people who are confident enough in themselves to not have to change a thing. Main Entry: 1con·fi·dence Pronunciation: \ˈkän-fə-dən(t)s, -ˌden(t)s\ Function: noun Date: 14th century 1 a: a feeling or consciousness of one's powers or of reliance on one's circumstances <had perfect confidence in her ability to succeed> <met the risk with brash confidence> b: faith or belief that one will act in a right, proper, or effective way <have confidence in a leader> 2: the quality or state of being certain : certitude <they had every confidence of success> Main Entry: 1nat·u·ral Pronunciation: \ˈna-chə-rəl, ˈnach-rəl\ Function: adjective Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French naturel, from Latin naturalis of nature, from natura nature Date: 14th century 1: based on an inherent sense of right and wrong <natural justice> 2 a: being in accordance with or determined by nature b: having or constituting a classification based on features existing in nature 3 a (1): begotten as distinguished from adopted; also : legitimate (2): being a relation by actual consanguinity as distinguished from adoption <natural parents> b: illegitimate <a natural child> 4: having an essential relation with someone or something : following from the nature of the one in question <his guilt is a natural deduction from the evidence> 5: implanted or being as if implanted by nature : seemingly inborn <a natural talent for art> 6: of or relating to nature as an object of study and research 7: having a specified character by nature <a natural athlete> 8 a: occurring in conformity with the ordinary course of nature : not marvelous or supernatural <natural causes> b: formulated by human reason alone rather than revelation <natural religion> <natural rights> c: having a normal or usual character <events followed their natural course> 9: possessing or exhibiting the higher qualities (as kindliness and affection) of human nature <a noble…brother…ever most kind and natural — Shakespeare> 10 a: growing without human care; also : not cultivated <natural prairie unbroken by the plow> b: existing in or produced by nature : not artificial <natural turf> <natural curiosities> c: relating to or being natural food 11 a: being in a state of nature without spiritual enlightenment : unregenerate <natural man> b: living in or as if in a state of nature untouched by the influences of civilization and society 12 a: having a physical or real existence as contrasted with one that is spiritual, intellectual, or fictitious <a corporation is a legal but not a natural person> b: of, relating to, or operating in the physical as opposed to the spiritual world <natural laws describe phenomena of the physical universe> 13 a: closely resembling an original : true to nature b: marked by easy simplicity and freedom from artificiality, affectation, or constraint c: having a form or appearance found in nature 14 a: having neither flats nor sharps <the natural scale of C major> b: being neither sharp nor flat c: having the pitch modified by the natural sign 15: of an off-white or beige color Main Entry: 5fake Function: verb Inflected Form(s): faked; fak·ing Date: 1851 transitive verb 1 : to alter, manipulate, or treat so as to give a spuriously genuine appearance to : doctor <faked the lab results> 2 : counterfeit simulate concoct <faked a heart attack> 3 : to deceive (an opponent) in a sports contest by means of a fake 4 : improvise ad-lib <whistle a few bars…and I'll fake the rest — Robert Sylvester> intransitive verb 1 : to engage in faking something : pretend —sometimes used with it<if you don't have the answers, fake it> 2 : to give a fake to an opponent In any of those descriptions, I see nothing pertaining to dying your hair. Rendering a human being less confident and fake if they do... In my perception as a human being, I view it as making a statement as to how we feel at any given moment in our lives. Lack of confidence certainly does not mean that you go dye your hair and poof! You are confident! I am almost 51 years young and very confident. I raised to sons. Who are awesome young men! I was a heavy equipment operator in the Navy. I have taught in South America as well as in China. I have driven an 18 wheeler on all 48 lower states. That is not indicative of someone without confidence. Making a generalization of someone dying their hair, making them seem "fake" and "less confident" shows a very judgemental attitude. Which I don't ahere to... The girls I taught in China dye their hair...not because they want to be