Community > Posts By > hosstin18

hosstin18's photo
Sat 11/04/06 03:59 PM
that is though full of you did the women thank you cuz i would have cuz
for you to do that is showing that you care for people and you havea
big heart and also that ur a good parent that wome dosent know how to
take care of her child or this would have never happened

hosstin18's photo
Sat 11/04/06 12:57 PM
lmao lol dam thats good

hosstin18's photo
Sat 11/04/06 12:54 PM
i lik eit cuz its shows how you feel and act and your not afraid to be
ur self i can see and read in ur writing you like to have avoice and
what people to understand you

hosstin18's photo
Sat 11/04/06 12:45 PM
thansk chrimas

hosstin18's photo
Sat 11/04/06 12:40 PM
thank you

hosstin18's photo
Sat 11/04/06 12:23 PM
from begining of time he was there
when darkness came near
i would run and hide
he offered his hand took me by his side
fear was gone form me
there he stood when evil came
he shletered me from the rain
when times got dark he was there
when money was gone he gave some
wheni was hungry he feed me
when all was lost he was the only true FRIEND

hosstin18's photo
Thu 11/02/06 11:43 AM
yeah man i agree they should be taught respect they shouldnt have sold
that much in records i hope to god that they get the shit knocke dout of
them they should also be pu tin jail for that in opion i have black
friends too i like to be friendly to all but ur know they just bitches
waiting to get a ass whooping so i say let them have it

hosstin18's photo
Wed 11/01/06 07:19 PM
ur momma so ugly that she makes m elook good

hosstin18's photo
Wed 11/01/06 07:17 PM
i agree with all of it heres my two cents it explians me

hosstin18's photo
Wed 11/01/06 07:15 PM
oh ur good with those moma jokes i am hurting pretty bad ur one funny

hosstin18's photo
Wed 11/01/06 07:11 PM
wait what going on

hosstin18's photo
Wed 11/01/06 07:10 PM
oh dam thats good lmao lol keep thme coming dam

hosstin18's photo
Wed 11/01/06 07:04 PM
what something tasty thats me
i am a fine wine want to be the taster

hey is this the army cuz you should m ewhat all you can be at ur place

i thought spicy was hot ouch women your extra spicy

hosstin18's photo
Wed 11/01/06 06:57 PM
the offspring defy you ,cnat get my head around you

hosstin18's photo
Wed 11/01/06 06:55 PM
so sorry ur lost but i can find you

hosstin18's photo
Wed 11/01/06 06:53 PM
i am sorry my grilfriend lefted me can you take her place

hosstin18's photo
Wed 11/01/06 06:51 PM
oh dam thats good lmao

hosstin18's photo
Wed 11/01/06 06:47 PM
watch me rock ur world like i did ur sisters

sex is like drug like me once you had me you ask fo r more
and more

i am a chef thats i all good like you lets bake

hosstin18's photo
Wed 11/01/06 06:43 PM
since you lost ur cell phone have mine and call me anytime

whats looks good on yo u is me

want a wild horse take me for a ride

if you thought charlie sheen was wild you havent seen me

me and you are like sex and chocolate lets melt

hosstin18's photo
Wed 11/01/06 06:38 PM
mmmm i though cambells soup was good but ur mmmm good

wow that smile you have is a smile of an angel

thats all i have for now lol

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