questions to nigerian girls.
are there NONE?
thanxxx, will run 4 my dear life.
nothing wrong in doing that, bit i dont do it, i try to not go to the extent of spoiling a woman. Because eventually they take u for a RIDE.
CHURCH OF SATAN by ANTON LAVEY. A friend of mine told me about this after surfing through the net, he said they already have where they meet in nigeria and i stand to gain a lot from this group FAME, POWER, MONEY, RICHES, CONNECTIONS, and POSSESSIONS. Pls ILLUMINATE on this is it an OCCULT? Or a FREEMANSONS, CONFRATERNITY, because the name scares me! CHURCH and SATAN, what an irony?
THE BERMUDA TRIANGLE? REAL OR FALLACY? Could someone elucidiate hw ships could just dissapear in an ocean wherever it gets to a particular spot. Called the BERMUDATRIANGLE? Some say that is where the devil resides, i find it ridiculous, plzz shed more light.
i think one which supports fighting a religious war called jihad is more violent. Take a look @ this? BOKOHARAM, meaning WESTERN EDUCtION IS AN ABOMINATION . And confirms it has direct links with AL- QUEDA, have been destroying lives and properties in nigeria 4 sometime now. Burning churches and massacre which has really being malevolent, though some may say its purely political, but there is still a modicum of religion instinct it possess considering its from the northern part of the country, and its NAME. So i think its more of violent than the christian bible. I rest my case.
quite ELABORATE, i now know better.
I thought that was the Mayan Calender and no, I dont believe anyone knows the date,,,,or even the year |
I think both books have equivalent accounts of violence which can be perceived as instructed or endorsed,,, |
Do you believe that the world would end by 2012, according to NOSTRADASMUS? If yes will it be by rapture?
What is the ''ILLUMINATI CONSPIRACY''? And Why do muslim clerics make refererences to the BIBLE when preaching?
in as much as i was expressing my views, i am also entitled to it, sorry if i aggravated you msharmony.
be honest, can u tell ur partner married or single, hw much u earn? Or preferrably show ur pay slip? As one of the signs of trust in a relationship? partners who are single and paying their own bills dont need to know what I make my spouse, who shares my life and our bills, does ,,,,at least thats my opinion anyhow |
OMG!!! Uhhhhh, NO!!!! Let me explain. Now this is not ALL men and can petain to women also. But I will say a man, because! Some men think marriage is all about being taken care of and all the sex they want and the only thing they need to do is go to work. Then when children come along...whoooo too much responsibility. They go outside the marriage for fun because the wife is very know stuff like working, taking care of the house, the kids, all the other things. He doesn't want to help or all that responsibility so...goodbye. Sorry to sound so emphatic but I know. |
there is no yes or no it may sometimes, but often it doesnt if you just observe all the broken homes, affairs, and domestic abuse in America,,,, No, it takes two to tango.....thank you, thank you very much... ![]() yeah, it does take two to tango, but only one to beat another one down,,,lol,,, or go outside a marriage or leave their family,,,,,, you get my drift ![]() Perhaps I come from a unique part of the world, but I have definitely seen more females in my area going outside of the marriage than men. Just my personal observation. well, different places have different situations but I Tend to believe that generally men are more likely to step outside a marriage than women,, particularly where children are involved,,, |
there is no yes or no it may sometimes, but often it doesnt if you just observe all the broken homes, affairs, and domestic abuse in America,,,, no, it means that marriage often doesnt make the men who HAVE caused those situations grow up,,,, it doesnt mean that men always cause those situation,,, |
there is no yes or no it may sometimes, but often it doesnt if you just observe all the broken homes, affairs, and domestic abuse in America,,,, |
OMG!!! Uhhhhh, NO!!!! |
does marriage makes a man responsible and matured?