more confident. But because they finally have some freedoms in their lives and they simply can. An expression of their inner beings. People get tatoos for expression. Yes I have one. Do I dye my hair for anyone else. Absolutely not...I like who I am. But I have the freedom to change my appearance and if I choose to do that, yay for me!!! I would rather dye my hair, than be judgemental. I accept people at face value whether their hair is purple, orange or non existant. Whether they are Christian, Muslim or Wackytabacky! For's about heart...not the color of hair and whether you change it or not. I gravitate toward people who are real...and if they express themselves from inside out in a way that makes them happy...What an awesome human being they are!!!! |
All men are pervs
In my 20s, I used to have to pick a spot on the forehead... Like she was wearing that blouse so I'd notice her shoes! Too damned funny! JJ Joel... ...That was from Zap! Guess I need to change pictures! Don't get me wrong....still a big fan! It's just age, impulse control, and...well....kind of like the difference of how I feel about my driver's license from then til now. I suppose it's different for a newlywed though..eeh? |
(((((JJ & Jax would be tops in my book even with Zap's doo))))) Reminds me of Buhdda! Well I figured there was SOME kind of spiritual connection. Well remember what the Monk told me....guess he was right WoW!!!! Forgot about that. I know!!!! The girls still write from China, trying to get one over here for college...I miss them |
Most people's beauty, shows through ANY hair color or style, A beautiful person will GLOW, in a total messed up hair day!!! And all of you here have that glow,,,,, (((Terry))) |
I remember hair. |
(((((JJ & Jax would be tops in my book even with Zap's doo))))) Reminds me of Buhdda! Well I figured there was SOME kind of spiritual connection. Well remember what the Monk told me....guess he was right |
I did .I found my birth family on Christmas Eve.they are in the states.very happy about that. Oh my!!! How awesome is that! I am so happy for you, what an awesome Christmas gift! Wow! And I just got a new husband! well a new husband is a cool present too..all the best Thanks Darlin! Yeah it's pretty awesome! |
(((((JJ & Jax would be tops in my book even with Zap's doo))))) Reminds me of Buhdda! |
I did .I found my birth family on Christmas Eve.they are in the states.very happy about that. Oh my!!! How awesome is that! I am so happy for you, what an awesome Christmas gift! Wow! And I just got a new husband! |
Know why some brunettes have sore belly buttons? Blond guys are dumb too. joel your the smartest blonde i know!! ((((Joel)))) aaaaaaaaawTY guess it's just bad aim |
Both my daughter-in-laws are blonde...they hate the jokes! Which both of my sons supply plenty! Brats! I think blondes are beautiful! Just wouldn't look right on me! Hey wanted to congratulate you two kids.Wild is one cool lady!! ((((JAX))))) Thank you honey! Hope you had a wonderful Christmas! |
I agree Fresh...I don't do it for others...I do it for me! I'm almost 51 years old, and although I have earned every grey hair, I certainly don't want to look at them every morning! And I don't care whether people like it or not...Thank Goodness everyone is not the same and there is room for us all to be different Oh and by the th red hair! So Zaps... help me to understand... why is it you don't want to look at them? Does it make you feel old? Does it make you feel unattractive? Just curious, not meaning to offend. No I don't think it makes me feel old, have really analyzed it...No you havent offended me at all. I believe that people should make them do what they feel good in doing as long as it doesnt hurt others. And no it doesn't make me feel unattractive as there is certainly more to me than just the color of my hair. |
Both my daughter-in-laws are blonde...they hate the jokes! Which both of my sons supply plenty! Brats! I think blondes are beautiful! Just wouldn't look right on me!
Thank you Zaps makes me feel smarter! Boy I know what you mean! I been red and brunette, and definintely feel much more intelligent when red....hmmmm....Running to Walmart!!! |
I agree Fresh...I don't do it for others...I do it for me! I'm almost 51 years old, and although I have earned every grey hair, I certainly don't want to look at them every morning! And I don't care whether people like it or not...Thank Goodness everyone is not the same and there is room for us all to be different Oh and by the th red hair!