Community > Posts By > Lancelot68

Lancelot68's photo
Sat 11/19/11 01:51 PM
I subscribe to the English Common Law system myself ,there are only 3 provisos, 1- that u dont kill anybody, 2- That u harm nobody,3- that u cause nobody any loss of possesions or property. Nothin in there about 'offending' anybody or any other 'pc' crap !

Lancelot68's photo
Fri 11/18/11 10:27 AM
Or any other book dat questioned the status quo i suspect :)

Lancelot68's photo
Fri 11/18/11 10:25 AM
Scientists say it so it must be fact huh ?

Lancelot68's photo
Thu 11/17/11 05:02 AM
Probably for the best dat he wasnt elected Governor so ! :D

Lancelot68's photo
Wed 11/16/11 05:31 AM
Just shout "Ive struck oil" and they'l be there in their thousands! :)

Lancelot68's photo
Tue 11/15/11 11:30 PM
Thank u ! As it happens, i am ! :)

Lancelot68's photo
Tue 11/15/11 12:40 PM
9/10 :)

Lancelot68's photo
Sat 11/12/11 03:53 PM
Well done all ! Soccer, or as we call it, Football, is the BIGGEST game in Europe and there have been sum great American players here over the past 10 years.

Lancelot68's photo
Sat 11/12/11 03:48 PM
Satan doesnt hate israel, Satan IS israel ! There wudnt be an israel only for the rothschilds who control the world's markets and media, that family sold their soul to the dark one generations ago in return for control of the earth. The same offer that Jesus refused!

Lancelot68's photo
Sat 11/12/11 11:19 AM
Well i like it, its all true ! :)

Lancelot68's photo
Sat 11/12/11 11:14 AM
Agreed, but then u cud say the same about the western world in general, it all went wrong wen we became "consumers" .

Lancelot68's photo
Sat 11/12/11 10:33 AM
Yes Soufie, on several occasions,its a monument to perseverance really.

Lancelot68's photo
Sat 11/12/11 09:21 AM
Hehe enjoy ! My folks were there a few years ago,said its a lovely place.

Lancelot68's photo
Sat 11/12/11 06:48 AM
Agreed Leigh,altho even with a pic theres still no guarantee dat the pic and person are one and the same, people do put up fake pics,why? God knows,but it happens on other sites and no doubt here too :)

Lancelot68's photo
Sat 11/12/11 06:13 AM
My my arent we a fussy bunch :). U'd want to be insane to give out too much info on these sites. P.s. People do smoke,drink,have kids,want kids, its reality,deal with it ! :)

Lancelot68's photo
Fri 11/11/11 04:51 PM
Wat a load of crap, id rather the Partridge Family had re-united, REAL MUSIC !!!

Lancelot68's photo
Fri 11/11/11 04:06 PM
And i have just been ordained The Archplum of The Grand Order Of Baluba , an honour i accept with immense humilty and gratitude !

Lancelot68's photo
Fri 11/11/11 01:58 PM
For Zions sake . . Hmmm, a controversial 3 words if ever ! And "spiritual-Predator", have never seen those 2 words adjacent before :)

Lancelot68's photo
Fri 11/11/11 01:42 PM
U wont see dat in schoolbooks,u wont see or hear it on MSM, its disheartening,I KNOW ! ,i believed it all without question until about a year ago,now im doin all i can to get people to question the official line. Its all we can do folks, add a person at a time until HOPEFULLY we reach the point of Critical Mass where things HAVE to change !

Lancelot68's photo
Fri 11/11/11 11:23 AM
Hehe, touche !