Community > Posts By > France1961

France1961's photo
Sun 01/20/08 05:00 PM

Besides, I don't think people are pro-abortion, they are pro-choice.

Thank you!!!!!!!!

France1961's photo
Sun 01/20/08 05:00 PM

Besides, I don't think people are pro-abortion, they are pro-choice.

Thank you!!!!!!!!

France1961's photo
Sun 01/20/08 04:43 PM

It was just an honest question! I keep hearing in the news about that marine who killed that woman who was pregnant and how he will be charged with double murder. Scott Peterson got it as well.

Logic doesn't add up.

There is no logic here????...........Lacy Peterson was about to have the baby, Connor was his name....would have lived outside of his mother's womb.........That is why it was double murder...

France1961's photo
Sun 01/20/08 04:16 PM

as far as abortion goes, I do not agree with it in any sense. use the example of a famous movie series "nightmare on elm street" "freddies" mother was raped by 1000 madmen, thus pretty much garunteeing inception. Was she a victim? Hell yes. (and yes I am using a ficticious example on purpose; I pray to gd soemthign like this nbever happens again [it HAS happened in the past, although not neccesarriyl by one thousand].) BUT, the fact tat she had been impregnated doe nsot give her the right to choose life over death for an unborn child. So she became pregnant (no I am not heartless), that is one more thing for her to bring to the justice tables. there is always adoption as an option. DO NOT PUNISH THOSE THAT ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE!!!

What about how the child will feel and react knowing that he/she is the product of rape??????????That his mother chose to have him/her to help her conscience but couldn't face him/her because of the traumatic memories..........

France1961's photo
Sat 01/19/08 07:00 PM

The death penalty is too definite to allow for mistakes and one can talk about the possible victims if the person walked the street again but we keep them for life all the time and they never walk the streets again unless found innocent by DNA.

Our government cannot be condoned to kill innocents at any level. It is bad enough it is allowed in war. But to have a flawed justice system take a life of a wrongly convicted person should not be allowed. Not with the intelligence of our current society. It was expected in the past because we were ignorant humans and avenging was more animalistic. We are intelligents now, or at least I like to thing we are intelligents now.

I agree with you as far as not killing innocent people, whether it is the Government or a Jury of our peers, or whatever circumstance involve the innocent..........How do you truely feel about a Serial Killer?, a Child Molester?, a Cannibalist?......Don't we... as a society... have a duty, a responsibilty to protect our own....that may involve Death????

France1961's photo
Fri 01/18/08 11:20 PM
The title of your post includes the word MONSTER....That's what he was: a Monster. Did he deserve to be punished? NO DOUBT! Did he deserve to suffer, if indeed he did....No, his suffering didn't bring back the little girl that he killed nor his girlfriend......Did he deserve to be executed? I personally believe so, any human being Man or Woman that willingly takes the life of an innocent child has no place on this Earth........

France1961's photo
Fri 01/18/08 06:28 PM
frown Wow.........Too many great topics here......Especially the colored undies....That definitely stimulates my intellect...It's Friday night after all....drinker

France1961's photo
Fri 01/18/08 05:34 PM

thank you both miss txs..miss fade...those are very nice things to say...well i tryed to give as much info about me without the word i was looking no i dont want to give up with nicole..she's great...she's got a great head on her shoulders at 45 shes going back to collage and taking courses in correctional enforcement..and never makes any spelling errors woman.

thanks for the words

:heart: Thank you Love:heart: Let's give US a chance is all I have to say:heart:

France1961's photo
Fri 01/18/08 01:45 PM
Thanks to all of you that took the time to reply.flowerforyou flowerforyou And may you find what / who you are looking for.
Best wishes .flowerforyou

France1961's photo
Fri 01/18/08 12:10 PM

truth of the matter is miss txs..she has.....when i was making a profile..i was hoping to find a woman from my own

i do have many lady friends on here who gave me thier home msn's ..but they are all so far away from me..and miss france and i have been calling each other for a week now,,,we want to be each others someone special...but she lives very far away too..i dont know how this can ever happen,,,

Hi Love,:heart:

Don't give up yet ok........flowerforyou

France1961's photo
Thu 01/17/08 06:41 PM

ok? reading but im not following..i guess i dont understand..

has it become wrong for the human race now to need one another?..for a man to need to be with that special woman?

need doesnt mean to be a parasite..
it means that this man wants to find love..

i guess its too complicated for me on this one..

hope you find her friend

that was nice

Yes it was very nice and NO, there is nothing wrong with the need to be with that special person...........Let's say there is Need and Need........

