Community > Posts By > thebestofrs4eva
Georgia men?
To be able to understand why Lot's wife was turned into a pillar of salt & why God allowed the Hebrews to slaughter the entire race of different nations, you have to understand the dispensation of the time periods. During that time period in Genesis was at a point before Jesus came into the world. Therefore, there was no forgiveness for sins the same as now with the blood of Jesus. We are very fortunate to be living in this era of grace through Jesus. When God punished the people during that time in the Old Testament, it was without grace. When God told the people to do something, He expected them to do it. Not for His benefit but theirs. God didn't give us the law and rules of the bible to make our life boring or make us follow rules that He want that has no benefit to us. Do you see the consequences of when we break God's rules in our lives today and the way society is because of it? Lot's wife was punished the way she was as a reference and stern warning to obey Him so the rest wouldn't look back.