Community > Posts By > CortoMaltese

CortoMaltese's photo
Mon 10/31/11 01:11 PM
And if my grandpa had a wheel he would be a barrow!

CortoMaltese's photo
Mon 10/31/11 01:10 PM
Maybe you are not fun enough :D

CortoMaltese's photo
Mon 10/31/11 04:36 AM

I really enjoy wasting their time. So I get that real excited look and I tell them. Wow, I can't your here. PLEASE let me share my experience with you.

I begin by telling them about how church never made sense to me, as a child, and my struggle to undertand. All the churches I visited, etc. And each time them they interrupt I just say, "oh yea, and let me tell you this. I just keep building on the story, year of my life. Then when it seems Im loosing them, I tell them, oh wait, I'm just getting to the revelation.

Then I go into great, explicit detail about the epiphany I suddeny had and how the weight of the world seemed to lift from my shoulders... They usually gain a bit of interest back at that point. I spend some time building it up, till I'm about to loose them again then I spit out

It was an amazing feeling, a sense of relief to finally say out loud. Da mn I'm an athiest, that's why I can't believe this sh t, and as they're, nearly, running away, I hold up my arm and scream halleluia, I'm free, free at last from the oppression.

Then I just go inside and close the door.

It's kinda sad, becasue the last time that happened was about 5 years ago. I see them all still, going door to door, but my door is no longer pounded on....


Loveable! :D