Community > Posts By > cinderlu57

cinderlu57's photo
Sat 07/12/08 11:16 PM

If you woke up together naked, using only 3 words, what would u say to the person above you? laugh laugh :tongue:

If, you mean that's not a normal occurrence?????
drinker drinker pitchfork pitchfork
damn the aliens :laughing:

Damn the tequila !!!!

it was the worm at the bottom :laughing:

Damn the worm!!!!!
laugh laugh

cinderlu57's photo
Sat 07/12/08 11:14 PM

If you woke up together naked, using only 3 words, what would u say to the person above you? laugh laugh :tongue:

If, you mean that's not a normal occurrence?????
drinker drinker pitchfork pitchfork
damn the aliens :laughing:

Damn the tequila !!!!

cinderlu57's photo
Sat 07/12/08 11:12 PM

If you woke up together naked, using only 3 words, what would u say to the person above you? laugh laugh :tongue:

If, you mean that's not a normal occurrence?????
drinker drinker pitchfork pitchfork

cinderlu57's photo
Sat 07/12/08 11:06 PM

I am removing all pics of my kids off my profile...

but i got two very lovely children.
my son is 5 and my daughter is 12.

No offense intended but why do people do that anyway? To me with society the way it is it would never be a good idea to post a child's picture on a publicly viewed site. Why would you go on to give their ages?

cinderlu57's photo
Sat 07/12/08 10:58 PM
Absolutely and don't let anyone tell him (you) otherwise.

cinderlu57's photo
Sat 07/12/08 10:11 PM
Yep $400.00 later....

cinderlu57's photo
Sat 07/12/08 09:54 PM
Or a pimp....

cinderlu57's photo
Sat 07/12/08 09:53 PM

I saw a guy walking on the beach dress in yellow, black socks and white dressy shoes....extremelly rude for my taste.

Must have been a tourist....

cinderlu57's photo
Sat 07/12/08 09:51 PM
Depends on who and what they're spinning. If its you then hell yes, if its not you and they are doing something that is going to hurt someone because its a lie then yes you should call them on it.

cinderlu57's photo
Sat 07/12/08 09:19 PM

Where are the real men in life.I am 57 and all I have found in the past is a 25 year marriage with no respect and no companionship,and a 4 year relationship with a man that used me for his needs and gave nothing back but mind games.I blame myself for being so giving and not demanding enough that I get what I gave,but believe me I have learned and been out of the dating field for about 8 years now.Life is so very short I would like to find a real man with feelings and respect for his gal.Any one out there that is between the age 55 and 68 please let me know.Thanks Doris

Did you find the answer you were looking for in any of that.....

cinderlu57's photo
Sat 07/12/08 09:14 PM
Well the he is not in your life anymore right. Move on and to hell with him....

cinderlu57's photo
Sat 07/12/08 09:06 PM
Its all about perception...

cinderlu57's photo
Sat 07/12/08 09:03 PM
Sorry I meant Disrespect

cinderlu57's photo
Sat 07/12/08 09:00 PM
sorry disrespect

cinderlu57's photo
Sat 07/12/08 08:59 PM
sorry disrespect

cinderlu57's photo
Sat 07/12/08 08:59 PM

Discussing your sex life with much of anybody seems kind of juvinile to me.

I think he shows a tremendous amount of respect for you and no confidence for himself...

cinderlu57's photo
Sat 07/12/08 08:55 PM
I agree that is going over the line.

cinderlu57's photo
Sat 07/12/08 08:46 PM

I am back on here after meeting a guy who wouldn't let go of his mother's skirt at the age of 43! I am back on here to make friends and hopefully find someone decent and who wants the same things i do. I really think old fashioned has gone out the door and will never return!! What do you think???

Just my opinion but a woman should never ever try to come between a man and his family, especially his mother.

cinderlu57's photo
Sat 07/12/08 08:41 PM
OMG junior high chain letters...

cinderlu57's photo
Sat 07/12/08 08:39 PM
You can crop the photo so the truck isn't so well lets say prevalent.