![]() Note: all codes bracketed are in lower case Use brackets where parens are indicated Undo or end codeset in another set of brackets after *yourtext* by adding / (forward slash) and repeating the chosen letter or word (b)old=bold (i)talics=italics (u)nderline=underlined (code)=monospacing ABCDEFAaBbCcDdEeFf ABCDEFAaBbCcDdEeFfmonospacing (color=): white-whitewhite orange-orange yellow-yellow red-red green-green blue-blue indigo-indigo purple-purple brown-brown black-black teal-teal tomato-tomato firebrick-firebrick darkred-darkred skyblue-skyblue royalblue-royalblue darkblue-darkblue orangered-orangered crimson-crimson limegreen-limegreen seagreen-seagreen deeppink-deeppink pink-pink coral-coral burlywood-burlywood sienna-sienna chocolate-chocolate sandybrown-sandybrown silver-silver gold-gold no code-standard text size or (size=x) x='number' 8-20 inclusive, or 'big' for arbitrary larger text: 8-eight-eight 9-nine-nine 10-ten-ten 11-eleven 12-twelve 13-thirteen 14-fourteen 15-fifteen 16-sixteen 17-seventeen 18-eighteen 19-nineteen 20-twenty Hope this all works. |
![]() whitewhite orange yellow red green blue indigo purple brown black teal tomato firebrick darkred skyblue royalblue darkblue orangered crimson limegreen seagreen deeppink pink coral burlywood sienna chocolate sandybrown silver gold |
Thinking I lose more hats this way...
Bartender, am over at 'what r u thinkin' and thinkin' this out...hope you show up so I can catch a beer...if not, hold on to my hat, and like Gracie Allen used to do, you can put a label 'NyeSkye-the newbie' on it and I will get it later.
tnx, Nye |
Maybe this Mingle jingle, with all the tingle, is what I need to do on one hand, and on the other, hmm...maybe not.
Maybe I should just hunt down my old yo-yo and stand in the closet...no, then the cat will just mark up the door... or I could uh, run back to Luv's and leave a note on the bar... yes, how silly of me. I will leave a note. |
![]() Thinking that there is maybe gonna be more competition around here than two little pubs, if she just leaves the place open like that... |
Anybody home? Bartender? I could use a cold one... ![]() |
I have fallen in the water.
The topic is a rate of perhaps my brand new profile. I am dog-paddling on Mingle my very firstest day and post! I finally found this topic too enticing, since that is the case. I truly understand your rating system, and it seems accurate enuff to make me laugh and um, well, -I once saw it used in the deep Pacific next to a trench to determine depths being written by a man who had gotten quite high on nitrous oxide... My 'take' on the conversation pleads as follows: Rhinos, while often imitated by people's rear ends, are not to be taken as swishy or wobbly. They make the earth more solid wherever they are found, which is some divine truth. I find them almost cuddly when compared to the creatures designed by men named Patton or Sherman. Walruses are often forgotten in light of the denegration they suffer from being mislabelled as some critter which says "goo-goo-goo-joo". However, ultimately, it is possible to put a man-suit upon a walrus, so perhaps that band was an alias. thank you for your consideration. I eagerly await your um, be-rating. javascript:add_smiley('indifferent','post_text') |