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Cradle Robber
You probably get hit on due to your sense of style, your eyes and your smile, Rose Gammie.
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What This World Needs...
Sin is disobeying the law of God. What law? Any law, any commandment. Take your pick. Take the 10 commandments, Exodus 20, I believe. If you break one, you break 'em all and you're guilty. Now what happens to someone who's guilty? Punishment. Even the death penalty. But, thanks be to God, there's someone who's paid the penalty. Jesus paid the penalty for our sins on the cross. All of em. All we have to do is repent (want to turn from our disobedienceof God), admit out sin and our desire for forgiveness and chance and accept the Lord as our saviour.
The penalty of sin is death, being cast into the lake of fire and eternal separation from God and Jesus. That's what makes salvation such a wonderful and precious gift. That someone so perfect would give himself for me is just mind boggling. when you turn to him, get baptized and start taking communion it's the greatest thing in the world. Communion didn't used to mean all that much to me, until I turned to God in faith I turned to him once and didn't really mean it and the experience didn't last when I was a teen, but now, in my 50s, I've turned to him more completely and it's a wonderful and a wonderous thing. At any rate, that's my testimony here. Hope it helps. |
If Heaven is Your Goal
They can give me whatever kind of coffin they want. Once they find my DNA it's all over. I get changed in the twinkling of an eye and it's bang, zoom, off to the moon!
Cradle Robber
If they're still breathing I'd say that'd be a definite plus.
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Y'all gotta shout out to us in Southern Indiana, too. I had two job interviews today and I'm still progressing toward the new one I start next week. Sa-lute!
Here's you a challenge...
I'd ask them if they had any spiritual beliefs or Christian beliefs. Then I'd ask them what they thought of Christ (is he a teacher, a prophet, the son of God)? I'd ask them where they think that Christ lives and if they believe in Heaven or Hell. I'd also ask them where they'd go if they died tonight and ask them if they were wrong would they want to know? I'd tell them I have a few scriptures I could share with them and ask if they'd mind if I'd do it.
I'd tell him God demonstrated his love for us in that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us (Rom 10:9) I'd ask them if they'd ever lied, used the name of God in vain, & etc. Some people say yes, yes I am a lying blasphemer. You could ask them, OK, what do you deserve then? (A technique I've seen on TV, believe it or not). I'd tell him God will judge us for our sins unless we turn to his Son, Jesus for forgivenss, repent of our sins and let Jesus into our heart. I'd ask them if they think they're a sinner and if they want forgiveness. I'd ask them if they thought Jesus died so God could forgive us for our sins and if they belived God raised Christ up from the dead. I'd ask them if they were ready to turn their life over to God and if they were ready to ask Jesus to come into their heart and then I'd PRAY! If they answered yes when I asked them if they were ready to have Jesus into their heart, I'd have them pray this prayer: Confessing to God that I am a sinner and believing that the Lord Jesus Christ died for my sins on the cross and was raised for my justification, I do now receive him and confess him as my personal savior. I'd ask them how many sins did Jesus forgive and how many does he remember? I'd ask them to pray what they're feeling with me and to call whoever's been praying for them with me. I'd ask them to come to church with me next Sunday and encourage them to read the Bible. That's the word of god and the bread of life and without it, a Christian's gonna starve to death spiritually. You need worship, fellowship, discipleship, ministry and mission to grow and flourish as a Christian. The Bible'll teach you discipleship and give you reasons for the other four. |
Life without the Bible would stink. I would die without it. My faith is in God through Jesus, of course, but the Bible gives me their guidance and their words as the Holy Spirit inspired men to write it, or so I believe. That belief has caused eternal life to spring up within me. Hey. I'm gonna be around for a loooooong time, people!
Yah. JSH needs a big can of bug spray or terminix or something. Between JSH and my computer I get some strange results here: screen crashes and freezes for a second or two before I can maneuver or load threads or whatever. Doesn't happen anywhere else, just with the JSH site. What gives?
And the quote's from the movie Hairspray, I think. And what followed was a dance called the Roach which has to be seen to be believed! Only John Waters, man, only John Waters! |
Some said the Ecumenical Councils did, some said they didn't. The traditions I subscribe to pretty much started back with the Protestant Reformation (which shoved the councils aside) for the most part, and progressed toward the great revivals in the 1800s. Most of the traditions I subscribe to come from personal Bible study and a pretty literal and conservative interpretation of the scriptures as the inspired word of God.
Anything further than that, I tend to put to the side as I'm pretty wrapped up in study of basic scriptures and a few other books right now. Haven't reached the councils yet. Basically, I trust in the Lord with my heart and lean not to my own understanding for the most part. |
Share Jesus without Fear
I wouldn't wake you up, unless you were on a computer somewhere or somepin.
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Awright, let's not knock Saint Oprah here. Didja know she use to go to Barak Obama's church? Maybe that's why she's palled up with Eckert Tolle!
Would 'God' share all???
He's everywhere in the Bible. I can see him in the trees and in the sky and hear him in the thunder, but I can read about him in the Bible.
Moses was a good PR man. He got God the first five books in the Bible, by the way. |
Church Hopping
Could be. Better get back, Jennie. They're prolly waiting for you.
Would 'God' share all???
Sure. Check out your Bible. There's 66 books of it in there.
Share Jesus without Fear
The things we need to repent for include breaking God's laws. It's said, "for whoever shall keep the whole law, yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all" (Gal 3:10).
"For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God" is what Romans 3:23 says. and "As it is written, there is none righteous, no not one," says Romans, 3:10, quoting a verse of Isaiah 55, I believe. Blowback doesn't bother me. What would bother me would be if I didn't have a chance to share what the Lord has said, if I didn't have a chance to share the Gospel while I could and to testify to you that Jesus lived, died and was raised from the dead for our benefit. He's around and is ready for us. The question is, are we ready for him and will we accept what he has to say and what he has for us. |
Church Hopping
Because we church members are imperfect, we hurt each other, sometimes intentionally, sometimes not. Instead of leaving church, we need to stay and work it out if at all possible. Reconcilliation is the road to stronger character and depper fellowship.
Ditching a church at the first sign of dissapointment is a sign of immaturity. |
Jesus was socialist!
Jesus was a republican. He told his disciples to let down the net on the Right side of the boat.
Does God wear the trousers?
God only was a woman in Dogma.
Can you ....?.
I've found I cannot live happily without an active personal relationship with the Lord through Jesus.
Ro ro ro roaaaaaacheeesssssss!
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