Your question depends on what type person you are talking about and how educated he is.
If you are talking about an uneducated fool who is just looking for a piece, obviously they are going to want the highest quality looking "peice" they can find. These guys don't care about anything other than looks and just go for anything "Shiny". If you are talking about an educated man, you are dealing with an entirely new situation all together. An educated man wants a woman who can take care of herself. Eating hoho's and whoppers all day isn't exactly a way of taking care of yourself. "Boobs Butt and Stomach" isn't what we go after. They want someone who is healthy and cares about their appearance. Once health and appearance is in check, then they look closer at personality. If health and appearance is not in check, thats the woman's fault for not getting him. Theres no such thing as a perfect personality and ugly bodily features as taking care of ones body IS a personality trait(I think most forget this). I've met woman who have seemingly great personalities that I could not be attracted to because they did not take care of their bodies properly. Not taking care of your body is laziness no matter how you look at it. I don't want to be with a lazy woman, so why should anyone else? "boobs butt and stomach" are pointless to me. However, a woman who takes care of herself will at least get one of the three. Thats good enough for most guys. ;) |