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Sat 06/23/12 02:17 AM
alright , I'm gonna help you out here, cuz I like you.
Swimming is a great start! You work and tone every muscle, make sure your doing laps and getting your heart rate up (unless its a bad idea for health reasons). - Eat less quantity, and more frequently - Although it sucks, and believe me I know I lost 30lb, try to avoid eating anything from fast food restaurants. Its greasy, buttery, fattening bs. Some people are so accustomed to it a healthy sandwich won't do the trick, they need that fat and grease to even feel like they ate a fullfilling meal. - Jogging is ALWAYS good. Great core work out, helps the lungs, cardio vascular system, and you lose weight in all the right areas such as chest/butt/stomach - after cardio, make sure to do sit ups! when you run, bike, or whatever cardio it is you do, your heartrate raises, and at a point, after about 10-20 minutes depending on metabolism or if you ate before, you begin burning fat. When you burn fat, especially around your abdomen, all the fat around there loosens up, doing sit ups to tighten muscles while the fat is loose in your stomach can help tighten things much faster. 3x50 is what I tried to do when I was over weight. - If you can, run/bike/swim in the morning! on an empty stomach, just drink some water about 20-25 minutes before to stay hydrated, and exercise! play your favorite jams and exercise, although its the first activity of the day and you may be tired, its worth it knowing that people burn 3-5 times more fat this way! If you wait till later , like evening runs after meals and what not, you burn more carbs then fat, which your body clings to. - Drink. Green. Tea! 2-3 times a day, with every meal. boosts metabolism, helps loosen fat - drink a glass of lemon juice every night, and try to eat at least 2-3 hours before bedtime. the lemon juice is acidic and can help break down lipids, especially when you've got an exercise regimen going on Good luck to ya, hope this helps you succeed! |