Community > Posts By > teadipper

teadipper's photo
Sun 06/23/13 09:35 AM
Are you happy with how your life is right this minute? RIGHT NOW? Or do you feel you will never be happy until you meet someone? Do you believe you can choose to be happy or at least content? What if you never meet anyone? Will your life still have meaning if you live it without a mate?

teadipper's photo
Sun 06/23/13 09:31 AM
Okay Krupa brought up a good point. We are all part of our failed relationships because we are in them.

Okay, confession time. WHAT did you do wrong to end your significant relationship i.e. marriage or over 5 years in length?

My biggest bad thing I did was I made unilateral decisions ALL THE TIME. A unilateral decision in therapy is a decision that you make by yourself that seriously affects the other person and you really should have sought their consent.

I spent money. I brought home pets. I got rid of things. I moved things. I assumed he would help people with their computers. I assumed he would want to help at my charity job.

teadipper's photo
Sun 06/23/13 09:27 AM
Okay, name at least one thing about your ex wife or ex husband or ex of a long period of time (at least 7 years). If you cannot name one thing, that sort of says something about you because you chose to be with that person that long.

Okay so my ex husband is a super awesome computer programmer, awesome at math, awesome at all things to do with swimming pools, first aid, teaching swimming, diving, etc., is a good dog daddy, is good to his family, was good to my family, is reliable.

teadipper's photo
Sun 06/23/13 09:22 AM
Good that you are honest. Please rotate your pictures. Good looking guy. I would say 10 (don't rate me I didn't ask). There is no one certain kind of handsome and you definitely have your own version. I see no reason not to give you a 10. You obviously work hard to look like that.

teadipper's photo
Sun 06/23/13 09:19 AM

Takes time. Just tell the pervs bye and block them.

Yep. I probably have one of the longest blocked lists in the history of Mingle.

teadipper's photo
Sun 06/23/13 09:16 AM

almost all the guys that have approached me are pervert. now i'd really like to know if there's any good man out there who like brown skin like me . who don't see me as a sex object or is there something with my profile pic? but i'm not naked or showing my boobs.

Write something about yourself. "Tell you later" usually means you are sneaking around or looking for sex or something.

And you are an attractive young girl with a nice picture and some guys can sexualize a tree stump so of course they are turned on by you.

teadipper's photo
Sun 06/23/13 09:13 AM

Heterozygous Factor V Leiden here, two clots in my right leg (calf and thigh) although they were likely from causes other than the disorder (BC pills for the first, and an injury for the second). I was on warfarin for a while but it does NOT play nicely with my body, so I'm not on it anymore. I treat with diet and lifestyle, and have been clot-free since 2008.

I'll eat soy when it occurs as a flavoring, like in Asian food (which I love) but I'm almsot kind of glad to have an excuse not to eat tofu, as I never particularly liked it anyway. laugh

I was on the pill. I fell on my stairwell at my condo and banged my left calf on the stairs and got deep vein thrombosis which broke loose and went to my lungs causing pulmonary embolisms. I read the literature with the pill but had no idea what those words meant and never looked them up. I was on Coumadin too (warafin). I hated the constant bruising and all the blood work. I would nick myself shaving my leg and wipe out an entire bath towel with blood. UGH. I do not think the BC pill is a good choice for anyone.

teadipper's photo
Sun 06/23/13 09:07 AM

There are days when I do not know whether to be happy or sad.....kinda like I am neither .... so I choose to be happy.

How do you choose to be happy - elevate your mood??? remind yourself that you have made this happiness choice?

How do you stay positive when feeling a little down from the "slings and arrows"?

I dance around the house to Billy Idol. I sing along with Queen. I drink way too much caffeine. I put way too much bubble bath in the tub and soak and make the bubbles into mountains and then blow them down. I write silly poetry. I draw. I color CREATIVELY in coloring books. I read funny books. I chat on my Yahoo groups. I hope Old Hippie will call me and crack me up.

teadipper's photo
Sun 06/23/13 09:04 AM
Welcome and good luck.

teadipper's photo
Sun 06/23/13 09:04 AM

teadipper's photo
Sun 06/23/13 09:02 AM
the dolphin mayan ruins hysterical flipped over the super moon cat litter telephone.

There somewhere in there is the answer to whatever that question was supposed to be. They are both English.

teadipper's photo
Sun 06/23/13 09:00 AM
Maturity is the #1 predictor of how they will treat you. They can be mature at any age. They can be immature at any age.

I look for men who hold to their responsibilities. Who work hard at their job. Who maintain their friendships. Who take care of their kids (if they have them). Who take care of their pets esp. bull dogs. Who take care of their aging parents. Etc. etc.

teadipper's photo
Sun 06/23/13 08:57 AM
Yes, true love exists between a guy and his bull dog or a girl and her cats.

teadipper's photo
Sun 06/23/13 08:56 AM
Don't you think if I was a scammer, I would have asked you for something???

teadipper's photo
Sun 06/23/13 08:53 AM

Soy can cause issues in people who are sensitive to phytoestrogens (so I'd think breast issues would be more likely than prostate issues) but for people without such sensitivities, there shouldn't be a problem.

Soy is also an issue for people on synthetic thyroid hormones, as it binds to the hormone and prevents its uptake in the body.

I avoid eating much soy because the phytoestrogens are bad news for a hypercoagulability disorder I have.

I had blood clots from the bc pill (estrogen) and have been told mixed things about phytoestrogens so I avoid them. I don't think tofu in something is going to hurt me but I am not going to go out of my way to eat a whole meal of it like I used to.

teadipper's photo
Sun 06/23/13 08:43 AM
I got my printer working under Red Hat Linux. HOORAY. So I can print out pictures and things I write and such and put them in a scrapbook. YIPPEE. I feel better since I went to the doctor yesterday and got my breathing treatment. Woo hoo.

teadipper's photo
Sun 06/23/13 08:41 AM

Growing up, krupa's Dad always told him
his birthday was June 26.

When he enlisted and needed his birth
certificate, it showed his birthday was
really June 21, tomorrow.

He still thinks he should get 2 parties.

Happy Birthday you big hunka lovable male :-)

That's hilarious... My mom doctored the paperwork by a month for school so she could get me out of the house sooner laugh

No idea why :angel:

Happy BdayZZZ Kman! drinker

LOL. My MOM TRIED. The cut off was December 3rd. I was born December 5th. She got caught. I KNOW why. I was just as big a pain in the azz then as I am now. I was walking at 6 months and talked away before the other kids.

teadipper's photo
Sun 06/23/13 08:34 AM
What are your favorite movies to fall asleep to??

Mine are Pauly Shore's Son in Law and Wayne's World (the first not the second)

teadipper's photo
Sun 06/23/13 08:18 AM

teadipper's photo
Sun 06/23/13 07:41 AM
Ya well there are tons of them who are full of carp. Many with sob stories that are full of carp. How many guys on here "were ready to leave until I met you"? yadda yadda yadda. Oh please. I have been told that and "if it doesn't work out with you, I am never dating again" I don't know how many times.

Just YOU CONTINUE to tell the truth and your stories won't change. In many of our cases, the truth is stranger than fiction LOL.

Their stories come out eventually. Beware the guy with NO JOB, NO HOME, etc. Those with nothing to lose and everything to gain ARE DANGEROUS.

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