Community > Posts By > theels08

theels08's photo
Sat 03/22/08 07:44 PM
Happy birthday

theels08's photo
Sat 03/22/08 07:43 PM
Hey everybody

theels08's photo
Sat 03/22/08 05:51 PM
Have anybody work at a fast food where they was cooking, and you accident serve meat that wasnt cook good enough

theels08's photo
Sat 03/22/08 05:30 PM
whats everybody doing for tonight

theels08's photo
Sat 03/22/08 05:27 PM
whats up

theels08's photo
Sat 03/22/08 07:38 AM
im about to go to work, so i hope everyone have a good day

theels08's photo
Thu 03/20/08 07:50 PM

I wish Duke would have lost, I love mrch Madness, I have only lost one today

which game did you get right, I only miss one to, Winthrop-Washington state

theels08's photo
Wed 03/19/08 07:47 PM

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh i love the slow thought process you have....i wasnt being mean i was merely making a suggestion of being gay since you hate women so much...grow up and get a job and maybe just maybe a woman will feel pitty for you and ignore your babbling and lay your ass...then i feel you will look at the world differently...its all about the need somelaugh

lol nice comment, i have a job,

theels08's photo
Wed 03/19/08 07:44 PM

Everyone vents from time to time but if that's all you do zzzzz. I didn't see your profile at 18 have fun. A woman had you though, so you gotta get your facts straight. You're 18, so I'll laugh it off, but no woman deserves a disrespectful BOY. When you can seperate an obnoxious attitude of a few and not generalize you MAY have a start. Your attitude shows that of a much younger person.

lol i know how to respect people, Do women know how to respect a non-attractive without breaking their hearts. Hmm

theels08's photo
Wed 03/19/08 07:43 PM

Did you say last night you weren't doing these posts anymore??? Aren't you tired of whining??????? I know I am tired of your whining....

No offense but post about current events, post real topics your favorite poptarts maybe... holy whining batboy...

I get on here every evening after I get home from work and I see the same posting from this guy.....whine, whine.....rather then whine about it...go do something about itgrumble

lol like i said,when i am dead and i havent post a thread in a week.

theels08's photo
Wed 03/19/08 07:41 PM

Did you say last night you weren't doing these posts anymore??? Aren't you tired of whining??????? I know I am tired of your whining....

No offense but post about current events, post real topics your favorite poptarts maybe... holy whining batboy...

Whatever, you will still hear from me as long as i am alive,when i am dead and you dont see any post within a week, you know i am dead

theels08's photo
Wed 03/19/08 07:39 PM
Edited by theels08 on Wed 03/19/08 07:40 PM
Lol fruit cake, hahah think of a better word lady

theels08's photo
Wed 03/19/08 07:37 PM

Not all girls are mean.
Don't throw us all in one group.

No comment, I know what i am stating, and i am going with my word as long as i am alive and still got this massive hell on my mind, there are no way that i can say all women are nice.YAH RIGHT

For you say that all women are mean... is like me saying all Asians are whiny azz people who do nothing but complain about why they aren't treated right and why no one loves them.

Oh wait, that's just YOU.

Yeah you right, you cant complain

theels08's photo
Wed 03/19/08 07:37 PM


See why i say girls are mean, they are really pathetic of guys being gay, I AM NOT GONNA TURN GAY, what the freak with all of you

theels08's photo
Wed 03/19/08 07:36 PM

at this point i doubt women are the problem in this thing, i think he just does not know how to treat a lady or say the right things

Yeah you right, I cant disagree. "I would do anything in a relationship(not for sex) Just a real thing

theels08's photo
Wed 03/19/08 07:35 PM

Not all girls are mean.
Don't throw us all in one group.

No comment, I know what i am stating, and i am going with my word as long as i am alive and still got this massive hell on my mind, there are no way that i can say all women are nice.YAH RIGHT

theels08's photo
Wed 03/19/08 07:29 PM

turn gayhuh

do you have any positive statement, beside you are a women. you dont know nothing

that wasn't very'll really win over a girl's heart with that attitude:angry:

I had to let it out....

theels08's photo
Wed 03/19/08 07:26 PM
why do people always say turn gay? this is hilarious

theels08's photo
Wed 03/19/08 07:25 PM

turn gayhuh

do you have any positive statement, beside you are a women. you dont know nothing

theels08's photo
Wed 03/19/08 07:24 PM
no thanks, i am not turning anything except my normal self