Community > Posts By > WisdomsChild
She has a seductive look.
X-box 360
That's how microsoftie does it! They rope you in to a system or software that isn't quite complete in the codes and patch later to get it on the market quick, same with the 360. and a lot of the games, look at all the current network issues, I'm just trying to get my Merc. on in COD4 and the rooms keep locking up! You don't pay for all that!
If you've already checked the device mngr., and granted you're logged on as the admin., you better check that sound card!
Naughty or Nice.....GUESS!
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Last to post wins! - part 15
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May all your resolutions come to fruition!
Sword Fighting
Well i know about the SCA, but its been awile. I believe they might know someone to teach ya kind Sir or try the Ren Fair if it comes around. thats as much help as i can be. Will |
Sword Fighting
Michigan Tai Chi Center, it's Yang Style but it's good to. More geared towards actual combat, Han Hoong Wang. I believe it's in Troy.
Sword Fighting
On gaurd!!! or is it- Tooshay? ![]() |
Sword Fighting
lol well I am stuck in Michigan so i doubt that but do you know of any places in MI that I might be able to check out? |
Sword Fighting
I have had an intrest in sword fighting since I was very young. I want to find people/start a group that is centered around learning how to sword fight. I have looked on the internet and most of the groups I have found are way to in depth for me. I am looking for some people who share a common intrest and want to have fun. So if anyone here is part of a group or wants to be or even has an interest in it lets talk. I also had the idea of just making you own style of fighting. I watch human weapon and on there they show you the basics of every martial art, and that might be used to encorperate into the ideas. Well I am rambling now so I will let everyone else talk too lol. |
"X-Files" anyone?
I like the way Scully thinks Maulder is crazy for always looking for a weird explanation and Maulder thinks Scully is crazy for always trying to find a rational explanation. ![]() Scully used to annoy the hell out of me. I know she was paired with Mulder to "balance him out" with his wild theories, but I always thought she was so close-minded. ![]() |
romantic ideas?
When she comes home from work have some Marvin Gaye playing softly in the back round. Take her shoes off and lead her to the bathroom where you already have the candles lit around the tub.(insert rose petals and aroma therapy in water) Massage her back as she lavishes in the hot water and bubbles. Bring her her robe and take her to the table,pull out her chair, and serve her the 5 course meal that you've prepared for her. Have a little wine, and it's on!
What is your sign?
LIBRAS are the hottest!! lol |
What is your sign?
"X-Files" anyone?
Moulder and Scully what!!! And the Smoking Man!!