If there is a meet up around the Memphis area..count me in if you are up for a new person. I enjoy meeting people. :)
Favorite company slogan
I am Canadian.
Memphis get together
I have a strange thing happening. I have the weekend off. I have decided I want to go dancing. There is this club called Spectrum. Anyone in the Memphis area want to get together just for like a fun hang out thing? Grab some dinner, drinks and then hit the club?
I will warn in advance it is a gay club but I am sure that anyone and everyone is welcomed. I am just giving the warning in case someone wants to come but is uncomfortable in that type of a club. |
Soul mates...
This is in reply to Sweetestgirl11..I don't know how to do the quotey box thing. I am very much technically challenged. *sheepish grin* Caution is over-rated. Somethings are worth risking falling on your face or looking like a fool. I have concerns but if I met someone that made me think "hrmmmmmm could she be the one?" I would so throw caution to the wind. The worst that would happen..you hit the floor, get bruised up and look silly. On the bottom right of the statement box, click "quote" to have the person you wish to address statement appear I have fallen on my face many times, and I do not recommend it Score! Yay! Thanks! *happily looks at the quote box* I too have ended up faceplanted after taking a leap of faith. I took all those experiences as learning experiences and really laughed at myself, called myself a dork, picked myself up, dusted myself off and continued on my merry way. Still worth it to me. As people age we become less and less willing to take chances. We want romance but erect protective walls to prevent falling on our faces. Those who are older say the young are naive and get hurt easily. This is true but they, also, fall in love and experience romance so much easier and more often then those who are older and wiser. Our "older wisdom" develops walls that inhibit being open to love. We want romance but are unwilling to be vulnerable. I don't know if it is just the idea of getting hurt that stops the older generation from finding love. I think for the men; at least the ones I met its the financial scare. If you marry or now even if you live Common-law; you're partner is entitled to take half your stuff. Even is you suggest a pre-nup; that person will take it personally and probably won't stay with you. I also think there are a lot of users, scammers, and very dangerous people out there. When you are young and naive; you don't think much about the dangers of possibly meeting someone that could be psychotic and of course you don't think about the financial loss if your relationship breaks up or the person turns out to be a scammer. As we get older; we get wiser. I also think as we get older too; we aren't willing to put up with abuse or neglect as we know damn well, we can survive on our own. I am 37 so I dont know where I fall in the age spectrum for me personally though, I don't worry to much about the financial aspect of things because you start off on the dating thing, getting to know someone. If someone were to ask me about my financials on that date I would worry about them. If I reach the relationship do we/don't we stage that requires an ultimate leap I would think that I would know them ( I hope) enough to know if they were scammers, users or the not so nice kind of people. If I thought this person could be my soulmate then I would definately not be worried about the using aspect because I would be in the mindset..if this is my soulmate, she won't hurt me that way. Maybe that does open me up to being used..but I just can't jump to a negative about a person unless they give me reason to. I guess I am talking more about us folks in our 50s. When a man loses everything to a marriage or common law partner; its quite devasting. I am not talking about someone asking about finances on a date but more after you start living together. Once you start living common law; you have a chance of losing everything. At our age; its way too hard to start over again and its not like we can move to a better paying job as no one will hire us. At the time that person may seem like your soulmate but they may indeed not be. As has been said; there can be more than one soul mate. Myself I have met two of them; one that was a romantic one and now one that is a friend. My friend and I have a deep connection that I have never felt with anyone. I feel as though he can read my mind, anticipate everything I do or say. Its almost scary how he reads me but I know he can never be more than my friend as he loves another. As for scammers; I have heard of a few women that were married for 5 or 6 years only to come home one day from work to see their house and bank account cleared out. It can happen to anyone at any time no matter how much you trust a person. Ouch. I guess I just have a hard time believing that things like that actually happen. I have only had three relationships my whole life. I can understand why the caution would be there though. |
Soul mates...
Do you believe in them? Are you one of those people who believe that you are only meant to be with one person for the rest of your life, and that someone somewhere is the uhm, yin to your yang? Do you believe that love once found, is final? Yes. Society has made it more acceptable to bail out now when things don't go your way. They used to work it out and stay together. I don't know. I believe we have many many many souls in our lives that we reconnect with through reincarnation over and over. I did not bail on my 20 year relationship until it became pure hell. But I think it's good to bail if within a month or so or less, you realize that this person is REALLY not for you. I find some people cling to a month old relationship that is strained and toxic for years and that's not good. It also depends if the other person is as devoted as you are. I mentally am not in a place where even if I found a soul mate, I would run off. Not that I would never relocate but you have to be in a place mentally where you are ready to accept that kind of commitment. I mean I tried faking that but it doesn't work. Anybody who knows me for real, knows how much I still hurt over Bri. *over the internet hugs* Sorry that you hurt. |
All Ya Need Is Love
"For it was not into my ear you whispered, but into my heart. It was not my lips you kissed, but my soul." Judy Garland
I work with the SPCA in rehabilitating fighting dogs.
Please go see a doctor. It won't heal all by itself and it can get worst if you leave it untreated.
Stay away from spicy foods, high in acids,coffee, sodas, liquor. The more bland the better. |
A little help
So I never know what to say with these profile things. I seem to attract game players and this is a problem for me because I am so not a game player. I really don't know how to play the game. I have been so focused on my career and such..I never made much time for the personal and when I have *points above* game players.
Any advice on how I can improve things...or such..I would love it. |
I know am not beautiful
I have to agree with Luv and Soufie. Sweetie you have nothing to feel insecure about. My advice to you is believe in yourself. You can't listen to the jerks and such. Don't give them that power to bring you down. You are way better than that and deserve better.
