Community > Posts By > styk

styk's photo
Sat 02/16/13 12:45 PM

I don't believe in god myself but who am I to tell someone that does believe that he isn't real. You can make anything real with the right belief.

This is so sad... because it's true.

People beleive that 1-3=0. Those who believe in the Holy Trinity.

This is the first and second questions answered in the RC Catekism, and it's the most impossible belief.

Yet people who want to believe this, they do.

This is so sad. Because 1 cannot be equal to three, since they are axiomatic.
here is another way to explain the trinity and its very simply have three differnt forms of water. Theres ice theres water and theres steam. you get freshness from the cool water, you get fresh air from ice or it coldness on a hot day and still we have steam a force of power wich no one can withstand but there all three water. they all have different tasks but the all help you and have the same purpose.
I really don't know how people can believe it, and how people in good conscience can teach this to little kids in Sunday schools.

Judaism is stupid, too. There are too many laws, and they are mostly crazy. But Judaism teaches no logically ab ovo wrong things. Things that can't be true, no matter what, yet you have to accept it as true.

Hinduism is screwed, too. It teaches an even less believable logical fault.

I don't know the Quran... it's self defence, I don't want to be hunted down on the order of some ayatollah.

Let's see... Buddhism is full of it, too, and so is Shintoism and Taoism.

But to make a point of putting the onus on believers to accept that forty-seven to the power of three is forty-seven, is too much to take. Or that one to the power of two is nine. Or that one to the power of one is 27. Or that three to the power of three is 1.

About the trinity thing, I'll explain best I know it and have come to understand it.

The word "god" is not a name, it is not a species, it is not a specific type of being in that such way.

The word "god" means being of authority.

That is why it can say "know ye not, that ye are gods?" "I have said ye are gods" and still say "there is but one god, even the demons tremble" and it not be a contradiction.

We are gods, we have been given dominion over the beasts of this world. Dominion means - Sovereignty; control. With having control over the animals, that makes us authority over them, and that makes us "gods".

But even with us all being "gods", there is but one "God" over us all. And that is God the father. God the father even had authority over Jesus. That is why Jesus came to do his father's will and not his own. And referred to his father as "my God, my God" while he was on the cross.

That is why we can have three entities eg., the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, yet have one "God".

styk's photo
Sat 02/16/13 12:25 PM

Destiny? Again, give us the source of your knowledge about this "destiny". Because again, it would make life pointless.

life is pointless to God...

but of course you're welcome to give a reason why God would "need" man for anything ...
god does not need man your corect but gods wants man and chooses man. god is pure love and nothing but love and what better way to express love but to someone else we his children. he does not program his children he loves us all and wants the best for us but lets us make our own choices call our free will which we can never loose or can never be altered by anyone but the individual person

styk's photo
Sat 02/16/13 12:05 PM


Sure he was formed.. what are you talking about? God formed us all in our mother's womb.

Where did that comment come from? And again, what are you talking about?

Jeremiah 1:5 states that God knew Jeremiah before he was formed in the womb ...stay focus Cowboy

therefore Jeremiah's destiny was pre-determine before Jeremiah had the opportunity to make any choices ...

all of human life is formed and god knew all of us. first off god used moses and arron an jerimiah to free the slaves from bondage. second god forces no one to do anything thats why we all meet are maker eventualy. why are we argueing over words and rules and regulations. theres alot humans dont need to know thats gods job hes the perfect one. just rely on jesus and the bible says faith,hope and love abide but the greatest is love, lust love others as yourself.

styk's photo
Sat 02/16/13 11:55 AM

2. Even him being ordained does not mean he had to do God's will and what God wanted him to do. He could have turned away and not did the will of the lord.

that would mean that what God "knew" about Jeremiah before he was formed was wrong

your attempt to prove that you or Jeremiah have Free Will will only end up proving that your God is not omniscient

it's a catch 22
this is just some helpful advice to anyone who believes theres no god or somekind of wrong doing. I would recomend to truthfuly and honestly form a personal relationship with god then you will undoubtly believe or see more clearly.

styk's photo
Sat 02/16/13 11:39 AM
it also says in bible i didnt say it would be easy i said it will be worth it

styk's photo
Sat 02/16/13 11:30 AM

How would that mean God was imperfect? Yes, God creates the "being", but God does not control that being, unless that being subdues them self to God. Remember, we are not robots. Now, explain how that makes God imperfect, please.

didn't God "know" everything that Satan would do, before he created Satan?

