Community > Posts By > Bohemiana

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Fri 05/11/12 12:31 AM
i am always scared of snakes..
but from then i liked jlo.. a lot blushing

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Fri 05/11/12 12:22 AM
What do u seek in a person for a relationship? and which is more important in a relationship, sex or love? plz don't give the diplomatic answer: 'Both'.

plz feel free to comment...

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Fri 05/11/12 12:13 AM

O well guess I want what is not possible for me to have, sighs

exactly and then break my heart so badly that it became almost impossible to breathe...
brokenheart :cry: frustrated frustrated frustrated

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Fri 05/11/12 12:02 AM

hhmmm I check the height, then where they live?

In this order:

all of them,but first their sexual preferences... flowers biggrin bigsmile

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Sun 02/19/12 09:50 AM
Alpana... u r a life flowers

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Sat 02/18/12 07:33 PM

Luvsick99 meet Gay_4_Lesbian
All da best :)

hey Alpana thanks for the info.. but is it another site or its in this particular site

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Sat 02/18/12 03:04 AM
Hi,I am Lina from Kolkata. I am lesbian and looking for a decent bengali gay guy for moc as my parents are going crazy for my marriage.
If interested plz reply.