Can You Be Happy
Definately happy on my own. I crack myself up regularly. But if I were in a relationship that was healthy and loving (wouldn't be in one if it wasn't) I would be in heaven.
I would give 100% and expect the same from the person I was with. I was in a relationship where I just gave only partial parts of me..it was more of a 40%. Let me tell you, it doesn't work and it hurt the woman I was with. She gave 100%. I won't make that mistake again. |
Soul mates...
This is in reply to Sweetestgirl11..I don't know how to do the quotey box thing. I am very much technically challenged. *sheepish grin* Caution is over-rated. Somethings are worth risking falling on your face or looking like a fool. I have concerns but if I met someone that made me think "hrmmmmmm could she be the one?" I would so throw caution to the wind. The worst that would happen..you hit the floor, get bruised up and look silly. On the bottom right of the statement box, click "quote" to have the person you wish to address statement appear I have fallen on my face many times, and I do not recommend it Score! Yay! Thanks! *happily looks at the quote box* I too have ended up faceplanted after taking a leap of faith. I took all those experiences as learning experiences and really laughed at myself, called myself a dork, picked myself up, dusted myself off and continued on my merry way. Still worth it to me. As people age we become less and less willing to take chances. We want romance but erect protective walls to prevent falling on our faces. Those who are older say the young are naive and get hurt easily. This is true but they, also, fall in love and experience romance so much easier and more often then those who are older and wiser. Our "older wisdom" develops walls that inhibit being open to love. We want romance but are unwilling to be vulnerable. I don't know if it is just the idea of getting hurt that stops the older generation from finding love. I think for the men; at least the ones I met its the financial scare. If you marry or now even if you live Common-law; you're partner is entitled to take half your stuff. Even is you suggest a pre-nup; that person will take it personally and probably won't stay with you. I also think there are a lot of users, scammers, and very dangerous people out there. When you are young and naive; you don't think much about the dangers of possibly meeting someone that could be psychotic and of course you don't think about the financial loss if your relationship breaks up or the person turns out to be a scammer. As we get older; we get wiser. I also think as we get older too; we aren't willing to put up with abuse or neglect as we know damn well, we can survive on our own. I am 37 so I dont know where I fall in the age spectrum for me personally though, I don't worry to much about the financial aspect of things because you start off on the dating thing, getting to know someone. If someone were to ask me about my financials on that date I would worry about them. If I reach the relationship do we/don't we stage that requires an ultimate leap I would think that I would know them ( I hope) enough to know if they were scammers, users or the not so nice kind of people. If I thought this person could be my soulmate then I would definately not be worried about the using aspect because I would be in the mindset..if this is my soulmate, she won't hurt me that way. Maybe that does open me up to being used..but I just can't jump to a negative about a person unless they give me reason to. |
Worst dates ever
I recall a story about the 'Worst First Date Ever.' The woman won it, hands down, everybody agreed. First date with a guy, they were driving home in a snowstorm. She had to 'go.' He pulled off the freeway to the side. It was a bad storm so he said, 'Stand right behind the car for privacy.' There were no other cars around. So she went behind the car, pulled her pants down, and in that act, deposited her bum on the trunk. Where she stuck. To the trunk lid. What to do... Finally she hollers at the guy, who gets out and comes back to where she is. Embarrassment fades to..need. There was simply no way to get her unstuck. Then enlightenment. He pees on her bum to detach it from the trunk lid. It worked. Worst date ever though :-) OMG!!! Wow!! That would so win the worst date ever..though being puked on rates up there too. |
super bowl or romantic nite
Oh, I see...Thanks ShannonMarie ![]() Maybe because I'm not a football enthusiast - although I did have a crush on Joe Montana and use to watch a lot of the 49ers games... but doesn't replay mean that it's not a live game? Or doesn’t that matter if it’s the last game of the season? Joe Montana was the best. I loved watching him play, even when he went to Kansas City. I also loved watching the Redskins back then with Theisman, Riggins, the Smurfs, Art Monk, Gary Clark, Daryl Green.. |
super bowl or romantic nite
I'm thinking it could be both. ![]() I have to agree. It could be both, just takes a bit of planning. On an OT side note. It really sucks that the Saints didnt make it to the Super Bowl. ![]() |
All Ya Need Is Love
"The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart."
Helen Keller |
love and relationship
is there a thing like being in love with someone who does nt trust u but they say they love u? No matter what u do they always feel like u are cheating on them. How can u make them understand that u love and there is no other third person in between? Unless they deal with their own insecurity, it is a recipe for disaster... I don't think there is anything you can say . I have to agree with Art and the others. This is not a healthy relationship. Walk away and know you made the right decision. |
All Ya Need Is Love
Ahh..I never knew that! That means it's akin to Agape right? ![]() Thanks for sharing! Light! Rose Quartz meaning is about love.... as it is a stone that epitomizes the vibration of love. Rose Quartz is also a stone whose powerful love will resonate to the whole body and heal all chakras. This has a powerful effect to aid your emotional healing... and helps heal relationship problems. The presence of this lovely pink love stone will send a soothing vibration throughout the room where it is located. (I use it by laying it directly on the heart and resting for a few minutes to heal the heart) It will bestow a peaceful and calming sensation that can assist in healing of the heart... by dissolving anger and resentment. This may be why this stone is symbolic of the energy of love, peace and calming energy. As all quartz crystals are profound amplifiers of energy, this stone will resonate out the love energy into its surrounds. Not only will it assist you with healing yourself but its energy may bring faith and hope to all in the vicinity. One of the facts about Rose Quartz Crystal that is very important is its effectiveness at healing personal relationships. Okay that post is just super. I am definately going to have to get some for my home..and maybe in a pendant...hrmmm... |