Yes, Satan was God's strongest most beautiful angel, needed for whatever they do. Things of this nature, you would have to ask God when you meet him. We are not given this form of information, this deeply of the "why's, how comes, and the what for's". It is irrelevant for us to know. All the knowledge we are given is the knowledge to potentially gain the reward of Heaven, the knowledge we need to know to achieve such a thing through Jesus Christ. Outside of that again would be irrelevant and unimportant to know.

allow me to explain why it's relevant and important to know

if God knew everything what Satan and everyone would do before he created them...that's why in matters pertaining to religion, everyone are robots
ok now god is all knowing and he did create satan and hes all knowing so he had to know that satin would fall but he took one suspect and made a example out of him and done good for the rest of the world and gave us his son jesus christ the only one we all need!!

styk's photo
Sat 02/16/13 10:51 AM

No... God is not real

Also, don't understand this "Free Choice". That is, GOD does not want robots. Hence, we have free choice. Yet, in reality there is no free choice.

Free means to give or receive something without an expectation of return. I you hold a gun to your head and say " you have free will to not give me your wallet, but if you attempt to defy me I will kill yo. Does it really feel as if you have a choice in the matter. How can you possible deem something free when you MUST fear consequences such as hell for choosing not to believe fairy tales?

Furthermore, if GOD is real. Then he is 100% evil. After all, he created satan knowing very well he would tempt Adam & Eve. He is the ultimate evil for he created it. So, GOD IS THE CREATOR OF ALL EVIL.

Hence, why is HE bitching about sin when he created it in the first place? Ohh yeah, he wanted a perfect loving companion named Adam. Well, guess GOD is not perfect for he made many human errors... Umm.. hmm.. guess going to start over with a flood for man really goofed up in my eyes... despite the fact I designed him that way.. So, all this B.S. is simply B.S. written by man to control man via a GOD that man created... it's just B.S.

it says in bible GOD created all things so your correct saying GOD created evil but your twisting the truth into a lie. people do not have to follow evil its there choice also called free will. do you really think people want bad or evil to happen to them. god created evil for the good of others and so many people are living in fear. most think or are taught if you sin or do evil god will send you to burn in hell, but not true. in the bible it says that hell or hades or the burning lake of sulfur was made for satin or lucifer and for the destruction of his fallen angels.
i would like to say one last thing and that is GOD loves all of us unconditionaly meaning he loves us no matter what happens! were people loose it at is GOD loves us no matter what but GOD does not love everything we do but he loves us were his children and are inheritance comes from him!

styk's photo
Sat 02/16/13 10:47 AM

No... God is not real

Also, don't understand this "Free Choice". That is, GOD does not want robots. Hence, we have free choice. Yet, in reality there is no free choice.

Free means to give or receive something without an expectation of return. I you hold a gun to your head and say " you have free will to not give me your wallet, but if you attempt to defy me I will kill yo. Does it really feel as if you have a choice in the matter. How can you possible deem something free when you MUST fear consequences such as hell for choosing not to believe fairy tales?

Furthermore, if GOD is real. Then he is 100% evil. After all, he created satan knowing very well he would tempt Adam & Eve. He is the ultimate evil for he created it. So, GOD IS THE CREATOR OF ALL EVIL.

