Community > Posts By > mcattygarnett

mcattygarnett's photo
Tue 12/09/08 06:35 AM

I did a few years back. I made Christmas and other holiday wreths and my family members still use them today. :smile:

my Mom has a wreth that I made her about 10 yrs ago, she loves it.

mcattygarnett's photo
Tue 12/09/08 06:34 AM

I make Holiday pins and tree ornaments with polymer clay.

cool, I love homemade gifts.

mcattygarnett's photo
Tue 12/09/08 06:29 AM

I think everyone has something that they struggle with. What is yours and why?

Mine, at the moment, would be loneliness and abandonment. I'm dealing with some major health issues, among other things, and my "friends" are nowhere to be seen -- and won't be until they need my help with something. And I might not even be here to help them out next time.

you are a pillar of strength to your friends,..but

you probably never breath one word of your pain to them,..

you are a fixer,..people don`t see you as having problems,..

do you have a hard time reaching out for help when you need it ?

yes I do, I am the one always helping them, which I love, but there are times that I need them, but I dont ask.

mcattygarnett's photo
Tue 12/09/08 06:28 AM

That is very sweet. I hope you have a truly blessed day also.

Thank you, I am going to work on Project Graduation for my daughters senior class, very rewarding.flowerforyou

mcattygarnett's photo
Tue 12/09/08 06:27 AM

I think everyone has something that they struggle with. What is yours and why?

Mine, at the moment, would be loneliness and abandonment. I'm dealing with some major health issues, among other things, and my "friends" are nowhere to be seen -- and won't be until they need my help with something. And I might not even be here to help them out next time.


I can certainly sympathize with you on that Brother.... Your "friends" will seem to go out of their way to avoid you when your health gets down...

Just when you need them the most...

that is when you find out who your true friends are, and it is not always pleasant.flowerforyou

mcattygarnett's photo
Tue 12/09/08 06:26 AM

Yes...I make Native American jewelry & art.

My Mom loves Native American Jewelry and I love the art work.flowerforyou

mcattygarnett's photo
Tue 12/09/08 06:25 AM

I crochet butterfly magnets for the fridge, they seem to like those.:smile:

I love those, but dont know how to make them.flowerforyou

mcattygarnett's photo
Tue 12/09/08 06:24 AM

I struggle with be alone and lonely. I don't mind being alone at times, I enjoy my company, but I don't like being alone and LONELY. I believe that God made someone special for each of us, I struggle trying to find my mate.

I know what you mean, and Yes God has someone out there for all of us, it is just finding that person.flowerforyou

mcattygarnett's photo
Tue 12/09/08 06:23 AM

that biggest battle that you fight everyday?

I guess what I am asking is, do you have a demon that you are constantly struggling with? (food, drugs, smoking, feelings of self worth)

I struggle with food issues, and not being able to control what I eat and how much.

I think everyone has something that they struggle with. What is yours and why?

is there something that is upsetting you more so ??

is food a way of protecting your feelings,..

are you swallowing your pain ?

I can answer yes to all of those, and I do know that until I am able to resolve these issues I will always have a problem. I also know that I am the only one that can fix this. happy flowerforyou

mcattygarnett's photo
Tue 12/09/08 06:22 AM

I think everyone has something that they struggle with. What is yours and why?

Mine, at the moment, would be loneliness and abandonment. I'm dealing with some major health issues, among other things, and my "friends" are nowhere to be seen -- and won't be until they need my help with something. And I might not even be here to help them out next time.

Well I am sorry to hear that, if you ever need someone to listen I am always here for anyone. I hope that you get better soon.

mcattygarnett's photo
Tue 12/09/08 06:11 AM
Christmas gifts to give to people?

I make rag rugs to give to family and friends every year and they love them. flowerforyou

mcattygarnett's photo
Tue 12/09/08 06:05 AM
that biggest battle that you fight everyday?

I guess what I am asking is, do you have a demon that you are constantly struggling with? (food, drugs, smoking, feelings of self worth)

I struggle with food issues, and not being able to control what I eat and how much.

I think everyone has something that they struggle with. What is yours and why?

mcattygarnett's photo
Tue 12/09/08 05:56 AM
and I forgot to say Good Morning to everyone. I hope that everyone has a great day.flowerforyou :banana: flowerforyou :banana:

mcattygarnett's photo
Tue 12/09/08 05:54 AM
:angry: NO, NO, NO, in my case that would have taught my daughter that it was ok to use drugs and to be mentally abusive to your spouse.:angry:

mcattygarnett's photo
Tue 12/09/08 05:52 AM
flowerforyou I would want to be doing something special with my Daughter, I dont have many more months with her until she leaves for college.flowerforyou

mcattygarnett's photo
Tue 12/09/08 05:36 AM
I would love to email with him. I appreciate everything that they do for us.flowerforyou

mcattygarnett's photo
Tue 12/09/08 05:33 AM

:cry: tears brokenheart sorry 2 hear ur loss.but ur rt he wont have 2 fight the demons anymore,and my prayers are with u and his family,and i 2 loss someone very close the 17th this mo 30yr's ago my best friend my father and i still grieve,but think of how hed want me 2 be,and it

Thank you and it never get easier.

mcattygarnett's photo
Tue 12/09/08 05:30 AM
Thank you, have a great dayflowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

mcattygarnett's photo
Tue 12/09/08 05:29 AM
I donate on a regular basis, I have for years after my Mom had her first heart surgery. It is something that we all can to do help others out. flowerforyou :banana: flowerforyou :banana:

mcattygarnett's photo
Tue 12/09/08 05:26 AM

that's awesome!!! The one drug that controlled me was nicotine. Some ppl don't look at it as a drug but it is. I quit smoking 3 months ago and I just keep taking it one day at a time with no cigarettes.

ugh.. i quit cold turkey about 9(??) years ago.. something like that.. after smoking for about 7 or 8... and it was so f*n hard... I would sit and cry cause I didn't want to smoke... and that was just a cigarette.. after quitting smoking and feeling how addicted I was just to a cigarette.. I got a very small taste of how a drug addict must feel... and I can't imagine the strength of the addiction when it comes to something like heroin... I used to think they were weak, horrible people throwing away thier lives and family for drugs... After quitting smoking.. instead of hating addicts, I feel sorry for them more than anything now.. I know its like mountains to molehills.. but I can understand...

Good for you for quitting, and as I am a former smoker I can totally relate to what you are saying. I still cant totally understand how anyone can let a drug like that take total control over them. Maybe its something that I will never understand. I know that my friend loved his family so much, but the drug took over his life. It is just a sad situation all the way around.

well I can't totally understand what happens in the brain either without experiencing it first hand.. which is not going to happen... and thats what happens.. the drug takes over... Id like to discuss it further but I gotta run.. got a final in about 30 mins...

Good luck on your final and have a good day.

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