Community > Posts By > leyeajani

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Tue 01/10/12 03:02 PM
It's true one has to take it easy,never to rush i always tell most people quoting to them :"loss and possession,life and death are one."and 'round a dark cloud is golden lining.' take note dt,Rome wasn't built in a day.finding love is quite different from searching for ur half heart.Real love today is very scarce,what we now have common among humans is not it.ask why most marriages soon crash?marriage is a bond,a hard to break union but it's so unfortunate dt d most intelligent creature- human dt only lives by reason is defeated by reason.right from creation human nature is bad for God by d reason of being like an 'uncomplete' house.consider all dt God created,anything 'perfect' exist in two; complementing each other,e.g.,human eyes,nostrils,ears,lips,arms,legs,kidneys. all those parts of human body so exist in pairs,bt d keen (part) of d body which is d heart is made single.and dt shows dt when man was first created there was an art of uncompleteness in his creation.God in an attempt,sought to find solution to that deficiency,hence,He(God) therefore separately created remainder half-heart in a separate invention called WO-MAN( 'WO' means: d completing part of something).unless d other half of man is sort for, there cannot ever be perfection no matter how man uses his mind to reason.Not any just half-heart fits into every heart,some don't match.Therefore,except if d perfect match is gotten,human reason will ever continue to prone problems.Now, since no one knows or can identify d half of himself/herself,it will require we do a thorough search b4 we can get,it isn't a day task to find a real love.many are angels,d arc are few amongst d angels of God.' I'm Leye from Nigeria.