Hello singles
Many kudos Many snaps Awesome~
A beginning
iam4u, this is a wonderful work...words danced so gracefully and syllables weaved into one another so magaically and I felt everything you said. Truly awesome~
Definitely YAY!! I am colorblind
What About Contagion?
I've wanted to see Contagion, but haven't gotten around to it...any reviews?
That is a hot mess and a crying shame, smh...I have a young daughter and I am undone at the thought...yes, lock him up and throw away the key! Glad he was sitting by some upstanding citizen who exposed his crime.
I think that's a really good question. I do believe Jesus is coming back soon, but when right? Jesus himself said that no man knows the exact time when He is coming back (including Himself and the angels), only God himself knows. One things that I will say is what my pastor often told me, "We're more closer to His return now than than we were last year or even a day ago; time is winding up."
I'm sure they're famous indeed and you're words are making me feel better're just that good: no hands needed!
Many thanks mrcape
Just Joined
Thanks boonedoggy, you're so funny!
Oh rara, my prince I feel warm already!
Yes, definitely smiling now! And you'd be wearing flamed boxers!
Why thank you Sir and I love a gentleman so yes...permission granted
Me...definitely Me!
Why isn't EVERYONE laughing?
Wow, that's awesome! Congrats to you! I had given up hope, but you just revived my hope!! Thanks and congrats again!
Just Joined
Thank you all for the warm welcome...truly appreciated!
Just Joined
Hey everybody! I just joined this site and am glad it's free. I'm expecting good things