Community > Posts By > theels08

theels08's photo
Thu 03/27/08 06:56 PM

omg u dont just give a necklace to a girl u dont have a chance with.i cant believe u look at rings and u have no gf.heels did you tell your mom to set an appointment up.

i was bored, and i have alot of thing on my mind

theels08's photo
Thu 03/27/08 06:55 PM
the wedding ring are so freaking gorgeous, i set my price to like 6,000$ for wedding ring

theels08's photo
Thu 03/27/08 06:53 PM
Is that wrong for me to look at some wedding rings for my future girlfriend, currently i am only 18 and i am a single man. and i was thinking of getting a 100$ neckalace and just go up to a girl that i like and just tell her to keep it, because she will know that i was thinking of her over spring break, and also i know i wont have a chance with her, tell me what am i doing wrong

theels08's photo
Wed 03/26/08 11:29 PM

just go for men u will be much happier,woman dont seem to be making u happy

Dont say that statement again please, i really hate when people always got to tell me to turn gay, why in the world would i do that

theels08's photo
Wed 03/26/08 11:28 PM

THEELS I think you should date ugly women.....

Very ugly manly lumberjack looking woman!
that might help!

Ya i know i am ugly so what

theels08's photo
Wed 03/26/08 11:24 PM
what is so great about them

theels08's photo
Wed 03/26/08 11:20 PM
Its just so hard for a guy like me to get one, whenever i see them i get alot of nerves inside of me

theels08's photo
Wed 03/26/08 11:18 PM

So basically you are saying whoever you're in a relationship with is not beautiful?
I am sure you will get a lot of offers!

ya thats why i cant get no beautiful womens

theels08's photo
Wed 03/26/08 11:14 PM
Are not my idea for a relationship, I just want to talk to them as a friend

theels08's photo
Wed 03/26/08 05:40 PM
I dont get why

theels08's photo
Wed 03/26/08 11:07 AM
I want to know how she would react to this

theels08's photo
Wed 03/26/08 11:00 AM
It is ok for me to go up to a girl and start a conversation for a few minutes and ask her do she want to go hang out like a restaurant

theels08's photo
Wed 03/26/08 10:04 AM

been wonderful, but I am exhausted! Later all you wonderful JSHers!


theels08's photo
Wed 03/26/08 10:04 AM


no aunts and uncle

theels08's photo
Wed 03/26/08 10:03 AM

theels08's photo
Wed 03/26/08 10:03 AM
i am currently at the beach at relatives house

theels08's photo
Wed 03/26/08 10:01 AM
that i am on spring break, and not even thinking about that one

theels08's photo
Wed 03/26/08 09:50 AM

theels08's photo
Wed 03/26/08 09:40 AM
hey christina,

theels08's photo
Wed 03/26/08 09:40 AM
Whats everybody up to