France1961's photo
Thu 01/17/08 06:18 PM

i do not need a woman i want a woman as my equal partner in life to hold cuddle kiss cry together enjoy life as it trys to beat us down but we,ll come out on top and happy together foreverflowerforyou love
well i have a need , u just seem to have lust

Women have to feel wanted.......Not needed.......Our kids need us...:wink:

France1961's photo
Thu 01/17/08 06:14 PM


My sentiment exactly........:smile:

France1961's photo
Thu 01/17/08 06:09 PM
Back at you Love,

It may just be the two of us replying to each other here but who cares??

I was going to write down what I have to tell you but there is no need for me to think of what I have to say...:smile:

Never say never is what comes to mind...Never say that you will not ever meet someone that will turn your life upside down in the most wonderful way...Never say that you will never again experience the anticipation of talking, and seeing that special someone.:smile: Never say that people around you will not ask you to wipe the silly grin of your face.happy
Never say that you can't find Love ever again:heart:

Thank you for being in my life......

To be continued...

France1961's photo
Thu 01/17/08 02:09 PM

even though my leporsy hasnt completely cleard up yet..
and im 350 pounds overwieght
and i have one eye ball in the center of my forehead..
and my shrink thinks that it not a good idea for me to be out in public until 2009
and i am a hermaphrodite
and i sell my body for crack
and i have a fetish for toejam

ill bet a months salary,alonebutnotlonely that there wont be one watch

I just got over the plaguesick
I am missing both eyes glasses
A toothpick has nothing on me
The shrinks are now all locked up in the crazy house
There is actually no scientific name yet for what I am
Too many fetishes to list:wink:

This said, I believe I found my not so perfect match in youlove

Let me know

France1961's photo
Wed 01/16/08 09:56 PM

No back off he's mine

Get in line.........:smile:

France1961's photo
Wed 01/16/08 07:35 PM
Probably been posted before....Anyway, how do you know if the persone you are talking to is genuine, trustworthy, and not just out there having a good time until someone better comes along......

France1961's photo
Sat 01/12/08 04:27 PM
To whom it may concern, even to the ones who don't care....
I have been talking/chatting with Kol for about a week now. :smile: Before actually contacting him...I took the time to read his profile, and yes , most of us portray ourselves as the most decent, loving, fun, caring human beings...Probably why we end up on the site...
One of his personality traits was R.E.S.P.E.C.T.Maybe because I am older, or I choose to believe simply because it is me, I happen to value RESPECT, towards myself and others.
This man knows the meaning of RESPECT, and CARE.
I understand that he is being snubbed by the "in" crowd on the forums, for coming to the defense of a Lady that is paralyzed and in a wheel chair.
mad What is wrong with this picture?mad
Are we so vain, some of us anyway, that we beat on the defenseless now? What happened to caring? to decency?

And yes, I am new to JSH,I have met a couple of nice people there, including Kol :smile: I took his advice and went on some of the forums:smile: By no means am I trying to get people angry...But if it happens, so be it, IF THIS IS A PLACE TO MEET "good" people, then by all means, show yourselves now...

France1961's photo
Sun 01/06/08 11:42 AM
Hello from California everyone! New to the site also. Signed up and forgot about it...It's a great site, a lot of nice people to talk to if anythnig else.The forums are fun. Best of luck to all.flowerforyou

France1961's photo
Sun 01/06/08 11:32 AM
Good morning everybody and have a wonderful dayflowerforyou

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