Hence, why is HE bitching about sin when he created it in the first place? Ohh yeah, he wanted a perfect loving companion named Adam. Well, guess GOD is not perfect for he made many human errors... Umm.. hmm.. guess going to start over with a flood for man really goofed up in my eyes... despite the fact I designed him that way.. So, all this B.S. is simply B.S. written by man to control man via a GOD that man created... it's just B.S.

it says in bible GOD created all things so your correct saying GOD created evil but your twisting the truth into a lie. people do not have to follow evil its there choice also called free will. do you really think people want bad or evil to happen to them. god created evil for the good of others and so many people are living in fear. most think or are taught if you sin or do evil god will send you to burn in hell, but not true. in the bible it says that hell or hades or the burning lake of sulfur was made for satin or lucifer and for the destruction of his fallen angels.

styk's photo
Sat 02/16/13 10:32 AM

Free will surely is but not if you are religious because you believe in control of a higher source. So you might say you believe in free will but with any type of control of a higher source there is no free will. So it is hypocrisy.

Incorrect. "Free will" doesn't mean you are to do anything and everything or that you should. Only that you have the ability. Even with there being a God, if people choose not to believe and or not to be obedient they can very well murder, rape, steal, ect, using their free will. Free will means we are not robots, not puppets. We obey and or disobey out of our choice. Actually, boiled down to the bottom, free will is basically choice.
you got it exactly buddie

styk's photo
Sat 02/16/13 10:26 AM

God is as real as you want him to be. I see all the miracles of the universe and I ask "How can there not be a God?"

i just love your statement here

styk's photo
Fri 02/15/13 11:51 AM

I am not trying to be racist, but I always wanted to know if White boys like or would date a black girl?
color has nothing to do with love. I was married to a black woman in kansas and I live in sacramento california now and did before we got married. love is based on how the two feel emotionaly towards each other and color is realy nothing to be concerned about.

styk's photo
Thu 02/14/13 01:21 PM

You got it! There are not enough independent thinkers in this world; hence our fast decline as a planet.
andy,mandy and navygirl you all are right! the world is in very bad shape surounded by uneducated or dont give a care people.

styk's photo
Thu 02/14/13 01:09 PM
great post, thank you.

styk's photo
Thu 02/14/13 01:01 PM

I don't even know where to start. Females do much much to piss me off. Just take Vslentine's Day, for example. The majority of females in relationships will go ballistic if they do not get some fancy gifts that they don't even deserve. This day is marketed towards females. Those not in relationships ***** and whine about how they don't have a man to spend Valentine's Day with. It is truly despicable.
i just want to add real fast that I understand cause alot of guys realy piss me off and deserve to be called a dog.

styk's photo
Thu 01/31/13 02:28 PM
Edited by styk on Thu 01/31/13 02:29 PM

Again why focused on asian women?
Probably because he, like myself, has learned that they are about 4 steps higher on the dating chart for a number of reasons.
let me in on the secret asian women to me are atractive now what makes them better? im curious

styk's photo
Tue 01/29/13 04:04 PM
Edited by styk on Tue 01/29/13 04:06 PM
what makes you think that the ladies from orange county are not old or fake? theres good people all over this site!

styk's photo
Thu 01/10/13 01:31 PM

Anyone know any types of vitamins or foods that will combat fatigue. I don't want to see the doctor before trying something on my own. I get my 7 hours of sleep; I eat extremely healthy; and I work out on a regular basis but lately I always seem to be tired. It started over the Christmas holidays but hasn't gotten any better. I don't know if maybe the lack of daylight is draining me energy or if it is something more. Is anyone else going through this? If so; what did you do that helped you?
how is your iron? you might need iron or anemic at the moment

styk's photo
Thu 01/10/13 01:24 PM

I take putting someone down as a friend as a big deal so I read profiles and watch people over a long time before I accept or decline.
smart thinking I started doing that but I dont come to this site much any more cause of all the ridiculas rules. but reading profiles first and being picky helps I learnt the hard way

styk's photo
Mon 01/07/13 09:29 PM
not much at night

styk's photo
Mon 01/07/13 01:41 PM

Would u date a girl with a shaved head?
yes, if she was around my age.

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