Community > Posts By > Rexhillerating
If our enemies were to infiltrate our Government in order to destroy America, they would do exactly what Obama is doing. Obama is a conniving liar and a traitor. His blocking oil drilling in Anwar and the gulf, and stopping the Keystone XL pipeline from Canada forces us to buy oil from terrorist countries. When he took office gas was $1.85 a gallon. It's double that now.
His $Trillion dollar stimulus package went to pad the pockets of supporters. He blatantly gave stimulus to "green " companies with the stipulation they donate to his 2012 election. That's how he figured he'd raise a billion dollars for his campaign. His recent Executive Orders give him the power to kill American citizens without trial if he believes them to be terrorist - (or anti-Obama?). He now has the authority in even minor emergencies to take control of all our nations resources, manufacturing and transportation. None of the major news outlets will even question him or say anything negative about Obama. They barely mentioned that 2 million people marched on Washington 2 years ago in protest to his 3,000 page Obama care bill in which he openly bribed Senators and Congressmen to pass it. This bill gives the Government control over every American rationing health care, forcing everyone to buy Government health insurance and will dictate where doctors can practice. Arizona Sheriff Joe R. Pyle's assistants proved Obama's birth certificate to be a fake. Even if it was real and he was born in Hawaii his step-dad made him a citizen of Indonesia when he was a child, therefore he is NOT an American citizen. By the way while growing up in Indonesia he attended a private Muslim school. Soon after taking office Obama ignored the cries of millions of Iranian protesters protesting the corrupted election results and putting a Muslim nut to head their country. A nut who intends to nuke Isreal of the map and nuke the United States. In the Arab spring of 2010 Egypt and Libya fell to the Muslim brotherhood. Radical jiadist Muslim extremists are the biggest threat to the United States and the rest of the civilized world. It is the jiadist Muslims goal to make Islam the religion of the world by any means - overthrowing Governments to killing non-muslims one at a time. This is a society where women have absolutely no rights and are actually bought and sold. I can see how they entice ugly young men into their sect where they have the option of buying a woman as opposed to our western society where they may think they're too ugly to entice a woman. Our strong defense is in our United States Constitution and conservatism and we must get Obama out of office this year. We also need to stop Obama care and pass the Ryan budget to put our economy on track. If Obama were to win he will try to take total tyrantical control of America, but we have the ace up our sleeve. That document signed July 4, 1776, the Declaration of Independence states that Americahave a "duty" to throw of our Government if it strays from "of the people, for the people, by the peoole" form of Government and institute new guards for their future. I plead with my fellow Americans to listen to conservative talk shows on radio and TV. Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hanidy, Mark Lavine and Roger Hedgecock where you'll learn what ABC, NBC, CBS, and CNN won't tell you. Call your Congressman and Senators, stand up for America and freedom! |
To the girl who says she has compassion for both sides (Muslims and Americans )does not understand that out of the 1.3 BILLION muslims in the World, 25% - over 300 million - are "jiad" radical extremest. It is their belief that they must convert ALL non-believers to islam or kill them.
Their interpretation of the koran instructs them to eliminate all non-believers by any means and it is acceptable to deceive and lie in order to infiltrate enemy governments (USA) in order to destroy them. They are barbaric and ruthless and we must be vigilant. Similar to the way Christians are awaiting the second coming of Jesus, muslims are awaiting the 12th amom, who will arrive after 7 years of total global kaos. Iran's president ahkmajinadad (?) Believes he can hasten his arrival by creating 7 years of global kaos. However most Iranians are against him - they did not elect him - he hi-jacked the election in 2009 and millions of students took to the streets in protest with the hope the west (USA) would help them. Newly elected president Obama said not a word - and the protesters were mowed down. |