Community > Posts By > Mike91ZX

Mike91ZX's photo
Wed 01/16/08 09:18 PM

I understand exactly what you mean ((Alonenot)) I see it all the time. I really don't care how old the man is because true love knows no age, creed, race, sex, Etc....
You know I had a friend on my friends list and he was 36, I went to send him a message to wish him a merry X-mas and a Happy New Year and he had a message filter saying that People had to meet a certain age criteria, it was "18-25" noway
I am younger than he is, I am 32! I just don't get it and things like that make me sick cause it is madness to think that anyone under the age of 30 would be halfway seriouse about anything, let alone a relationship with longevity and true commitment. There are the exception to the rule though that are mature enought o handle life responsably!ohwell

Yes VERY VERY few people under 30 can even hold a real conversation, all they look forward to is Friday night getting drunk and not remembering life.

Mike91ZX's photo
Wed 01/16/08 09:09 PM

Good write! drinker

Today she finally told me she loved me truly...

sad sad sad sad

My heart is melting :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

Mike91ZX's photo
Wed 01/16/08 09:08 PM
I don't use lines or techniques to pick up women, I've always found it easiest to just show your personality and work on your environment to make her smile.

Mike91ZX's photo
Wed 01/16/08 09:06 PM


Yours or his??? :wink:

She's MY Girlfriend :P

Mike91ZX's photo
Wed 01/16/08 09:05 PM

Men, aren't you tired of all these young chicks spouting about older men (pervs, I think, is the name) viewin' 'em and young men just doin' 'em so wrong? Like these young chicks are IT and what we want? Gag me with a spoon! Age is yet another prejudiced factor - there are no absolutes in a relationship. Only Youth thinks Youth is that attractive!

Think of the young you've seen and read on JSH, and the over 35 you've seen and read. Who would you want to be with for more than a tryst: an older (>30) or a younger (30<)?

I find older women just as attractive, if not more, than younger. I get physically turned off from younger girls because most of the ones I meet are slutty and dirty, but now I just don't give a damn because I found my baby for life so all the young ones who think they're hot sh*t can go fly a kite.

Mike91ZX's photo
Wed 01/16/08 09:00 PM
Edited by Mike91ZX on Wed 01/16/08 09:00 PM
This is for you Jessie, my one true love
My Guardian Angel sent from Heaven above
I love her so much, with all my heart
When she's not around I fall apart

Her beauty is unmatched, like nothing ever seen
I've earned her love, my gorgeous queen
I hear the sorrow of love's gone wrong
No need to fear, I know she's strong

She runs her fingers along my face
A love so pure, what a sweet embrace
I give her myself, together at last
What seems like hours is over so fast

I feel so scared, not accepting fate
Afraid she'll leave me, find something to hate
I've waited so long to hold her tight
Everything we do just feels so right

:heart: Forever Together :heart:

Mike91ZX's photo
Wed 01/16/08 08:53 PM

Hope you asked him if you could post it? :wink:

Good write!!! drinker

lol nope ^_^ He's down at the bar playing poker, this'll be our little secret hehe smokin

Mike91ZX's photo
Wed 01/16/08 08:43 PM

Very nice and true. Tell your brother to keep writing! flowerforyou

Me and my brother are sort of emotionally-apart, in the sense that we keep our "relationship" to just being buddies more than brothers.

Mike91ZX's photo
Wed 01/16/08 08:41 PM
I found this poem on my brother's computer, didn't know he was this deep or thoughtful, maybe the 19 years I've known him I haven't really known him.

Her Love

She walks into the room and turns on the light
She grabs a blanket for the cold night
searches the room for her love
but she knows that she won't find her dove

She sits down in their favorite chair
She looks up in despair
remembers all of the good times they had
but now she feels empty and sad

She feels a deep sadness that just lingers
She wishes that one last time she could feel the touch of his fingers
looking down at his picture she cries
but she knows one day she will be with him again when she dies

Mike91ZX's photo
Wed 01/16/08 07:48 PM


Yes, the power of the sun in the palm of your hand. LOL

Mike91ZX's photo
Wed 01/16/08 07:44 PM
I used to wonder that too, how it could be that all the bullsh*t would end. Honestly I don't think it's over, or that it ever ends, but when I found my Jessie things went from bad to bareable, it took me 19 years to find her and all the pain was worth it. Don't give up.

