what women expect from men.
Waooo!u hav rely said it al,u jus say whts on ma mind
Rely do dy exist
what made you smile today?
Hahahaha,u ar very funi dr
what made you smile today?
I smile always cos smile is d only secret of gud luks
Wht is luv?
Wht is luv by d wa?wht ar d sign of luv?an hw cn u knw wn it is real?
If i talk 2 u,wunt u be shy 2 reply?
Why am I still single?
Big big lys
I dnt ftink so
Serchin 4 d rit 1
Hmmm!am stil serchin 4 d rit 1 dol
Jus lyk me
By ur apearanc i cn tel
Lyf witout luv
In lyf,evry man neds sm1 2 be dr helpa,2 luv an 2 care 4 dm.I ned u 2 do sam 4 me so i cn do 2 u,wil u?