Mike91ZX's photo
Sun 01/13/08 01:42 PM
I like everything natural, but that's just me flowerforyou flowerforyou

Mike91ZX's photo
Sun 01/13/08 01:41 PM

I really like what you have to say.
I do believe that people can change, though.
Every moment is full of choices, and those choices decide our actions if we allow them.
I do not believe our fate is determined. I believe we create our fate every second at a time.
Those are just some of my thoughts.

I am glad to see a post like this.
It's nice to know that people have something intelligent to talk about.
Kudos. drinker

I do believe we can change our fate, and change what happens to us, but I do believe in Destiny. I believe we are all meant for something, but what that is won't be known until it's time. Who we choose to be and who we choose to be around says who we are.

It is up to us all to make choices, whether it's blowing things off and not caring because you think life is too short, or getting very serious and wanting to make a big change, it all matters in the all makes us who we are, and who we are is the most important thing in life. How we each define ourselves in this life will make us worth remembering.

Mike91ZX's photo
Sun 01/13/08 01:30 PM
Perfection...what is it? Is it a baker's dozen being 13? Is it having no fear walking the streets? Is it finding true love? No, no I don't think so. The dictionary says Perfect is the absolute best, with no superior...and I gotta say, that's a good description of our world.

It sounds crazy, yes, but bare with me and let me finish my rant. If you really think about it, perfection is the equal balance of good and evil. If the world were filled with nothing but good, than how perfect would that really be? How many times can you really talk about how great something is? If every person you met was the nicest and most caring person in the world, would you remember them?

What makes us all unique and special, is who we are on the inside. We all need each other and need what we all are. Nice guys need jerk guys, or we wouldn't be "nice guys" they would be just...well...guys.... Good girls need "loose" girls, else why would they be good? Of course, only looking at it like this is one-sided again, only thinking of the good ones.

I think to really understand this you'd have to say I'm delving into religion, and maybe I am, but there are those who understand and those who don't, thus perfection. It sounds pretty stupid to think like this, some people think "why would a God let such bad things happen?" and the answer is simple: God is Perfect, just like us.

The world cannot be only good or only bad, each of us have to have a little of both inside to balance things out. If you look at all the small things, like how we react to a person's race, seeing an expensive car driving, what you think of a person when you see them, it all blends perfectly.

What's the point of this post? There isn't really one, it may get a few people thinking, a few responses of "wtf is this guy talking about" and than forgotten, which is what's supposed to happen. Even those who stand out amongst the crowd are just playing their part. Of course this sounds like I'm saying there's no point to life, but in fact, there is. Though I do not believe people can truly change, I do believe we all grow into who we are supposed to be, and the world needs the good people just as much as the bad.

The world is full of hate, probably more so than love, and it can seem lop-sided at times, but what really matters in life is the small things, the little things that put that real smile on our faces and waking up in the morning and feeling good about who you are and what you've done. There may not be a special someone for everyone, but a heart full of love will lead you to Paradise.

Mike91ZX's photo
Sun 01/13/08 01:03 PM
My Fairlady Z is dented, scratched, and I can't seem to go a week without stalling her, but for what it's worth, it was worth it all.

Luxury Schmuxury, the only thing that matters is what's "under the hood" flowerforyou

Mike91ZX's photo
Sun 01/13/08 01:01 PM
Cheer's to you bro drinker drinker

Mike91ZX's photo
Sat 01/12/08 09:04 PM
sad sad sad sad sad sad

That hits too close to home for me

sad sad sad sad sad sad

Mike91ZX's photo
Sat 01/12/08 08:59 PM

It drinks too much

It goes way too fast

And it gets rubbed all the time too

Mine gets the looks from all da ladiezzzz happy

Mike91ZX's photo
Sat 01/12/08 08:50 PM
:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

Mike91ZX's photo
Sat 01/12/08 08:49 PM

rather have sex w a monkey

Oh!!!!! really?...that can be arranged..

by the way any one see my new ..not this one but the other..more...shall we say.....well you say takew a look at my profile and let me know.


I think my car is hotter than yours

300ZX > All

laugh laugh